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【#英语资源# 导语】劳动节一般指五一国际劳动节。 国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”“国际示 威游 行日”(International Workers' Day或者May Day),是世界上80多个国家的全国性节日。定在每年的五月一日。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is May 5, the fifth day of the golden week. My mother took me to Zhongshan Park.

  As soon as you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a large stone tablet. In front of the stone tablet is a lake. The water in the lake flows "clattering", as if playing a beautiful song.

  There are guardrails on the left and right. Behind the guardrail are pots of bright flowers, red, white, purple and yellow. They are colorful and of different varieties. They are very beautiful.

  I followed my mother and walked around the stone tablet. At a glance, I saw tables and stools neatly placed in the green woods. Some big brothers and sisters are sitting on stools, studying hard with books in their hands, and some grannies and grandparents are playing poker in groups.

  Then, my mother and I walked straight forward to the bumper yard. My mother bought a ticket and took a bumper car with me. "Lingling" I stepped on the accelerator and my mother controlled the steering wheel. Suddenly, a car came to us and my heart was about to jump out. At this critical moment, my mother made a sharp turn and avoided the car. I breathed a sigh of relief and admired my mother. At this time, my mother bought another ticket and said to me, "Yuhan, you have grown up. My mother bought you a ticket. Now you can take a bumper car by yourself to exercise your courage." After listening to my mother's words, I was excited and scared, but I still summoned up my courage and walked to the bumper yard with my ticket. I handed the ticket to the ticket collector and walked into the bumper yard. There was another "bell". I stepped on the accelerator and set off. Just as I was driving steadily, a car came towards me. It was too late to dodge, so I had to obey my fate. I closed my eyes and the car hit me and pushed me forward. I quickly turned the steering wheel, but then they withdrew. My car went round and round, making me dizzy and uncomfortable.

  Then, my mother took me to play pulley, color painting and fishing. It was very interesting!

  However, time was limited. After a while, when the sun was shining, I followed my mother to come and go.


  I had an unforgettable may day. On this day, my parents and I came to the aquarium to watch the wonderful sea lion performance.

  On May Day, everyone has a holiday, and there are a lot of people coming to see the performance. My parents and I also waited in line for a long time to enter. When we came to the place where the sea lions performed, we saw that the bodies of the two sea lions were black and shiny, and there were two long and sharp teeth in front of their mouths. People began to applaud, and the two sea lions applauded, which was very cute.

  At first, two sea lions jumped onto the stage with a roar. The trainer asked the two sea lions to circle. The two sea lions immediately stood up and circled. Then the trainer rewarded the two sea lions with a small fish each. The two sea lions jumped into the water with a plop. Then, the trainer took a hula hoop, and one of the sea lions plopped through the hula hoop. I think the name of this first program should be air drilling.

  After completing the action of drilling in the air, the trainer rewarded the sea lion with a small fish each. Then the trainer put a small fish on the ladder. Another sea lion immediately jumped onto the stage and climbed to one side of the ladder. Soon, the sea lion got a small fish on the ladder. There is a slide on the side that provides you with the ladder, and the sea lion slides down from the slide on the other side. Just as the sea lion slides into the water, there is a plop sound. It's hard to imagine that the water spray this time is unimaginable! The people watching at the scene shouted in surprise: Wow! The trainer gave the sea lion another small fish.

  Next, the trainer took eight small hula hoops. Throw four small hula hoops to each of the two sea lions, and then the two sea lions give the four small hula hoops that the trainer threw to them to the trainer. The trainer threw the eight small hula hoops into various places in the water. The two sea lions quickly put these small hula hoops on their heads, and gave the small hula hoops they had put on their heads to the trainer.

  The trainer said: the sea lion performance is over. Thank you for watching. As soon as they finished, the people clapped, and the two sea lions clapped again.

  After watching the wonderful performance of the sea lion, people reluctantly left. I really admire the animal trainer. It's amazing to train the sea lion so spiritually and with unique skills. Every program of the sea lion performance attracts the audience, which is really exciting.


  On May 2, mother and father cleaned up together. That day, I didn't have to count Olympics, so I helped my mother work at home. Mom went to do the laundry. I cleaned it up in my room.

  When I first started working, I was still nagging: "today is over, I must be tired to death. I have to do so much work! I hope someone will come and ask my mother to go shopping quickly, so I don't have to work and can go to play with my friends." But no one came to call my mother, so I had to work obediently.

  I spread the sheet first, grabbed the corner of the sheet and pulled it, and then photographed some dust. Then I fold the quilt. When I fold it, I turn it upside down and put it on the bed. I'll open the window again, open the curtains, let the sun shine on the bed and kill bacteria to the quilt. After about ten minutes, I flattened the quilt and folded one side of the quilt to the middle. Then, I folded the other side of the quilt to the middle. Then, I folded both ends of the folded quilt to the middle and folded it again. At this time, the quilt became a square piece like dried tofu. Then I'll tidy the clothes on the bed. I folded the clothes neatly. Then I put the folded clothes in the cabinet. I looked. The bed was clean and tidy. I was very happy.

  I wanted to have a rest, but I thought about it again. Things have just started. There are still a lot of things to do later! Mom and dad's room hasn't been tidied up yet. There was no sweeping or wiping on the ground, so I continued to do housework.

  First, I went to my mother's and father's room, folded the quilt, and then I made the clothes on the bed. I folded the clothes neatly. Then I put the folded clothes in the cabinet. After that, I wiped the floor of my mother's and father's room and wiped the table and stool again.

  When I did the housework, my mother just came to pick up the clothes. When she saw the clean and tidy room and the smooth and clean floor, she smiled at me and said, "well done!" "I'm happy after working," I said


  On the first day of May Day, my uncle took me with my sister, brother and brother to the Green Manor and played a lot. For example: bumper cars, like sightseeing buses, "Adventure Games" and so on

  We all thought it was not fun in the Green Manor, so we went to pushangyuan. Unexpectedly, pushangyuan was more fun than the Green Manor. Therefore, although we played in the Green Manor, the first thing we played was the rubber band car. A rubber band was sleeved around the car. The rubber band was very soft and could collide with each other. In this way, we all collided with each other, and there was a gun on the car, There is a red circle behind the car specially aimed at the person. If it is hit, it will score. I have a car with my sister. She is responsible for driving and I am responsible for playing. In this way, our score is 4 points; Then, my uncle took us to play in the next "car race", which was another car for me and my sister.

  Because I'm timid and afraid of collision, the car is so fierce, and my sister drives so fiercely. I spend every time when I hit the side. My sister's driving appearance is very funny, which makes my stomach "hurt to death"; Later, we went to ride a horse, but I didn't ride it, because I didn't dare. Only my sister, uncle, brother and his two brothers went to ride. I just stared at it. When everyone was finished, my uncle was left alone. At this time, a man rode a fast horse with very fast speed. It seemed that he was not happy, let alone riding. We all watched and clapped our hands.

  Finally, we passed the danger and walked out of the gate of pushangyuan.

  On the way home, I kept remembering everything I had just played, thinking: This is my happiest day, and I will never forget it!


  On May Day, my mother asked me to bring some seafood to my aunt in cotton city. I readily agreed. So I hurried to the station with a large bag of seafood. Today, there were many people waiting for the bus. Finally, when the bus came, my hands were numb and my feet were sour. I quickly squeezed into the car and found a place to sit down. The car drove for a while and stopped. An old man in his 60s came up and saw that the seats were full. The uncle of migrant workers sitting behind me stood up and said to the old man, "Grandpa, sit here with me!" As a result, the old man's behavior surprised me and the people present. He not only didn't appreciate it, but also took out a paper towel and wiped his seat a few times before he sat down. At that time, the old man's behavior surprised and disappointed me!

  At this time, a passenger on the bus said: "it's too dirty, you can not sit, but don't let the kind-hearted migrant uncle feel sad!" In this regard, the migrant worker uncle said: "many people think we are dirty in this way. We have paid great attention to it at ordinary times. Who told us to work on the construction site“

  Seeing this scene, my heart was so angry that I got out of the car and walked on the road with my things. I couldn't calm down for a long time.

  The old man's actions and the migrant worker's uncle's beautiful heart contrast, it seems how small the old man is! "Filial piety comes first" is the quality reflected by the migrant worker's uncle, but the old man's behavior is like "giving the migrant worker's uncle a slap", which is even more disrespectful. For such heartless people, I just want to say to you: "how about migrant workers? Migrant workers are also people, and migrant workers are the most glorious!

  This "May Day", I saw a sad scene, and I also understand: treat the vulnerable groups around us with more tolerance and understanding, so as to make this society more harmonious!


  Today is may day. Before the holiday, the teacher told us that the homework of this Labor Day is to help the family do housework. So I have made a plan for labor cleaning.

  After breakfast, the general cleaning activity was officially started. First, I started cleaning the furniture and glass. I carefully and conscientiously wiped the house from beginning to end and from top to bottom with a rag, which was covered with dust. I'm exhausted now. I'm sweating and out of breath. But I thought, "the cleaning is hard work, but if I can't hold on, what I just did will be wasted." Do things from beginning to end. So I started sweeping the floor again. I didn't even let go of the corner. I finally finished sweeping it. When I think about it carefully, I forgot to sweep the room. I went in, skillfully took the broom and swept it slowly. Just as I was holding the broom handle and pulling out the bottom of the bed, I found two dead cockroaches! You can see how dirty my house is. Finally, I filled a bucket of water, washed the mop, dried the water and began to mop the floor. Holding the heavy mop, I slowly dragged it from side to side, and then from side to side. When the water was dry, I washed the mop again. When I finish all my work and look at the house again, it's a world away from before the cleaning!

  After the cleaning, my face was covered with dust. After a while, mom and dad came back. After seeing that the home looked like a changed one, they praised me as a sensible and good child and took me to eat my favorite KFC.


  Today is the May Day holiday, but I still sat in the class of happy composition as before.

  After all the people arrived, the teacher told us a nasty News - we want to clean up on May 1st. Hearing the news, the students became angry. Some students stood up; Some students ask the teacher for money; Some students blushed with anger, like a tomato. The teacher finally calmed us down and agreed to pay us.

  We walked out of the classroom and lined up one by one waiting for the teacher to assign us work. Wait and wait, finally wait for me. My task is to pack up toys and several large cartons.

  We walked into the classroom that needed cleaning. I don't know if I don't see it. I'm shocked at the sight. Why is it so chaotic here! I don't know when to do it. After cleaning, I came to my own sanitary area, where there were several large boxes of toys and several giant baby bears. I put the disordered toys one by one neatly arranged in a large cardboard box, took apart the extra cartons bit by bit, circled them into a ball, and trapped them together with a long rope. I looked up and saw a scene in full swing in the classroom. Some students were cleaning wholeheartedly; Some students work while eating; More students are cleaning while fighting with their classmates; Some students simply don't do it, jump around on the podium, disturb others' work without saying, and deliberately make trouble. It's annoying to see the dragon flying and Phoenix dancing. I thought this student really doesn't respect people!

  After finishing the work, the students were very tired, all sweating, and some students lay on the floor tired; Some students use sanitary tools as musical instruments to celebrate themselves; Others roll around on the ground.

  I sat in my seat and looked at my "achievements", which was very beautiful in my heart.


  May is the day when the heavy rain comes after a thunderstorm and the wild geese flying south travel back home through mountains and rivers; Apricot flowers bloom all over the mountains; The season when she laughs in the bushes; It is a good time for winter wheat farmers to sweat and hoe and work hard.

  Frogs and insects chirp, fish leap and birds scatter, and the wilderness in early spring is full of noise. The kites swayed up into the embrace of the blue sky, and the people on the ground stretched their muscles and bones and saved their strength. Unknowingly, spring is quietly coming to us with light steps, in the spring of May.

  May is the children's paradise. Throw away the heavy cotton clothes and hats, run to the fields and have fun, and sing a spring song with a willow flute; May is a day for young people. When the spring tide is surging, hold your son's hand, walk with your son, pick the roses in spring and decorate the sky of love; May is a festival for the elderly. Following the spring all the way and a string of birds singing, we go fishing on the freshly thawed lake; May, the day of all the people; A festival for working people all over the world.

  On May 1, 18 years ago, in order to protect the rights and interests of the working people, the brave American workers raised the banner of uprising, opposed the bullied capitalists, and won their due rights for the working people. The days that flow away like water, and the memory is increasingly mottled by the passage of time, but people have not forgotten this scene. May day has become a special commemoration of their heroic deeds.

  In May full of true feelings, hold your hand full of cocoons and flowers due to labor, send my most sincere blessings and listen to the hymn of your labor. Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the grass is green; Is a kind of life; At the fence, the rain stops; Is a kind of life; Hit the water in the midstream, and the waves restrain the flying boat; Is a kind of life; Unknown, selfless dedication; It is also a kind of life. All kinds of life, labor, such as sugar in coffee, make our life delicious; Labor is like a landscape beside the road, which makes our life bright and colorful.

  May, truth may. In the high-rise buildings outside the building and the long Pavilion outside the pavilion, let's join hands, shoulder to shoulder, be passionate, and sing a vigorous song to send the wishes of workers all over the world to the distance and tomorrow. Let's cheer for tomorrow, sing for May and clap hands for workers!


  Today is the last day of the May Day holiday. I've been at home for two days. Anyway, I have to go to the store with my mother today. My mother can't beat me. No, we drove to the Middle West Ring Road early in the morning.

  Before we got to the door of the store, the merchants who came earlier than us were already busy in the street. Some of them clean with big brooms; Some hold colorful flags and want to insert them into the green belt; Another family has put up colored balloons, which look like a big tumbler from a distance; The imperial furniture next door has set up a double arch, and the red carpet has been paved on the ground. It seems to say, "come to my house to buy furniture, and I'll have activities!"

  After mom and dad put me down, they also hurriedly propped up the blue arch. The hair dryer was blowing. It said that the blue arch of Shenluda was like a curved bridge, standing steadily at the door of the store.

  After the layout outside the store, the store began to be busy. Colorful flowers, explosive labels of special commodities and small gifts for customers in the store dress up the whole store with joy. Before mom finished cleaning the samples, the customer came to the door. Mother speaks local dialect and Mandarin for a while, busy answering customers' questions. Some asked, "does the toilet save water?" Some asked, "what is the material of the cabinet under the washbasin?" "How thick is the steel plate of the vegetable pool?" Others asked: "does the lead content of the faucet exceed the standard?" Another customer is more interesting. Before buying anything, he asked for a bathroom pendant. Watching my mother skillfully answer all kinds of professional, tricky and possibly unreasonable questions, I deeply felt that it was so difficult to sell a toilet!

  After a long time, some of the customers who made the deal finally left. My mother took a break and drank water quickly. Looking at my mother's dry mouth and noisy tongue, I thought: it's really not easy to do business.

  All morning, I felt busy and disorderly. I didn't play the game to my heart. I asked my mother if it was all the same these days. My mother said, "May Day is busier!" I'm dizzy. I won't come this afternoon.


  During the May Day "Golden Week", my father drove my family to Lishui Tianshengqiao scenic spot.

  Along the way, we laughed and laughed. While enjoying the beautiful scenery of spring, we talked happily. After a while, the car drove to Tianshengqiao scenic spot. When we got out of the car, the first thing we saw was a girl sculpture. She was combing her hair and seemed to be greeting us!

  I couldn't wait to enter the park. As soon as I entered the door, I saw two stones. It seemed that one farmer was lying on a stone and the other farmer was drinking water. I was very confused. Later, I realized that it was a pillow stone. It was said that the farmers worked very hard when building the bridge. At noon, they lay on the fast stone to rest. When the farmers woke up, they felt very relaxed and not as tired as before, It turns out that this fast stone is composed of many pebbles. People lying on it can relax tendons and activate blood circulation, massage acupoints and relieve fatigue. This is the origin of pillow waist stone.

  We walked up the mountain road and came to the suspension bridge in a moment. The bridge was 64 meters long, 5 meters long and 22 meters wide. The bridge deck was made of wood and rope. When people walked on it, it was like swinging on a swing. At first, my mother was afraid and didn't dare to go on the bridge. With the encouragement of my father and I, my mother went on the bridge tremblingly, In order to alleviate my mother's fear, I danced and made faces in front of my mother. In fact, looking down from the middle of the bridge really feels like an abyss! After the suspension bridge, we came to the Rouge River again, bought tickets and got on the yacht. In order to prevent accidents, the driver's uncle reminded us to put on life jackets and the yacht set sail. A cool breeze came to our face, making us forget the fatigue and heat just now. Along the way, we saw many man-made little turtles. When the yacht drove directly under the Tiansheng bridge, the yacht aroused snow-white waves, clusters and clusters, as if it were a bouquet waved by the welcoming crowd.

  We also tasted farm dishes, bought some wild bamboo shoots and returned home with a full load. This year's "May Day" is really happy!

