*婚(naked wedding)指没有房子、车子或大量存款的婚姻。新人竭力简化全过程。许多情况下,甚至连婚礼都省去了,以降低成本。要父母同意*婚是很困难的。在20世纪90年代,如果你拥有电视机、摩托车、洗衣机,计划结婚时你会更有信心。近来,婚礼花销也迅速上涨。作为适婚年龄的年轻人,求婚之前,你应该有一辆汽车、一套公寓和一颗钻石。否则新娘父母的极大阻碍会打败你,让你感到失望。更多年轻的恋人不得不选择不经父母同意*婚。参考翻译:
Naked wedding refers to a marriage without a house,a car or considerable deposit.The new couple triestheir best to simplify the whole process.In manycases, even a wedding ceremony is omitted to cutdown the cost.It's hard work to ask for parents'permission to agree on naked wedding.In the 1990s, you would have more confidence if youpossessed a TV, a motorcycle and a washing machine when planning for marriage.Recently, thecost of wedding has risen rapidly.As young people of marriage age, you should have a car, anapartment and a diamond before proposal.Otherwise, many obstacles from the bride'sparents will defeat you with despair.More young lovers have to choose naked wedding withoutparents' approval.
岳阳楼(Yueyang Tower)矗立在湖南省岳阳市洞庭湖岸边,是“江南三大名楼”之一,另外两座分别是滕王阁(TengwangPavilion)和黄鹤楼(Yellow Crane Tower)。自古以来,岳阳楼一直有“岳阳天下搂”之称,与有“洞庭天下水”之称的洞庭湖齐名。最初岳阳楼主要是军用的,用于指挥海上舰队以及举行阅兵仪式 (military review)。的《岳阳楼记》由北宋伟大的作家范仲淹所作,它使岳阳楼声名远播,成为中国南方的景点。岳阳楼的结构在中国古代建筑是独一无二的,具有无与伦比的艺术价值。参考翻译:
Standing on the shore of Dongting Lake in YueyangCity of Hunan Province, Yueyang Tower is one of the“three famous towers in the south of the YangtzeRiver”,the other two being Tengwang Pavilion andthe Yellow Crane Tower.Since ancient times, YueyangTower has been enjoying the title of “the best tower on this planet”,having equal status with“the best lake on earth”一Dongting Lake. Originally, Yueyang Tower was mainly for military useas directing marine troops and for military reviews. The well-known On Yueyang Tower by thegreat writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan, brought great fame to YueyangTower far and wide, making it a well-known scenic spot in South China. The structure ofYueyang Tower is unique in the architectural history of ancient China, holding unparalleledartistic values.
The statistics I‘ve cited and the living examples are all too familiar to you. But what may not be so familiar will be the increasing number of women who are looking actively for advancement of for a new job in your offices. This woman may be equipped with professional skills and perhaps valuable experience, She will not be content to be Executive Assistant to Mr. Seldom Seen of the Assistant Vice President‘s Girl Friday, who is the only one who comes in on Saturday. She is the symbol of what I call the Second Wave of Feminism. She is the modern woman who is determined to be. Her forerunner was the radical feminist who interpreted her trapped position as a female as oppression by the master class of men. Men, she believed, had created a domestic, servile role for women in order that men could have the career and the opportunity to participate in making the great decisions of society. Thus the radical feminist held that women through history had been oppressed and dehumanized, mainly because man chose to exploit his wife and the mother of his children. Sometimes it was deliberate exploitation and sometimes it was the innocence of never looking beneath the pretensions of life. The radical feminists found strength in banding together. Coming to recognize each other for the first time, they could explore their own identities, realize their own power, and view the male and his system as the common enemy. The first phases of feminism in the last five years often took on this militant, class-warfare tone. Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Germaine Greer, and many others hammered home their ideas with a persistence that aroused and intrigued many of the brightest and most able women in the country. Consciousness-raising groups allowed women to explore both their identities and their dreams—and the two were often found in direct conflict. What is the stereotyped role of American women? Marriage. A son. Two daughters. Breakfast. Ironing. Lunch. Bowling, maybe a garden club of for the very daring, non-credit courses in ceramics. Perhaps an occasional cocktail party. Dinner. Football or baseball on TV. Each day the same. Never any growth in expectations—unless it is growth because the husband has succeeded. The inevitable question: ―Is that all there is to life?‖ The rapid growth of many feminist organizations attests to the fact that these radical feminists had touched some vital nerves. The magazine “Ms.” was born in the year of the death of the magazine “Life.” But too often the consciousness-raising sessions became ends in themselves. Too often sexism reversed itself and man-hating was encouraged. Many had been with the male chauvinist. It is not difficult, therefore, to detect a trend toward moderation. Consciousness-raising increasingly is regarded as a means to independence and fulfillment, rather than a ceremony of fulfillment itself. Genuine independence can be realized through competence, through finding a career, through the use of education. Remember that for many decades the education of women was not supposed to be useful.1. What was the main idea of this passage?
[A]. The Second Wave of Feminist.
[B]. Women’s Independent Spirits.
[C]. The Unity of Women.
[D]. The Action of Union.
2. What was the author’s attitude toward the radical?
[A]. He supported it wholeheartedly.
[B]. He opposed it strongly.
[C]. He disapproved to some extent.
[D]. He ignored it completely.
3. What does the word “militant” mean?
[A]. Aggressive. [B]. Ambitions. [C]. Progressive. [D]. Independent.
4, What was the radical feminist’s view point about the male?
[A]. Women were exploited by the male.
[B]. Women were independent of the male.
[C]. Women’s lives were deprived by the male.
[D]. The male were their common enemy.