

时间:2023-07-04 19:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

 职称英语考试综合类C级核心词汇(五)   beauty n. 美, 美丽, 美人(the -ties of nature/大自然的美; beauty contest/选美会;   because conj. 因为 (比较:because 引导从句,而 because of 引导名词性短语,如:I do it because I like it. /我做这件事是因为我喜欢; He eats because of greed, not hunger. 他不是因为饿了,而是因为贪嘴才吃的。);   become (became, become, becoming) v. 变为, 成为, 适合;   bed n. 床, (苗)床, (花)坛(make one's bed/整理床铺; go to bed/上床,上床睡觉; single [double] bed/单人[双人]床; lie in bed/躺在床上);   bedroom n. 卧室, 寝室;   bee n.蜜蜂, 忙碌的人;   beer n. 啤酒, 一份啤酒   before adv.在前, 以前; prep.在...之前; conj.在...之前 (the day before yesterday /前天 ); (before - ahead of – prior to在...之前)   begin: (began, begun, beginning) v.开始, 首先( begin to do sth./开始..; to begin with/首先;(begin – start开始)   beginner n. 初学者;   beginning n. 开始, 起点, 开端部分 adj. 初等的, 初级的( at the beginning/从一开始; at the beginning of/在...初; from beginning to end; in the beginning/当初, 开始时);   behalf n. 利益, 代表 (on behalf of/代表, 为了; on sb.'s behalf/以某人的名义, 代表某人);   behavior n.举止, 行为;   behind prep. 在…后面;向…后面;   being (be的现在分词)n. 存在, 存在物(a human being/人; for the time being/暂时, 目前);   belief (pl. beliefs) n. (宗教)信仰, 信心, 信条(have a strong belief in sth. /虔诚地信仰..);   believe v. 相信, 信任(believe sb. /信任某人; believe in/信仰, 信任; believe it or not/信不信由你);   belong v. 属于(to) (belong to/属于);   below prep. 在…的下面, 低于… adv. 在较低处, 在下面   beneath adv.在...之下prep.在...之下, 紧靠着..的底下; (beneath– below – under prep. 在…的下面)   (B级)beneficial adj. 有利[益]的(to), 受益的(be beneficial to/ 有益于); (beneficial - profitable有利[益]的)   benefit n.利益, 好处(benefit - profit利益), v.有益于, 有助于, (常与from, by连用)获益;得益于(for the benefit of/为了...的好处);   beside prep.在…旁边(beside the point/离题; beside oneself/几乎发狂); (beside – near在…的近旁)   besides prep. 除…以外adv. 此外, 而且(besides – in addition此外, 而且) ( besides 和except 都含“除...外”的意思。besides指“除...外, 另外还有”, 着重“另外还有”, 如:I have five other books besides this.除这本以外, 我还有五本别的书。except的含意是“从整体里减去一部分”, 着重于“排除在外”, 如:We all went there except Xiao Li.除了小李以外, 我们都到那儿去 )   best (good 的级; well 的级) adj.的adv.地,n 的东西(try/do one's best to do sth./尽的努力做..; the best and the worst的和最差的; make the best of/ 尽量利用; at best/至多)

