

时间:2023-02-24 10:00:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Audra Lowe: Oh Valentine’s Day is just around the corner so it’s time to start thinking about what to get the men in our lives. Everybody’s focus is on the women, the guy’s need gifts too. Life Style Expert Mina-Jacqueline Au is here. She’s got some great gift ideas to show a little token of affection to our men. And since it’s—week, Mina might just save all you guys some time and actually help you blend some of the items there on the table today have them delivered right to your front door right?   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Exactly!   Audra Lowe: It’s a good way to go. Welcome back.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Thank you   Audra Lowe: In talking about the gifts for the guys, we have to kind of strategize a little bit.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Right. We can’t get them handbags and shoes.   Audra Lowe: I know. It’s not going to work.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Which is not really going to work right.   Audra Lowe: One of the first gifts you have over here is for the guy that loves a good bar.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Right. A guy that loves some good bar, why not recreate it at home? Have a night. Invite all the guys over Sunday night for football and have your own bar. You have a Beer Tender here by Krups and you might get some tip out of it.   It’s Valentine’s Day. You can’t get away from chocolates. So—which is known for the exotic ingredients have made this Bacon and Chocolate gift set which has toffee and dark chocolate, milk chocolate. It’s fantastic. It also comes with a little pancake mix. It’s just really yummy and it’s a mix of blend that you don’t see anywhere else.来源:www.examda.com   Audra Lowe: Just when you think chocolate can’t get any better, actually try some of that. It’s ridiculous. It’s so good. It’s so good. Now, this particular gift here is for the man who’s on the road or maybe on the road a lot at night.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Right! Right! The reason why I chose this and this looks kind of cliché or normal. But New Year’s Eve, we were stranded my husband and I in the middle of no where with a flat tire and the—system’s. Yeah, they said it was like two and a half hours and we had nothing. So, that kind of showed me something that this is really important to have.   Audra Lowe: And here’s the question Mina. Once they got this gift, do they kind of know what to do with it?   Mina-Jacqueline Au: That’s true.   Audra Lowe: So, the instruction’s inside too right? Oka,y now let’s say he’s stressed out, he’s worried about your boy coming to pick him out. The stressed out guy, this is a great gift for them.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: That’s great gifts. Sparty is actually a mobile spa company where you’re not actually going to spa because some guys get intimidated putting them in a spa environment. Have them come your home, give him massage or better yet have another coupon and do double date night. Set up orders and have a spa in you own home. And this way you’re not taking the guy out of their element.   Audra Lowe: I like it and you said here that you can even request this for Valentine’s Day private at home certificates and goody bags too.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Right and it comes with great goody bags. I mean they’re really great.   Audra Lowe: I think that would be more for me than the husband but that’s okay.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Well, you’re not supposed to say that part.   Audra Lowe: Now, this next gift over here is for the foody.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Yes, for the foody. This is a company that makes fantastic steak. It’s actually a supplier to many of the great steak houses that we know out there like Mortons and things like that. So, why not give him a steak subscription or get him a fantastic dinner that would have cost you $600.00 if you were to go somewhere nice and fancy. Then do it at home.   Audra Lowe: Okay and last but not the least, you and I are going to learn a lot about gifts. This is for the dad to be. What makes this gift so spectacular?   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Spectacular because you can not have a camcorder. And this is under a $100.00.   Audra Lowe: Not bad.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: Not bad at all.   Audra Lowe: You know there are places where he cannot use that camcorder. It will be the delivery room. Are you okay with it?   Mina-Jacqueline Au: I don’t know.   Audra Lowe: The jury is still out on that one. Well, that’s great. So, you guys again can win quite a few of the prizes that are on this table here. Thank you for bringing them Mina.   Mina-Jacqueline Au: No problem, my pleasure.   Audra Lowe: And if you want to be one of the few lucky winners to receive some amazing gifts that will be sure to make the sparks fly this Valentine’s Day. Look for the story on BetterTv.com and then go to the click to win button. All of the informations will be there. Good luck.

