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“English textbook, 5 yuan. Electric fan, 10 yuan.” College campuses will be turned into flea markets during graduation. Graduates-to-be set up stands to bargain away those belongings which are difficult to carry back home or to their rented houses. But every student has something which is labeled “Not For Sale”, even though it’s heavy to carry or it takes up space. The “Not For Sale” belongings carry students’ precious memories of campus life.来源:考试大考试大成就你的梦想   “英语课本5元。电风扇10元。”每年的毕业季,大学校园都会变身成跳蚤市场,即将离校的毕业生们摆起地摊,低价出售那些无法搬回家里或租住地的个人物品。但每位同学都有一些标有“非卖品”的东西,尽管它们难以携带,或很占空间。但这些非卖品装载了他们校园生活的珍贵回忆。   Xu Jingxi, 21st Century staff, talked to three graduates-to-be. They shared the stories behind their “Not For Sale” belongings.   来自《二十一世纪英文报》的许靖烯采访了三位即将走出校门的毕业生,并分享了他们各自的“非卖品”背后的故事。   Yu Cong, 22, engineering, Tianjin University of Science and Technology   于聪(音译),22岁,毕业于天津科技大学工程技术专业。   I have a treasure box containing all the items I made by hand in class, including a radio and voltmeter.   我有一个百宝箱,装满了自己在课堂上手工制作的物件,比如收音机和电压表。   Textbooks of theory, instruction handouts and experiment reports have been either sold or given to students in lower grades. But this treasure box is definitely “Not For Sale”. It’s proof that I have acquired knowledge and skills and am able to put them into practical use.   那些理论课本、讲义教材和实验报告有些卖了,有些送给了低年级同学。但是这个百宝箱绝对是“非卖品”,它是我所掌握的知识和技能的证明,也是我学以致用的证明。   As an engineering student, it was more exciting and satisfying when my radio received FM signals than when I got all the answers right in paper tests. I had spent days and nights in labs and dorms putting all the tiny radio parts together.   作为一名工程技术专业的学生来说,与测验拿满分相比,自己动手制作的收音机能收到调频信号更令人兴奋和满足。我曾经不分昼夜地埋头于实验室和寝室组装收音机的微型零件。   Another “Not For Sale” item is my pile of China Daily newspapers. It’s not just a symbol of my English study, but also a symbol of a broadened horizon.   另一件“非卖品”是我的那叠《中国日报》,它不仅是我学习英语的象征,也是我开阔视野的见证。   I have come from my small hometown city Jingdezhen, where you cannot see China Daily on newspaper stands, to metropolitan Tianjin.   我来自景德镇这个小城镇,不像在大城市天津,那里的书报摊买不到《中国日报》。   Like many other students, my eyes have been open during my college years. I met peers from all over the country, and I volunteered at the Davos forum.   像其他许多同学一样,大学时光开阔了我的视野,我遇见了来自全国各地的朋友,还在达沃斯论坛做过志愿者。   Du Mengzhen, 22, English, Hunan University   杜梦珍(音译),22岁,毕业于湖南大学英语专业。   While many college students complain about boring dorm life, I may miss it most after graduation. My friendship with roommates added spice to dorm life.   也许很多大学生会抱怨无聊的寝室生活,但这或许是我毕业后最怀念的。我和室友们的情谊为宿舍生活增添了乐趣。   I have a pile of notebooks which are “Not For Sale”. They are not notes I took in class, but beauty tips that I worked out with my roommates.   我的“非卖品”是一摞笔记本。这并不是我在课堂上做的笔记,而是我和室友们共同写就的美丽秘笈。   Whether the tips are helpful or not, I can’t help smiling when think of the scenes behind them. It was fun when we mixed yogurt and fruit to make our personal brand of face masks.   不管这些秘笈是否有用,但只要我回忆起当时的场景就会情不自禁笑出来。当时,我们把酸奶和水果混合后,制成了自创牌面膜,那真是太有趣了。   We also bought two big cane armchairs. In the hot summer, we would turn on electric fans and enjoy relaxing moments in the chairs.   我们还买了两张大藤椅,每当盛夏来临,我们便会打开电扇,躺在椅子上休息。   Besides an electric fan, a folding desk for use in bed is also essential for dorm life. During exams, we took turns to buy meals for our fellow roommates. Those who were not on duty could remain in bed and study all day with their books propped up on their folding desk.   除了电风扇,床上折叠桌也是必不可少的寝室生活用品。考试期间,我们轮流给室友带饭,没轮到的同学就可以整天待在床上,伏在折叠桌复习看书了。   It’s a pity that I cannot carry my armchair and desk back home. When I sold them, I told the buyers they were symbols of my happy dorm life.   可惜的是,我不能把藤椅和折叠桌带回家。当我把它们卖了的时候,我还告诉买家这些都是我快乐的宿舍生活的象征。   Liu Sixia, 22, business, Beijing Foreign Studies University   刘思霞(音译),22岁,毕业于北京外国语大学商务专业。考试大论坛   My “Not For Sale” items are the posters I made for my class and school clubs. And piles of books remind me of an unforgettable trip before graduation.   我的“非卖品”是我为班级和学校社团制作的一些海报,以及让我回忆起难忘的毕业旅行的书本。   They remind me of my freedom to pursue my hobbies during college years, which may be difficult to do after I enter the workplace.   它们让我想起自己能在大学里自由追求个人喜好,而一旦步入工作岗位后,这些恐怕就很难实现了。   Making posters was more than having fun. It deepened my friendship with my peers in class and in school clubs.   制作海报不仅仅只是有趣,这也加深了我与同班同学以及社团朋友之间的友谊。   My favorite poster is the one I made for my class. I took photos of all my classmates and talked to some of them for the first time.   我最喜欢的海报是我为班级制作的那张。当时我给所有同学拍了照片,还第一次和其中一些同学说了话。   I enjoyed reading books about volunteering and travel and I dreamed of going to the places mentioned in the books.   我还喜欢阅读有关志愿服务和旅行的书籍,我梦想自己能走遍书中提到过的地方。   Before getting caught up in a full-time job, I realized my dream by taking a trip to India in April. My experience as a volunteer provided life-long lessons.   在工作缠身之前,今年四月我实现了印度之旅的梦想。作为一名志愿者的经历让我受益终身。

