
时间:2021-08-07 13:47:51 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】有一种爱绚丽如朝霞,有一种情深沉似大海,有一种爱无私又无畏,有一种情真诚满胸怀。祖国的山和水,倾注战士的情和爱!我们的战士,用温暖的心,驱散冬的严寒。我们的战士,用有力的双手,托起废墟上的明天。我们的战士,不惜用自己的生命,换来世界和平。那么在建军节来临之际,©文档大全网为大家精心整理的以下内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is army day, because grandpa is a veteran, so I want to give grandpa a happy holiday.

  In the morning, I immediately finished my mother's homework and began to prepare gifts. I first cut four A4 sheets, then folded them into four planes and painted different patterns. In the evening, we prepared two cakes. Grandpa's cooking filled the table. After dinner, I cooked two fish and a lucky draw.

  Our program begins. I'll recite ancient poems first, such as spring dawn, wanglushan waterfall and sending off ancient grass. Then my mother sang a song "back to my mother's house". Then read a poem with my father. Dad made a mistake at the beginning, because it was originally "seeing the mountain from a distance is colored", but he read "seeing the mountain from a distance is colorless", just the opposite. Then there is the lucky draw. First grandpa smoked, then grandma smoked, and then Dad and mom. Finally, I declare the program over.

  Today is really a happy holiday!


  We often celebrate the Spring Festival, Mid Autumn Festival, Tomb Sweeping Day and national day... But I think many people have never had this festival and don't even know the origin of the August 1st military day. Let me talk about it.

  In China, August 1 is the anniversary of the founding of the Chinese people's Liberation Army, so it is also called "August 1" military day. Its origin is: on August 1, 1927, the Committee headed by Zhou Enlai and the 20000 Northern Expedition troops led by he long, Ye Ting, Zhu De and Liu Bocheng. The armed uprising was firmly held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, which fired the first shot of the armed resistance of the Communist Party of China against the Kuomintang, which was also the beginning of the armed struggle under the independent leadership of the Communist Party of China. In April 1928, the preserved Nanchang Uprising army led by Zhu De and Chen Yi met with the Autumn Harvest Uprising army led by Mao Zedong in Jinggangshan, and officially formed the Fourth Army of the Chinese workers' and peasants' revolutionary army. On June 30, 1933, the Central Revolutionary Military Commission decided that August 1 of each year was the anniversary of the Chinese workers' and peasants' Red Army. On July 11 of the same year, the interim central government of the Soviet Republic of China approved this decision. Since then, "August 1" has become the army building day of the Chinese people's Liberation Army.

  Until 20XX, it was the XX army day that people spent. I spent this year's army day with my grandfather in the ward. My grandfather used to be a soldier, so he has a special feeling for army day. Every year he celebrates the army building day, but this year is the most special, because he is ill and lies in the hospital. On the day of "August 1" army building day, I brought a lot of delicious food to visit him and spend this special army building day with him. Grandpa was very happy that day, and his face showed an unprecedented smile. For Grandpa, this is an unusual military day, and for me, this is the first time I have a deep understanding of military day.

  This year's "August 1" military day is a very special day for me, because it makes me really understand its meaning, and I spent it in the hospital.

  There are many special days for you this year, but for me, there is only "August 1" military day.


  August 1, 20XX is the XX anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese people's Liberation Army. It's coming soon! 90 years ago, this day was the birth of the PLA and the source of our happy life. Without the PLA, there would be no new China. In this great festival, all China will celebrate and participate in the grand ceremony!

  At school, we learned the origin of the army day. In the early morning of August 1, 1927, more than 20000 Northern Expedition troops led by our revolutionary martyrs Zhou Enlai, commander he long, commander Ye Ting, commander in chief Zhu De, Liu Bocheng and other leaders held an armed uprising in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, and fired the gunfire of the Communist Party of China's armed resistance to the Kuomintang. Therefore, the armed struggle led by the Communist Party of China began on that day. Until today, the people's Liberation Army under the leadership of the Communist Party of China has experienced countless battles, large and small, paid countless lives, survived countless difficult times and fought countless evil enemies, so that new China was founded and the people lived a happy life.

  This day, the army building day on August 1 every year, is not only the day of the people's Liberation Army, but also the day of countless Chinese nations. Because this day, the Chinese nation finally stands in the forest of nations in the world again.

