
时间:2023-04-17 01:12:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】生命本身既不是祸,也不是福,而是盛载祸福的大容器,就看你将它变成什么。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  With the arrival of the school season, we will bid farewell to the happy holiday and return to the campus. In__ On January 1st, the large-scale public welfare program "the first lesson of school" will be broadcast at 8 p.m. as a middle school student with excellent character and learning, I naturally prepared early and waited for 20__ The first lesson of the school year was broadcast.

  The first lesson of this year's school year has a very nice topic name, that is: ideals illuminate the future. With the host announcing the beginning of the first class in his pure Mandarin, the wonderful first class program was officially broadcast. The first lesson of this year's school year brought us a lot of surprises. Not only did the winners of the July 1st medal send us a school opening message, but also the advanced anti epidemic figures who fought for our motherland on the front line told us what stories they had in the process of anti epidemic.

  Zhang Guimei, a role model of the times, has helped more than 2000 girls realize their college dream with her own actions, which makes me admire. The heroic astronauts flying in space, fearing life and death and wholeheartedly serving the country, are examples I want to learn from. The Post-00 Olympic athletes who win glory for the country have the ideal to illuminate the future. Different characters such as them came to the scene of the first lesson of school, which brought us a great surprise.

  After reading the first lesson of school tonight, I have gained a lot. There are so many guests who have dreams and constantly strive for their ideals. Finally, they have made brilliant achievements. They tell us their stories, which makes me feel a lot. They also establish a firm determination for the next learning journey, cheer for their ideals and strive for their future.

  20__ The theme of the first lesson of school in is that ideals illuminate the future. This theme is a very beautiful blessing for our primary and secondary school students. As long as we cherish our ideals and study hard, we can naturally realize our ideals and make our future bright through our efforts.


  After a holiday, my heart seems to have flown away and haven't come back. Fortunately, I still love learning. Following the first lesson of school every year, my enthusiasm for learning continues unabated. So 20__ What kind of surprises will "the first lesson of school" bring to our primary and secondary school students in China? This is a program that people look forward to.

  In__ Month__ At more than eight o'clock in the evening, after dinner, I waited for the program "the first lesson of school" to be broadcast in front of the TV. It's almost eight o'clock, and it's finally started. This year's theme is ideal to illuminate the future. Then we saw many heroes. They are "Post-00" Olympic health, advanced figures in the fight against epidemic diseases, models of the times, heroic astronauts, representatives of air echelons and so on. Each of them is a hero dedicated to the construction of the motherland.

  What impresses me most is Yang Qian, the champion of this year's Tokyo Olympic Games. She is a Post-Zero, but also about the same age as me, but she can win a very good honor for the motherland, which makes me a little ashamed. She told us, "never underestimate your efforts!" Maybe this sentence also made her who she is now.

  With the passage of time, I was so fascinated by it that I didn't realize how fast time passed__ In, the first lesson of school was so close. I have gained a lot this year, which makes me realize the importance of the first lesson at the beginning of school, because it makes me re understand my mission and task and study hard. It is no longer so simple to complete the homework assigned by the teacher, but also to pave the way for myself in advance. Because the future of the motherland needs us to build and inherit, so I understand that I have a great responsibility. If I don't study hard, I won't have the ability to defend and I won't be a qualified successor.

  Therefore, learning well is not just a slogan, but every step should be done well. For example, make full use of your time to learn. In addition to completing the homework assigned by the teacher, you should also learn extracurricular knowledge, learn Chinese history well and enrich your knowledge. In the future of China, I will strive for it, contribute to it and achieve my goals. Come on!


  Time always likes to slip away inadvertently. In the twinkling of an eye, the warm and pleasant holiday is coming to an end, and the students have finally ushered in the new school year and the new semester. In the face of this annual school season, the students must be particularly happy. They can return to the beautiful campus and see the familiar classmates and teachers sitting in the spacious classroom to continue the process of study. In addition, at the beginning of each year, the CCTV special program "the first lesson of school" arrives as scheduled, 20__ Years is no exception.

  Speaking of 20__ The theme of the first lesson of school in is more meaningful and meaningful than that in previous years, that is, the ideal lights up the future. I believe you all have a lot of feelings and thoughts from this theme, and so do I. 20__ The year is a special year, and this year is the 100th anniversary of the party. Therefore, in this issue of the first lesson of school, we follow Kang Hui and SA Beining to review the glorious history of one hundred years and look forward to the ideal light in the future. This program once again explained to us a more valuable concept of life and gave people profound reflection and consciousness.

  "The first lesson of school" is a unique and meaningful "classroom", and it is also a program that our primary and secondary school students must watch every year. After watching the new theme study of the first lesson in the autumn of this issue, we can not only absorb all kinds of knowledge, but also better understand the meaning of each life in the watching program. Therefore, for us, it can be said that we have gained a lot!

  Watch 20__ "The first lesson of school", feel the story content of the program carefully, and we will find that this era is really beautiful. It can be said that we are very happy to have the opportunity to become a person of this era. In addition, the program is full of positive energy, which constantly instills integrity into our young people of the motherland in the new era and interprets the importance of ideals. Therefore, we should all establish correct ideals and goals, work hard with practical actions and let ideals illuminate our future. So this is also the reason why the first lesson is so popular. Contact the knowledge that can't be learned in the classroom and feel the truth. As teenagers in the new era, after watching the first lesson of school, we should also reflect on the story content in the program, understand the real meaning of life, and study harder in the future, so as to become useful people in the future!


  20__ The first lesson of the year begins in__ On January 1, we met. As an old public welfare program broadcast for 14 years, the first lesson of school brought us a lot of surprises and wonderful programs. By watching the first lesson, we not only gain a lot of knowledge, but also greatly expand our understanding of the world and our great motherland, so as to be more clear about what our future path is.

  The theme of the first lesson of this year's school year is: ideals illuminate the future. We invited winners of the "July 1 Medal", models for poverty alleviation, advanced figures in the fight against epidemic diseases, models of the times, heroic astronauts, representatives of the air echelon, "Post-00" Olympic athletes, young and middle-aged artists and youth representatives to the podium and have a lesson with our primary and secondary school students through the "cloud classroom".

  Zhang Guimei, a model of the times, is one of my most respected guests. She helped more than 2000 girls realize their dream of university with her own actions. With such selfless dedication, I learned a lot from her and was deeply moved by her story. I must study hard and strive to become a model of the times, a figure like Zhang Guimei, contribute myself to our motherland and strive for the party's great Chinese dream all my life.

  20__ As the 100th birthday of the motherland, this year is destined to be an extraordinary day, 20__ The year is not only a great node for us to win the battle against poverty in an all-round way, but also a historical node for our great motherland to embark on a new journey of history. We must devote Yao's whole body and mind to learning, shoulder our historical mission when the motherland needs us in the future, and constantly refuel and run for the rejuvenation of the great heart.

  20__ The first lesson of the new school year brought me many soul shaking stories and programs. By watching these wonderful programs, I gained a lot and deeply realized how important the program of the first lesson of the new school year is for our future development. It is precisely because the program of the first lesson of the new school year continues to output the advanced deeds of the revolutionary martyrs of the motherland to us, We can clearly realize that there are so many things we don't know in the process of the development of our motherland. We must study hard and make progress every day.


  Time is like a passer-by. In the twinkling of an eye, the holiday has said goodbye to us. In the face of the annual school season, as a student, "the first lesson of school" is a program I must watch every year. Speaking of this program is very meaningful. It will bring us wonderful stories and different themes almost every year, Also let us understand a lot of life principles and feelings!

  The first lesson of school has been broadcast for many years. This large-scale youth public welfare program has important educational significance for primary and secondary school students, so this is also the reason why this program is very popular. 20__ The first lesson of school in showed us a new theme, that is, the ideal lights up the future. The guests invited in the program, Zhang Guimei, Li Hongta, Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, Tang Hongbo, Gong Lijiao and Yang Qian, brought us many inspirational stories and explained full positive energy and correct values to us, Let us feel and reflect deeply. And this year 20__ The year is a special year and the 100th anniversary of our great Communist Party. Durhan razini and radir razini told us heroic stories in the first lesson of school, witnessing the power of ideals to illuminate the future, which made us deeply touched and admired. In the process of watching the program, looking back on the party's wind and rain for so many years, we can't help but lament the greatness and strength of the party. Therefore, as teenagers in the new era, we also bear a lot of responsibility. Therefore, we should study hard, set correct goals, move forward towards our own plans, work hard, realize our greatest value and contribute our strength to the motherland and the party.

  Watch 20__ In the CCTV special program "the first lesson of school", in this short two-hour program, we can feel the profound truth brought to us by many interesting stories, trigger our hearts and make people sigh. For the first lesson of school, different people will have different reflections. In the new era, after watching the first lesson of school, our feelings have led to our own actions. As students, we should study hard on campus, cultivate a high sense of responsibility, establish positive life goals, follow the glorious path of the party, continue to move forward, and harvest the life and life we want.

  20__ The first lesson of school in this issue will make us reflect more. Although we are in a happy era and grow happily in the embrace of the motherland, we still need to redouble our study, apply our knowledge to the construction of the motherland, strictly demand ourselves, work hard and set good ideal goals, For the future of the motherland to continue to create a new era, contribute their own strength, achieve the best goal in life, and illuminate a better future!


  Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, the holiday has left us. Facing the arrival of the new semester, we can finally go back to school to continue our study, not to mention how happy we are. And in 20__ Year__ Month__ On the th, the CCTV special program "the first lesson of school" also arrived as scheduled. The theme of this year's "the first lesson of school" is "ideals illuminate the future". For this theme, it is very worth us to deeply think and understand life, strive to pursue our ideals, work hard, make efforts to move forward, illuminate our future and welcome a better life.

  Watch 20__ In the first lesson of school in, my heart seems to have been unable to calm down for a long time. I have a lot of feelings. What emerges in my mind is one touching picture after another in the program. I feel that every inch of the land of the motherland is echoed with heroic songs composed by youth and blood; Behind every magnificent song, there is the light of ideals and beliefs. After carefully reviewing these contents and the stories of the Communist Party of China seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation and harmony for the world, it seems that the inner world has been sublimated again and deeply understood. As teenagers in the new era, we have the opportunity to grow up in this peaceful and prosperous era and thrive under the care of the party. It can be said that we are very happy.

  For 20__ The theme of the first lesson of school in, which was "ideal lights up the future", made me deeply feel that ideal is the Lighthouse of life navigation. Even if I walk on a dark road, as long as I can see the light, the road ahead will not feel dark, but continue to walk forward with more confidence to reach the other side of the ideal. Therefore, ideal is very important for everyone. If one has no ideal, life will lose its direction and be confused in front of him. Therefore, each of us should be responsible for ourselves, establish our own ideals, work hard for them, realize our ideals and harvest a happy future.

  After watching the first lesson of school, as students, we should better understand the story in the program, seriously feel the theme of ideal illuminating the future, start from ourselves, study hard, love our motherland and party, establish positive ideals and goals, take action, work hard, become useful people in society and show our best value, Harvest a bright future!


  Happy times always pass at a glance. In the twinkling of an eye, we usher in a new semester and a new beginning. However, since 2008, we will broadcast a special meaningful program before the beginning of school, that is "the first lesson of school".

  For the majority of primary and secondary school students, this is not an ordinary public welfare program, but let us realize the other side of the great motherland through the form of the program__ The year is a special year, because in this year, our great party has ushered in its centenary. Therefore, the theme of this year's first lesson is to illuminate the future with ideals. The program focuses on celebrating the centenary of the founding of the party and building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Please welcome the winner of the "July 1st Medal", the model of poverty alleviation, the advanced figures in the fight against epidemic, the model of the times, the heroic astronauts Representatives of the air echelon, "Post-00" Olympic athletes, young and middle-aged artists and youth representatives took to the podium and had a class with primary and secondary school students from all over the country through the "cloud classroom", so as to vividly tell the story of the Communist Party of China seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation and great unity for the world. For the public welfare programs that have accompanied us for more than ten years, we have learned a lot of knowledge and abilities from this program, but the first lesson program can lay a good foundation for us from childhood. As the saying goes, a person's strength lies not in appearance, but in spirit and thought. We can only constantly learn innovative ideas, have a firm patriotic heart, and believe that the future motherland will become more powerful for your growth. In the era of rapid development, we should not adapt to the pace of development in the new era, but choose to surpass, Only in this way will the future development path of the motherland become more and more beautiful.

  After watching the first lesson of this year's school, I learned a lot. I also learned about the hard work of the motherland along the way. It also made me understand that our great party has made great contributions to our life today. Therefore, we should continue to learn and grow. So as to become a powerful successor to our great party and lay a firm foundation for the future development of the motherland.


  With the passage of time, the long holiday has ended, and the next thing to welcome us is the new school season. The expected educational public welfare program "the first lesson of school" was broadcast on time at 8:00 today, so I waited in front of the TV early.

  At the beginning of the school year, what students expect is not the arrival of the new semester, but more about the special program "the first lesson of the school year", because in each year, we will learn a lot of different knowledge and see a lot of heroic deeds, people and things in our motherland, which can enrich each of our lives. This year's theme is, During this period, many guests on the scene constantly showed us different patriotic feelings, and the plot of each paragraph deeply moved me. What impresses me most is that Gong Lijiao said that as long as the motherland needs me, I will continue to practice! This sentence deeply contains the love for the motherland. As teenagers in the new era, what we need more is this spirit.

  With the development of the first lesson of school, I also saw the development process of the prosperity and construction road of the motherland, which shocked me deeply and made me feel that being a China is a beautiful and proud thing. In this era of rapid development, we should not only meet our material needs, but also be full of spirit. Only by constantly learning the cultural knowledge of the motherland, improving their ideological and moral character, always maintaining a patriotic heart and worrying about the country and the people, can we become a qualified future successor of the motherland in the future. Therefore, since childhood, we must work hard, be positive and strive for the development of the future life path of the motherland.

  After watching the program of the first lesson of this year's school, I understand a lot. Today's life is not brought with the wind, but the hard work of our great ancestors and the party and people. Therefore, we can't live up to our great party and their efforts. Only by constantly studying and growing, can the future development path of the motherland become better and better. Therefore, only by making ourselves strong can we give better play to the value of socialist successors and make our life course full of meaning.


  In the blink of an eye, time slipped away unconsciously, the long and happy holiday was over, and then the new semester began. I believe that every student is similar to me. Full of joy, he returns to school with a smile. At the beginning of this new semester, he also ushers in the annual "first class", which is also my favorite extracurricular knowledge class. The theme of "first class" in 2022 is "".

  "The first lesson of school" is a large-scale public welfare program cooperated by the Ministry of education and CCTV. Since 2008, the Ministry of education has worked closely with CCTV to launch the first lesson at the beginning of the new school year every year.

  On that day, I ate dinner early and waited in front of the TV to start broadcasting, in case I missed the wonderful clips.

  "The first lesson of school" has made me learn a lot of knowledge outside the textbooks, enriched my experience, and made me more aware of the greatness of the party and the heroes who have contributed everything to the party and the people. At the same time, it also made me understand that we should strive to do well ourselves on the road of the future development of the motherland, devote ourselves to learning, strive to grow and hope in the future, Can make their own contribution to the development of the motherland. As a young generation in the new era, we are the hope of the future of our motherland. We should inherit and carry forward the lofty spirit of patriotism.

  After watching the first lesson of school, my mood can't be calm for a long time. I always think of the pictures of heroes who serve the country and the people in my mind. In my heart, I have secretly made up my mind, set great aspirations and cast a firm patriotic heart. I should work hard on the road of seeking knowledge. When I grow up, I should have enough ability to make my own contributions to the society, the motherland and the people, and leave my own footprints on the road of the development of new China, Just like the predecessors in the first lesson of school, they contribute their own strength to the prosperity of the motherland.


  Time passed in a hurry. In the twinkling of an eye, the school season came. After spending a long 2022 holiday at home, another school year began. In the new semester and new look, we should all pack up our mood and go back to school to study and continue to work hard for our future. At the same time, every school season, CCTV program "the first lesson of school" will grandly meet with our primary and secondary school students all over the country. As a first gear, there are_ Over the years, the program has been adhering to the purpose of "education" to educate young people all over the country. It is an educational program of extraordinary significance, which is worthy of our students to watch carefully and feel the value and connotation of the program.

  Friends who have learned about the first lesson of school will know that the program has a specific educational purpose, which aims to convey the concept of positive health and positive energy, so as to correctly guide children to establish their outlook on life and values. The theme of the first lesson is different in each issue, which makes us feel profound and fruitful. Time flies. This year's theme is, The program group invited Xie Xingchang, he Xiaoli, Xiamen University graduate education support group, and other guests. Through the program "the first lesson of school", we realize the importance of ideal.

  Since 1999, the graduate education support group of Xiamen University has sent 323 members to continuously carry out the relay of "wisdom and ambition" in the barren Xihaigu area, and guard the children's ideals with knowledge. More than 20 years ago, due to the shortage of school running conditions, the power supply was cut off after self-study at night. Students need to light candles to study. Many children even read by the light of teachers' dormitories. Zhang Xiuli, a teacher of the first branch education group, recalled the picture at that time and still had tears in her eyes. Nowadays, great changes have taken place in Xihaigu's natural environment and teaching environment. In the program, SA Beining, Xiamen and minning were connected at the same time. The three places sang a song "song and smile" together to continue to convey this 23-year-old baton of helping friendship and love.

  By watching "the first lesson of school", the vicissitudes of a century are just in their prime. Generation after generation of Communists, the revolutionary spirit cultivated in the practice of revolution, construction and reform has converged into a moving hymn. Our ancestors cut through thorns and hardships and forge ahead, so that we can have today's new life. Their efforts are worthy of our memory and gratitude. As teenagers, we should understand that the future belongs to young people and place our hopes on them. We should enhance the ambition, backbone and confidence of the Chinese people, live up to the times, youth and the ardent expectations of the party and the people!

