

时间:2022-04-26 01:24:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】每年的五月一日是劳动节,每一个劳动者都是可敬的,劳动节是属于他们的节日,是全世界向他们庆贺的节日。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  "May Day" is labor day, and the holiday of "May Day" is very long. We can do whatever we want! I saw a lot of things on May Day. "May Day" is unforgettable to me.

  On the second night of May Day, our family went to all kinds of XX square and prosperous and beautiful XX mall.

  There are countless games in XX square. My eyes are so busy that I don't know which place to look at. The citizen's square has: breathtaking "360 degree rotation", exciting "roller coaster", fun "water bumper boat" and dizzy "plane rotation"... Look! With so many fun, this is really a square with a variety of patterns

  The goods in XX mall are all kinds and colorful. On the first floor, there are colorful fashionable women's shoes; on the second floor, there are all kinds of food and colorful "flowers": on the third floor, there are household appliances; on the fourth floor, there are fashionable clothes; on the fifth floor, there are sportswear; on the sixth floor, there are bedding. I saw colorful leather women's shoes, beautiful flowers, food without packaging, high-tech electrical appliances, beautiful clothes, soft sportswear and comfortable quilt.

  "May Day" is an unforgettable festival for me, which makes me see a lot of things. "May Day" however, I have seen a lot and know more and more. "Five one" makes me unforgettable!


  On May Day, something new happened. I went to see grandma's ewe. When I got to grandma's house, I went straight to the sheepfold, ah! The ewe had just given birth to two lambs. A lamb got out of the ewe and fell accidentally, but it was not afraid. After standing up, it snuggled under its mother. This is really a strong one. Brave lamb!

  I watched the lamb carefully. The newborn lamb's eyes had opened and looked at me curiously. The hair on his body was still wet. It was really fresh. After a while, grandma took some green plants to feed the ewe. One of them looked like a bamboo shoot, and I didn't seem to have seen the other. I asked curiously, "grandma, is this a bamboo shoot? And what kind of plant is this? I don't seem to have seen it." grandma said, "yes, this is a bamboo shoot and another is dried beans." Oh, I like dried beans and sheep! This is so fresh.

     I picked up the bamboo shoot and put it in front of the ewe. The ewe pulled the bamboo shoot from my hand and bit it in her mouth. Her teeth were grinding up and down alternately, making a "squeaking" sound. When she finished eating, she also shouted "Baa Baa" gratefully. When she heard the ewe barking, the two lambs also shouted "Baa Baa...". It sounds great. It looks like a concert is going on. I continued to feed the ewe with dried beans and bamboo shoots. Soon, it ate the bamboo shoots and dried beans and smacked its mouth, as if it was aftertaste the delicious taste of dried beans and bamboo shoots, I thought to myself, "the plant lambs didn't eat a mouthful just now. Can't the lambs eat plants without teeth? And what's their gender?" I asked my grandmother again with my head full of doubts. My grandmother replied to me: "they are a male and a female respectively. Although the newborn lambs have teeth, they can't bite grass and can only drink sheep's milk." Then I asked, "when can they eat grass?" Grandma smiled and said, "they can't eat until twenty days." Oh, I see. It's so fresh.

  This is what happened to me on May Day. Is it very new!


  Time flies, and in the twinkling of an eye, may day is the common festival of the working people all over the world. May day is specially set up for the working people, because without the working people, there will be no prosperous and information-based world.

  Of course, the earliest origin of labor day came from the United States. On May 1, 1886, more than 200000 workers in Chicago held a general strike and demanded an 8-hour working system. Through their efforts, they finally succeeded. In order to commemorate the victory of this struggle, in 2018, Engels convened all workers to hold the second international conference, and finally determined that may 1 of each year was international labor day to commemorate their victory.

  The working people have existed since ancient times. As far as China is concerned, if we want to be in the distant Qin Dynasty, we can't help but praise this great and ancient Chinese civilization. In the long years of more than 2000 years, the Great Wall is like a giant dragon, leaving amazing remains of artificial buildings on the earth. It contains rich ideological and cultural connotation and condenses the hard-working and brave wisdom of the ancient Chinese working people, Without the hard work and sweat of the 300000 working people, how could we leave this symbol of the spirit of civilization? But in today's society, there is still a rich and colorful life without the efforts of teachers, workers and farmers? Here, I wish the working people all over the world a happy holiday and good health.


  On May Day, we had a big cleaning at home. My mother has to mop the floor, sweep the floor and clean the windows... I think: my mother will be tired. Why don't I help my mother with some housework.

  So I said to my mother, "Mom, let me help mop the floor." Mother said happily, "OK."

  I first put water in the pool, then carefully put the mop in to soak, and then wring it dry. I held the mop and dragged it around on the ground, again and again, but I couldn't clean it.

  I angrily asked my mother, "why can't you always clean it? Is that garbage against me?"

  Mom came over and looked at the ground like Xiaohualian, smiled and said, "your method is wrong." So my mother took the mop in my hand and began to demonstrate. She dragged a small piece of land, washed the mop in the water, wrung it dry, and then dragged it again. This is a good way! I said in surprise; "It's a mop problem!" I dragged and washed it according to my mother's method. As expected, it was very effective. The little flower face on the ground disappeared.

  After the ground was towed, the home was clean and clean, like a new home. I was very happy. It turns out that labor is also a very happy thing! I love labor!


  For our students, no matter how long the holiday is, it will be "blessing". Absolutely no one will mention the word "disaster". Workers and other professions are no exception, but why do I mention the word "disaster" here?

  The May Day holiday is a blessing for people who rest at home, but a disaster for people who travel. So why? The answer is only two words, that is "many people". Take a news story on TV. The gang palace is full of people, as if it were an ocean of people. Everyone is next to each other. No matter how crowded it is, some people are injured. Some people come all the way to Beijing, but they don't pay much attention to the Forbidden City. What a waste of money!

  Look at the picture of the Great Wall. There are a sea of people. It seems that those people are pushing desperately, squeezing the place next to the crenel. I think with so many people pushing the Great Wall, how long can our ancient Great Wall last and not fall down? Be careful!

  The environment in the mall is also similar to that of the great wall and the Forbidden City. There were so many people waiting in line to pay the bill that many waited for hours to arrive. Some people were impatient and left the goods for the May Day holiday. The cashier staff were on holiday. The rest were too busy. Ah, what a disaster!

  But everything is a blessing as well as a curse. Those who rest at home don't have to go to places to travel and push others. It doesn't take much effort, money or effort at home.

  I'm not saying it's bad to have a holiday, nor is it bad to travel. I mean, we should appropriately choose some tourist destinations with relatively few people to enjoy life. Instead of going to some places of interest. This is both laborious and expensive.

  Finally, I make two points clear. If you listen to my advice, the May Day holiday is a blessing, otherwise it is a disaster!


  The long-awaited "May Day" International Labor Day has finally come.

  Early in the morning, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. Because of this small and long holiday, our family will go to grandma's house, so that I can have fun again. Along the way, I didn't want to enjoy the beautiful scenery of beautiful mountains and rivers and red flowers and willows. I just wanted to fly to grandma's house quickly. When the car stopped at the gate of grandma's yard, I saw many people picking tea in the tea garden through the window. Oh, it turns out that spring is also the tea harvest season!

  The tea garden is green and close to each other. It looks like a green carpet from a distance. A breeze blows and a faint fragrance is refreshing and intoxicating. The laughter of tea pickers comes from time to time in the tea garden.

  When I got out of the car, I asked my cousin to teach me how to pick tea. We came to the tea garden with a small basket. WOW! How fresh and clean the air here is! I can only see the tender green buds dancing in the wind like a flower fairy. It's really beautiful!

  At this time, my cousin solemnly demonstrated and said, "first, when picking tea, you should pick it gently with your fingers, and you can't pull it hard; second, you can't pick tea big, you can only pick two leaves as one." After reading the method taught by my cousin, I couldn't wait to pick it. Because this was the first time to pick tea, I was very interested. After a while, I picked many. Looking at the fruits of my labor, I felt happy. Tired of picking, I still play hide and seek with my cousin in the tea garden. Don't mention how happy it is!

  This "May Day", I not only learned to pick tea, but also enjoyed the joy and harvest brought by this beautiful tea garden.


  Our family got up early on the first day of the holiday.

  Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected situation on the road. As soon as we got on the highway, we began to get stuck in traffic. You know, many cars came out to play today. We found several traffic accidents along the way. The most terrible one was a series of traffic accidents, and the covers of several cars in the middle were folded in half.

  But every time there was a traffic jam, we could go again after a while. But why didn't we go for so long this time? Many drivers got off the bus, and we came down. My uncle took us all to the railing! Later, I learned that an oil tanker leaked oil, which was a major traffic accident. There's no way. We have to take the national highway to bypass.

  It took more than seven hours to reach the estuary of the Yellow River. The grassland here is endless and desolate. My mother said that grandma came here to be a teacher for four months. At that time, people burned grass to cook.

  Since it was more than three o'clock, we came to a small pavilion on Bird Island and wanted to have lunch. The microwave in the lake was sparkling. We took two group photos with the birds in the lake from time to time and fed the fish from time to time. It was very comfortable. After dinner, we walked along the road in the lake. My sister held a large bag of potato chips and ate potato chips while making trouble with my aunt. What about me? I picked some tender reed leaves from the lake and enjoyed the beautiful scenery while playing. At this time, I heard my grandfather's voice. It turned out that my grandfather had already climbed up a pavilion and greeted us. I also rushed over, climbed the upper floor and shouted to Xinxin, who was far behind, "Hello! You've worked hard!" Seeing my proud look, my sister hurried over, and my uncle took a picture of us.

  Then we went to a very beautiful and magical place. Do you want to know where it is?


  On labor day, I helped my mother work at home and experienced the hardships and fun brought by labor.

  When I got up in the morning, my mother assigned me tasks, such as sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, cleaning the TV, cleaning the table... And so on. The mother said, "all of your children are spoiled and have no ability to take care of themselves. Today's may day brings you a good taste of the hard life before. You can't clean up. How can you get a foothold in society in the future? The long march of the Red Army was much more difficult than you." I thought to myself: Yes, I can't give in. So I began to sweep the floor. Unexpectedly, my room was so messy and the floor was so dirty that I began to feel tired before sweeping. But thinking of the difficulties of the Red Army in those years, these are nothing. So I worked hard and swept the floor clean in a few minutes. Then I brought a mop and dragged the ground clean, as if it could be used as a mirror. Then I wiped the TV and desk clean. When I stopped, I felt backache, which made me think that my mother must have been more tired than me when she worked. But at that time, my mother's clean room turned into a monkey's nest as soon as I went in. When I think of it now, I really feel a little naughty and make my mother sad.

  Through this labor, I understand how hard my mother used to be. In the future, I will not let my mother be so tired. I will help my mother do more housework. I also get happiness from my work. When I see my work in exchange for a clean and tidy room, it's really beautiful! It's really "labor creates beauty"!

  Here, I would like to express my deep respect to the workers working in various posts! You are so hard! I wish you a happy Labor Day!


  From the beginning of the new year to now, workers who have been busy for several months can finally have a good rest today—— Today is the national holiday - "May Day".

  Yes, workers who work hard should have a holiday to relax themselves! However, our students have a holiday on May Day! Maybe the country realizes that our students should also relax when reading! But as students, should we have a real and meaningful "May Day"?

  Someone said: "our students are really hard-working. They spend all day reading, doing homework and taking exams... It's too stressful!" Yes, we students really have a lot of pressure, and it's hard to read with our brain! However, compared with the labors who work hard in society, go out early and return late, and work in blood and sweat, what are we?

  Our parents work hard for our family and for us as children to live better! As children, do we find that our parents have added a trace of white hair? Do you find that there are a few more wrinkles on your parents' faces? Do you find your parents' hands rough again? Yes, our parents are getting older. They are no longer young! However, we, as children, are behind all this!

  Today is may day. As children, did we say to our parents, "Dad, mom, happy may day, you've worked hard!" Does it really make it easy for parents to celebrate Labor Day? Did you really help your parents with the housework? Did you cook a meal for your parents

  If you, as a child, haven't done it yet, please do it quickly!

  Not only do you have to treat your parents like that, but also help the hard-working people around you! Even if there is only one "happy May Day!"

  Let's all have a meaningful may day!


  On May Day, I went back to my hometown with my parents. On both sides of the road, trees are shaded, and scattered wild flowers are so dazzling and bright. We couldn't help singing, and the birds sang with us.

  When I got home, my parents watched TV and I asked my friends to play. After playing for a while, I thought it was boring, so I went to the field to play with grandma. When I came to the field, I saw that some vegetable seedlings were about to be cooked by the sun, so I decided to save the seedlings - water the seedlings and let them have a good drink!

  I found a bucket full of water and asked my mother to help me carry it to the ground. I also used a small bowl as a ladle. Seeing that I was so serious, my mother said, "son, I'll water with you." I said, "OK." We began to work. I first scooped up water from the bucket with a small bowl, and then poured it gently to the root of the seedling. The water soon seeped out. I asked my mother in confusion: "Mom, why did the water I just poured disappear?" My mother told me, "because it hasn't rained for a long time, hemiao is thirsty. They are just like you. When they are thirsty, they want to have a full drink at one time." After listening to my mother's words, I poured a bowl of water for Xiaomiao. Xiaomiao was full. The leaves were fresh and shiny in the sun.

  The sun scorched the earth. My mother and I were so tired that we were sweating and out of breath. Mother said, "son, let's have a rest. It's too tired." I said, "no, today is labor day, so I should take good exercise. Besides, you often teach me that I can't give up halfway, so I should stick to it." Mother had no choice but to accompany me to water the seedlings.

  After a while, I was too tired to complain. I said, "Mom, have a rest." Unexpectedly, my mother agreed with both hands and said loudly, "I agree!" We sat in the shade of a tree to enjoy the cool, a breeze blowing, so comfortable! Xiaomiao is also dancing gently, as if to say to me, "thank you, child."

  Unknowingly, it was dusk. We returned home. I said, "although I am very tired today, it is very interesting, because I realized the hard work of farmers' uncle in farming and the joy of labor!"

