
时间:2021-08-13 23:03:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】皓月当空思念浓,桂花飘香暗浮动。经年相别各西东,你奔我忙难相逢。美好生活双手中,幸福日子不落空。心香一瓣知情重,佳节祝福遥相送。花好月圆人长久,心想事成圆美梦。衷心祝你中秋快乐,合家幸福。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month is a traditional festival in China. Our whole family is around the table tasting a rich dinner and indispensable moon cakes. According to my mother, moon cakes are one of the traditional Chinese cakes. They are round and eaten by the whole family, symbolizing reunion and harmony.

  After dinner, we went to the balcony to enjoy the moon. The sparse stars in the sky flashed a little cold light, as if to compare with the moon. The moon was first golden, slowly passing through a wisp of smoke like white clouds, upward, and then upward. She was dressed in white gauze, gentle and generous, hanging high in the quiet sky like a white jade plate.

  My mother asked me, "do you know what poem describes the moon?" I thought about it. Suddenly, the bright moon in front of the bed of Li Bai's meditation on a quiet night jumped out of my mind. It was suspected that it was frost on the ground. Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around. My mother followed me and said, "I'm a stranger in a foreign land alone. I miss my relatives twice every festival." There are many wanderers far away from home, as well as those who can't go home to spend the Mid Autumn Festival with their relatives at work. At this time, they are also staring at the moon and missing their hometown and family!

  I hope everyone can have a happy mid autumn festival with their family.


  On this day of the Mid Autumn Festival, my mother and I will make moon cakes together.

  At five o'clock in the morning, we began to make the first moon cake. First, mix the noodles. Then use different patterns to print on the surface one by one. Finally, put the moon cake in the mold into the oven and bake a moon cake for about five minutes. This is what I cooked under the serious and responsible guidance of my mother. If you don't believe it, try my moon cake. Isn't it delicious!

  As soon as my father and brother smelled the fragrance, they immediately ran to the table and immediately ate with relish. They both wanted to eat again after eating the moon cakes, so I had to cook them again. When there were only four left, I could only eat two, because two more were eaten by my brother. I'm really happy. The moon cakes I made are so popular.

  Night has already come. Water like moonlight sprinkles into houses through windows, illuminating people's hearts. At this time, how many people are reuniting with their relatives, eating moon cakes in the joy of reunion, and looking up at the round bright moon in the sweetness of moon cakes.


  The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. I like delicious moon cakes, but I prefer the round moon hanging in the sky.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. After dinner, our family took moon cakes and came to the small park downstairs to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes.

  I picked up a fruit knife and cut the moon cake into eight small pieces. My father first picked up one and put it into his mouth. I looked at the egg yolk in this moon cake, how like the bright moon in the sky! I looked up at the moon above my head. How like a naughty child! Sometimes hiding behind the clouds, sometimes standing in front of us. After a while, the moon is no longer naughty. It seems to have become a magician again, and the sky has become a big stage. As soon as the moon waves, the stars in the sky are blinking. The moon waved again, and the stars in the sky stopped blinking

  I looked at the moon as if I saw sister Chang'e in the sky chatting with the astronaut's uncle and the jade rabbit playing games with the satellites in the sky; There are countless lanterns on the moon and all kinds of items

  Although the Mid Autumn Festival has left us, as soon as I see the bright moon, I will think of this beautiful memory.


  Speaking of food, the Chinese are the most particular about it. New Year cake, moon cake, bird's nest, glutinous rice balls and zongzi are all our favorite! Among them, my favorite is moon cake.

  Some mooncakes are sweet and salty outside, and there is an egg yolk inside. It's delicious! It's sweet and delicious outside. Moon cakes taste delicious, but they are complicated to make! First of all, good jewelry materials include peanut oil, syrup, sugar, salt, soda, flour, caramel, water, bean paste and eggs

  The step is to mix water, salt, sugar and soda evenly and set aside. Then add peanut oil to the syrup, stir with an egg beater, and add an appropriate amount of caramel. Finally, it becomes viscous. Then, pour in the flour after screening with a mesh screen, wrap the bean paste into the dough, sprinkle a thin layer of flour into the moon cake film, and beat it left and right once to beat out the rows of moon cakes. Finally, take out the egg yolk separately, break it up, brush a layer of egg yolk juice with a brush, and then put it into the oven and bake it at 375 degrees for 20 minutes! After 20 minutes, a golden moon cake was displayed in front of us.

  Have you learned? We can make a moon cake by ourselves according to the above introduction. I believe the moon cake made by ourselves will be particularly sweet.

