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【#英语资源# 导语】父爱如火,他为我照明道路;父爱如火,他为我指示道路;父爱如火,他为我送来温暖;父爱如火,他为我燃烧岁月。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  On the way to Harbin,I felt so sick in the train.When I woke up at midnight,I found my Dad sitting by me with tired eyes.At this very moment,I felt deeply that my Dad was becoming older.Looking at his eyes,I burst into tears. I really wondered how he felt when he returned home,just in the same train,taking 36hours for the long journey.Later on,I called him and asked this question.He just said:"It doesnt matter.All of you have done a good job.As your father,I am so proud."

  The love between family members is precious only when we are parted,maybe.The love between my father and me is clearer,only

  when it is conducted by a three-thousand-kilometre-long phone line,and only then the bad time when we had some argument between us. These past few years,I felt regret for not understanding my Dad for so long.If only I were a good boy!M y Dad didnt demand that I should be very good at studying,never.He just hoped that I could live creatively.In my life,he sets a good example for me and teaches me how to study,how to be a good man and how to live in the world!

  This is a very well-structured and reflective account of the relationship between a young man and his father.It has few mistakes in word order. But the simple style suits the subject.There is good use of detail in small incidents such as the father carrying the boy on his shoulders and the train journey.


  Father's love is a mountain that turns into a fire of life, a fire that turns into a lamp of hope, a lamp that illuminates the way forward, and a road that leads my life.

  Today, it was stormy and I took the bus home. When the bus was about to arrive, I suddenly saw a person in the window.

  Standing in the storm with an umbrella, I could not help blocking the windy coat with my hands. When the bus arrived, I saw that the man was my father.

  When I got out of the car, my father stopped blocking the windy coat with his hands and walked towards me quickly. My father could not feel that his blue sweater was wet through. At that time, I felt that what was coming to me was not my father, but my father's fiery heart, which warmed me in this cold winter.

  I didn't know why my father's straight backbone was bent, why his handsome face was haggard, why his dark hair was pale, without moonlight and street lamps, that was his white hair, one by one. My father walked in front of me and pulled my hand and let me put on his coat.

  My father took my hand to warm it, but it was a big cold hand that I pulled. My father seemed to feel that he had thrown my hand away and said that it was too cold. I grabbed my father's hand.

  I understood why my father's straight spine was bent, why his handsome face was haggard, and why his dark hair was pale. It was for me.

  My father used aging to make mountains, fire and roads, leading my life.

  The ladder of a father's love life!


  In our daily life, our father will protect us by our side, so that we can live happily and safely every day.

  I remember once, my father and mother went to play badminton. At first, everything was peaceful. While playing, I tried my best to catch the spike from my mother because I wanted to catch it. I caught it and hit it back, but I fell down. It was a big fall. Because I am wearing short sleeved clothes, so my arms are broken. My father and mother are very distressed when they see my injury. I am the "priceless treasure" of my parents! My father helped me to get on the bus and go home to heal my wounds. On the way, my father went too fast and came home. My father quickly took medicine to cure my wound. I thought: My wound will not hurt after a while, but my father protected me like this. My eyes were full of tears.

  There was another event that I still remember, and this event moved me. The reason is that I have a wound on my foot, and the medicine at home is not good, so my parents are worried about it. That afternoon, the injury on my foot suddenly broke out, and I felt extremely uncomfortable. My father saw me, asked the leader for leave, and drove me to the hospital. My father bought all the medicine for feet, and after taking it back, he got better. I was moved by my father because he was so tired from a master's work.

  Some people say that maternal love is greater than paternal love, but I think that maternal love is as great as paternal love.


  It is said that father's love is like a mountain. I finally realized it when I learned to ride a bike.

  One sunny afternoon, my father and I were walking in the Civic Square. A burst of happy laughter attracted my attention. Oh, it was my good friends who were riding bikes in the square. I ran to them and watched them ride bikes skillfully. I was very envious.

  Ye met me and said happily: Yang Daiang, come and join us! I had never ridden a bicycle before, so I shook my head timidly. Dad smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. I'll teach you!"!

  Encouraged by my father, I rode a bike. But the bike was very difficult to control in my hands, and I fell off as soon as I got on it. It takes courage to ride a bike. You should look at the distance. I will protect you from behind. Dad said patiently. After listening to my father's words, I had more courage and stepped on the pedal vigorously and rushed forward. At this moment, I overcame the fear of cycling. It was so simple! I like a happy bird, running freely on the square. Suddenly, a car flew out of the corner. In order to avoid the car, I tried hard to turn to the outside slope. No, I would fall off the slope. At this critical moment, my father stood in front of me with a lunge. It was a false alarm. But Dad's foot was hurt.

  Now I finally understand: Father's love is always around me, but I have no time to realize it with my heart!


  When I was young, I always thought that father was just a common term, and I didn't understand his difficulties until I grew up.

  Remember, every time my birthday, you always give me a gift, although the gift is always some school supplies or a composition book, famous. But I have never given you a gift, and sometimes I don't even remember your birthday.

  Remember, every time you come home, you are always sweaty, always stretched on the sofa with bare arms, and whenever you see me, you pretend to be relaxed and talk to me about my recent learning. But I don't want to, I don't want me to work hard at school, but when I get home, I just say, "You have to work hard!"

  Remember, I don't know when I will show you all my favorite works, such as composition, painting, etc., because I want to get your praise, but what I get is not praise, but more is some deficiencies that need to be corrected. At the beginning, I don't know why you are always dissatisfied with me? Later, when I grew up, I thought a lot and knew that you did it for my own good, so I actually loved your nagging and criticism!

  Father! Thank you for everything you've done. You've always tried your best to leave the best for me! Thank you for your guidance and criticism!

  Don't worry! Your daughter has grown up!


  I didn't remember him before I was 3 years old, but his image was completely blurred before I was 6 years old.

  He went to Hebei to study at a university soon after I was born, and the money for his study was saved by his mother in a rural primary school with a salary of two to three hundred yuan a month as a substitute

  I grew up with my mother, and my feelings for him are as thin as air. When I was 7 years old, my mother was ill, and my father hurried home with tears and tears. He promised his mother that he would never leave us again. But after his mother got well, he went to Pu'an again, leaving me and my mother dozens of kilometers away in Housu.

  Until that year, when my mother and I came to Pu'an, a friend accidentally knew who my father was. At that time, he laughed and said, "You are his daughter, which is nothing like it." I asked, "Why not?" The friend thought for a long time and then said hesitantly, "Your father works hard and writes very good articles." After listening to her words, I was curious about my father. What was he like when he worked? So, I secretly ran to his place of work - Pu'an County Radio and Television Station.

  On the third floor, I saw him. Everyone in the office has gone, but he is still revising articles in front of the computer and rubbing his eyes with his hands from time to time. It turned out that my father's attitude towards work was so serious, and his myopia must be caused by long time's hard work. I suddenly understood the meaning of the students' reticence.

  When I was 9 years old, I began to understand him gradually: he was away all the year round, just for my study; He worked so hard for me, his daughter.

  This "late" father's love, I will definitely cherish.


  Father's love is like an endless sea, like a cup of good wine, which makes people aftertaste endlessly, like an endless mountain, ups and downs. My parents divorced when I was very young, so I stayed with my uncle. He cared about me very much. I transferred from the first grade to the fifth grade now. In the past five years, my uncle treated me like his own daughter and cared about me meticulously. He is my father, my dearest father. When I encounter problems, he always patiently explains the topic for me; When I met with difficulties, he told me not to fall down because of difficulties, but to persevere. When I fell down while learning to ride a bicycle, he kept silent and did not look at me, so I had to get up by myself. It was he who made me understand that I should learn to stand on my own feet from where I fell; At the weekend, he sacrificed his rest time to send me to play erhu and learn English on time; When I was sad, he would pat me on the shoulder, draw pictures for me, tell me jokes to comfort me and make me laugh through tears; When he encounters something new, he always takes me with him to observe it; After I have written my composition, he will always seriously revise it; When I am working, I always experience the fun of working personally... In daily life, we are close friends who understand each other's mind. In the past five years, I have something I would like to say to my uncle; "Uncle, you are my most beloved father. I love you!"



  The world is not lack of love, but the lack of a moment to experience the heart of love. Motherly love is like water, watering my dry heart, like a torch, warming my cold heart; Father's love is like a mountain, waiting for us to climb unremittingly, like a wave, waiting for us to fight bravely!

  Every time I have a holiday, my mother always doesn't let me play computer games, and I'm always unhappy. I thought to myself: It's not easy to have a holiday. Why don't I play computer games? I didn't do anything wrong and didn't annoy her. Why? So I always asked my mother, "Why don't you let me play computer?" Mom always said, "I'm not letting you play because I'm doing it for you. Your eyes are 100 degrees now, and if you play again, it will be deeper. You can play later!" I was very unhappy at that time, and I didn't understand why my mother did it, but now I understand that it was my mother's deep love for me!

  My mother always comforts me when I come home with a bad test paper, but my father is different. As long as I am in the last ranking, I will scold me, and I cry loudly every time, Finally, my father always said reluctantly: "Forget it. I won't waste time with you. I will find the reason for my mistakes and try to do well in the next exam... Every time after a tornado, I feel wronged and regret that I did so badly in the exam. I feel sorry for myself and make my father angry. Sadly, I know that my father loves me and cares about my performance, but I will only beat and scold me to vent my hatred for iron and steel, instead of encouraging and comforting me.

  Mother's love is like water, father's love is like a mountain. The love of parents cannot be expressed in words, but it is understood by heart. Some love is caring, some love is criticism, and some love is encouragement. Every parent loves their children, but they love us in different ways.


  My father has been driving me in the wind and rain with his own bicycle for a long time. There is always a distance between the cushion and the back seat of a bicycle. That distance is full of heavy fatherly love.

  My mother told me that when I was young, I always competed with my father for the space of that bike. But now when I grow up, my father doesn't talk to me, only my mother speaks to me. I know my father can't leave at work, but my father won't come back early for dinner. My heart is aching. Dad, I hope you can always be with me.

  Dad, don't worry about your body. Take good care of yourself. We will love you. But my mother said that you have lost a lot of weight, and I will help you earn money in the future, and will make you well. I'm worried that you will have that body, so I'm worried.

  I saw my father's back today - so weak, so thin! My mother was worried about him. I couldn't help crying. At this time, I wanted my father to sit back, but he didn't need it. He was so thin!

  My idea was too late... But I said softly: "Dad, sit back. There is a seat in the back." At this time, the breeze blew and wet my eyes. At this time, I saw my father smiling. I think he must understand that his daughter is reading father's love with her own heart.

  I love my father. I want to sing the song "Father" for him.


  When I was very young, my family lived in a small high-rise. There was no elevator. I had to climb several floors. I couldn't move. So my father carried me upstairs.

  When I went upstairs, I was comfortably lying on my father's back. My big round eyes looked curiously at the things around me and yawned from time to time. Beans of sweat slid across my father's face. The sweat soaked his clothes and I gasped. I was young at that time, and I didn't know my father's hardships. I just saw that his face and hair were full of rain or sweat. I was always curious to help him wipe the water off his forehead, and he looked at me and smiled happily.

  When I was young, my parents always liked to take me to climb mountains. Rather than climbing mountains, it was my father who carried me on his back to climb mountains that seemed as high as the sun step by step. When I was sleeping soundly on his back, he was struggling under the scorching sun. When he couldn't walk, he looked back at me and continued to climb the mountain. At that time, I knew that the mountain road had no end, just like his love for me.

  Today, I still remember the comfort and enjoyment of sleeping soundly on his shoulder, and the way he carried me up the stairs. I know that on his shoulder, I am sleeping soundly, and I am also the father's love.
