

时间:2022-04-28 12:18:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】请把学习放一放,告别疲惫;请出门转一转,放松心情;请四处逛一逛,丢掉烦恼;请两耳听一听,画眉欢叫。五一节到了,祝你快乐逍遥!以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Today is the annual "May Day" and a good day for everyone to play. My mother and I are going to visit Qingyun Mountain in Anqiu.

  My mother and I came to Qingyun Mountain early. There are so many people today. A sea of people poured into the gate like a tide. Walking into the gate, I saw a majestic "Liangqiu Pavilion" in front of me. There was also a wooden sign with words on it. When I turned the sign, there were also a lot of people. A very clean stone path. Along the path, I came to a large and large hole, which is "Qingyun cave". Qingyun cave is composed of six holes and one hall. The road is winding and connected with the six holes. The six holes are Guanyin cave, Xiangshi cave Shuilian cave, bottomless cave, Sijing cave and Bajie cave. There are hidden dragons and crouching tigers, Chang'e running to the moon and so on. The whole journey is more than 100 meters.

  After watching Qingyun cave, I came to the "grassland resort village" again. When I went in, I saw the cows carved with stones. They were lifelike and attracted tourists to take a group photo. There were neat yurts with delicious dishes waiting for you!

  I heard that a performance was being held in the children's paradise, so I ran over excitedly. It turned out that two Thai elephants were performing!

  How time flies. Unconsciously, it's getting late. I reluctantly left Qingyun Mountain. I had a very happy day today. If you're interested, come and have a look!


  Today is may day. It's sunny. We're going to visit Dayu mausoleum.

  Dayu mausoleum is located at the foot of Kuaiji mountain in the southeast of Shaoxing City. It is the burial place of Dayu, the ancient hero of flood control in China. Surrounded by mountains, there are many strange peaks, and RUOYE's clear stream flows eastward, making Dayu mausoleum more dignified and spectacular.

  At the foot of the mountain, I climbed up like a little monkey. People came and went all the way. I also saw mountain earthworms and wild bees... And I heard the birds singing in the hundred birds paradise from a distance, but it was lively.

  When I climbed to the top of the mountain, I was sweating, panting and couldn't move. I tried to take a deep breath and slowly recovered. But when I looked down the mountain, I saw a lot of white garbage at a glance, including plastic bags, coke bottles, melon shells and peels... It was not commensurate with the environment here, and I was particularly unhappy in my heart.

  On the way down the mountain, I picked up garbage all the way. My father helped me as a porter. At the foot of the mountain, we picked up a large bag full of garbage, but we were tired out. But I'm still very happy because "everyone has a responsibility to protect the environment".


  One sunny Sunday, my mother said, "let's go to the island!" My brother and I jumped up excitedly, immediately turned off the TV and prepared some tools to eat, drink and play with sand.

  When we bought the tickets and went to the boat, I was very surprised to see so many people waiting in line there, so we waited for the boat under the scorching sun.

  Finally, it was our turn. Because we were in the front row, I went to the last row and sat down. The sea brought a cool wind, and I saw the white waves behind the ship. It was so spectacular. The spray seemed to say to me, "children, have a good time!" The white clouds in the sky like a lovely little white rabbit said to me, "you are so happy!" Unknowingly, the ship arrived at the island.

  We came to a beach where the sun couldn't shine. My brother and I enjoyed playing with the sand there. We piled up beautiful castles and long caves. It was really fun. After a while, dad bought a lot of delicious snacks and cool drinks. I asked my father to take us to catch crabs. At first, I didn't dare to catch crabs. My father said to me, "to catch crabs, you should hold the back of crabs, so you won't get your hands." I did it. I tried several times and I was not afraid. It turned out that catching crabs also requires skills!

  It was getting dark and we set the crabs free. After a happy and interesting day, I came home and my brother and I quickly fell into a sweet dream.


  May day is Sunday. My sister took me to Qingping mountain.

  We went to the west mountain, where there were a sea of people. We all played there. My sister said, "we walk from here to Dongshan.". We began to go up the mountain. After walking for a while, we were a little tired and took a rest. Looking down from the top, the people below became very small, and many poplar and pine trees were planted next to them. We began to walk again. After walking for a while, we accelerated and finally reached the top of the mountain. We looked down again and saw the scenery of the whole city. The buildings became smaller and the people became smaller. Standing in front of us is a green screen tower, which is very high, about five or six meters, surrounded by a fence to prevent tourists from entering. Qingping tower is very much like a rocket, especially the top is very sharp.

  We walked to the East. After walking for a while, we saw a telegraph pole with many bird nests on it. We started walking again. After walking for 15 minutes, we finally reached Dongshan. We went down and saw that there were many people seriously painting stone statues. We continued to go down. There was a place for children to play. My sister and I played there: bumper cars, crazy mice, pirate ships, haunted houses, ballooning, tightrope walking, etc. Have a good time! We should go home.

  My sister and I went home by car. We had a good time today!


  This week is labor day. We have a holiday. Dad said to take me to climb. I got up early in the morning. Dad, mom and sister, we set out together.

  Sitting in the car, I was very happy and couldn't wait to get there, because my father said there were many little squirrels there. I like little squirrels best. I think they are very cute.

  At the foot of the mountain, I quickly asked my father, "where's the squirrel? I want to see the squirrel."

  Dad smiled and said, "don't worry, I'll let you see it right away."

  We set out happily. In order to let me see more little squirrels, we chose to take the mountain road.

  WOW! After a while, I saw a little squirrel eating in a tree. So I threw a piece of bread. I wanted it to eat, but I scared it away. I was so depressed that my mother comforted me. She said, "it doesn't matter. There's more ahead." So I perked up again and kept thinking about the lovely little squirrel in front of me, but in the twinkling of an eye, I came to the top.

  Although I saw only one little squirrel this time, I was still very happy because I climbed to the top.


  During the May Day holiday, my parents and I went to a park to play. In the park, I saw two mirrors. Because I had never looked in the mirror, I ran over curiously to see what I was like in the mirror.

  I came to an inward concave mirror and saw a strange man appear in front of me. The strange man was thin and shriveled, as if he had no viscera. His limbs were thin, just skin and bone, and he had no meat at all. The head is flat, and the eyes, nose and mouth are crowded together. When I saw this scene, I couldn't help saying, "who's this freak?" Dad couldn't help saying, "this is you!" I said in surprise, "then I'll go home and replenish nutrition." Mom and dad laughed.

  After reading a mirror, I came to the next mirror. The mirror projects outward. There's another monster inside. It was short, its head was as big as a football, and its eyes, nose and mouth were scattered. He is fat, as if he had eaten too much fat meat. The limbs are more like this, like a fire leg. I said again: "Ouch! I said I need more nutrition. I need to lose weight when I go home!" Mom and dad laughed again.

  Ah! How fun the mirror is! It makes us laugh. I like the mirror!


  Today is May Day Labor Day. My parents will take me to Yandang Mountain, a famous mountain in Yueqing.

  It's really lively to get on the bus all the way. After driving for a long time, I arrived at the first scenic spot of Yandang Mountain - dalongqiu. We bought tickets and went in. WOW! It's a sea of people here! We walked along the path and looked. There was a stream beside the path, and the trees on both sides of the path were green and luxuriant. Go down the long path. There are many small round stones on the hillside on the right. My father said it was formed by the volcanic eruption a long time ago. It's called a bulb. When we go further, we see the scissors peak. It looks like scissors here. If we go further, it looks like the woodpecker peak, but the direction has changed. Go on and finally reach dalongqiu. A waterfall flies down from the top of the mountain. Below is a pool of very clear water. The waterfall swings left and right with the wind, just like a white dragon flying down. My mother and I also took pictures under the waterfall.

  We also went to Lingfeng scenic spot, which has rhinoceros peak, sleeping beauty and so on. My mother told me that it would be more magical to watch the night scene at night!

  I think Yandang Mountain is very fun. I hope my mother and father will bring me again next time. I have a really happy time today!


  On May Day, I went to Wuzhen with my parents.

  According to my mother, Wuzhen is the hometown of writer Mao Dun and one of the six famous towns in Jiangnan. Wuzhen has a history of more than 1000 years. As soon as we enter the ancient town, we seem to have crossed the time tunnel at once. The old house along the river is a house supported by two stone pillars. Both of them have windows facing the river. However, the window has no glass, but is replaced by a wooden board. Once supported with a stick, the window will be opened. The stick will be accepted, the window panel will fall, and the window will be closed. Small bridges of different shapes can be seen everywhere in the town, narrow, wide, short, long, and covered for shading... There are many folk houses on both sides of the town. In the evening, you can also stay there, walk in the gravel alleys, and listen to the sound of gurgling rivers, so that you can really be a resident of the town.

  Of course, Wuzhen also has many delicious snacks, which you can eat in folk houses, such as Dingsheng cake, aunt cake, mutton noodles, white water fish, etc. Our family is very comfortable sitting in the folk house by the lake, tasting snacks and enjoying the beautiful scenery of the lake.

  If you have a chance, you must go to Wuzhen and see this beautiful ancient town. I believe it will make you linger and forget to return!


  Today is may day. Our family went to Suzhou. We came to Panmen scenic spot. The first thing that comes into view is an ancient wooden tower, which has seven floors, with a wide bottom and a narrow top. I climbed the tower with the crowd. The wooden stairs are narrow and narrow as you go up. When you climb the stairs leading to the sixth floor, the stairs are as narrow as a drawer without a door. You need to put your feet in and take them out. The seventh floor is too narrow for tourists to stop. The sixth floor of the ancient city of Suzhou is covered with green tiles. I can see it all on the sixth floor of the ancient city of Suzhou.

  Then we came to the ancient city gate of Suzhou. The ancients were so clever! They set up two doors. When the first door was opened, the enemy rushed in, but had to break through the second door. At this time, the soldiers guarding the city put down the first door with a twist lock. The enemy became trapped between the two doors, forming a situation of catching turtles in a jar, which was easily eliminated. This city is called urn city.

  Today, I not only had a good time, but also increased my knowledge and broadened my horizons.


  Labor Day is coming. The school has a three-day holiday. We should go out and travel well! May day, our family, carrying happiness, set out to travel together!

  Today is labor day. My parents took me to Qilin mountain amusement park.

  At the foot of the mountain, vehicles and crowded people are walking slowly up the mountain. From a distance, they look like dark ants. There are many people buying tickets at the gate of the zoo. The line is in a long line. It's very lively! We continued to go up and met three classmates along the way.

  At the amusement park, my father and I played very exciting surfing and crazy Mickey Mouse together. It was really fun! Then I went to play with the water transparent ball. I squatted in a big transparent ball. My uncle pushed the ball into the water. When I got on the water, I stood up and fell down in a few seconds, like a little brother who had just learned to walk, which made the people on the shore laugh. Later, I simply lay lazily in the sun in the ball. The ball shook on the water. I lay in the cradle like a baby and shook and shook. It was very fun!

  This year's May Day is really happy. It's an unforgettable may day trip!

