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【#英语资源# 导语】家乡的一切都是那么美,我爱家乡的秀丽风景。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  My hometown Tianjin is a beautiful modern city.

  Tianjin is the brightest pearl in the Bohai Bay. Haihe River is the symbol of Tianjin. The scenic line of Haihe River is like a long picture scroll, which makes Tianjin look beautiful. I think her most beautiful thing is the beauty of the Haihe River flowing under the night light. The bright and dark lights on both sides are reflected in the river, just like gorgeous rosy clouds. The slow running water sends the rosy clouds to the distance. Tianjin TV Tower is our essence. It is located in the center of the broad Tianta lake. It is like a sword piercing the sky and straight into the sky. There are music fountains in the lake, and the gushing springs complement the wonderful music. Tianjin is rich in products. The rice in the small station and the radish in Shawo are famous all over the world. Tianjin's flavor snacks are even more famous at home and abroad, including Goubuli steamed buns, ear eye fried cakes, GUI Faxiang's fried dough twist, etc. Golden fried dough twist, with ice candy, sprinkled with green and red silk, melon sticks and other small materials, emits a sweet osmanthus smell. Goubuli's steamed stuffed buns are even more mouth watering. The steaming steamed stuffed buns just released from the cage look like autumn chrysanthemums in the mist, and then bite a mouthful of oil and water, which is delicious but not greasy.

  Tianjin is old and young. The changes in Tianjin make us dizzy. Tall buildings rise from the ground, overpasses are erected across the sky, and expressways extend in all directions. The streets are lined with trees and the parks in the middle of the street are full of flowers. On the square, in the park, beside the street, no matter the white haired old people, the young people full of vitality, or the babbling children, everyone's faces are filled with a bright smile.

  I love my hometown, I love Tianjin.


  My hometown is a small mountain village with beautiful mountains and rivers and beautiful scenery. The scenery here is picturesque in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

  In spring, the hills in front of the village are covered with dense trees and green bamboos. The fresh bamboo shoots break through the soil and greedily suck the dew of spring. The flowers and plants look particularly delicate under the moisture of spring rain. Climb up the top of the mountain along the steps and look down. The houses at the bottom of the mountain are like pigeon cages, the cars are crawling like beetles on the road, and the green seedling fields are crisscross like endless green blankets. Several cowherd boys play and play on the grass from time to time. Some are playing beautiful tunes on the back of cattle with flutes.

  In summer, if you come to my hometown, the children will take out the biggest and sweetest watermelon for you to eat enough. Looking to the right from the melon field, you can see the beautiful lotus pond. At this time, you can't help reciting: "the lotus leaves are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers are very red." When it is hot, the children in the village regard the "lotus pool" as a "swimming pool" and swim in it. The tired child sat on the bank enjoying the lotus while picking the lotus to eat. Lotus is like a honeycomb. There is a fresh and sweet lotus seed in one hole. It is delicious to eat raw or fried after peeling the shell, and it is nutritious!

  In autumn, the crops in the fields are mature, the grass becomes yellow and green, the corn cob is bulging with a "General belly", and some chrysanthemums are like girls' curly hair, some like grandpa's crutches, and some like dragon claws. Persimmons are like "little lanterns" hanging on trees. They are red and swing around in the autumn wind, like red dolls swinging and picking one to taste. pharynx It's delicious. My friends came to eat persimmons.

  In winter, snowflakes fall from the sky, both floating in the air like dandelions and dancing in the air like several silver butterflies. The small village is a snow-white and transparent world, full of snow. The snow gives me a soft carpet. Children, it's very lively to have snowball fights and make snowmen in the snow

  I love my hometown. I love the beautiful scenery of the four seasons in my hometown. If you have time, don't forget to come to my hometown and have a look, it's an intoxicating scenery.


  My hometown is in Lishan. Maybe you don't think it's a very beautiful place, but it's a very complex place for me.

  Last week, my mother took me to Lishan - my uncle and grandmother's house. As soon as I arrived at my uncle's and grandmother's house, I saw a piece of emerald green in front of me, because this time is the season when flowers bloom in spring and everything recovers, and small flowers and grass rush out of the ground. Especially the spring jasmine is in full bloom. One here and one there. The small yellow flowers are set off by green leaves. Busy little bees are collecting honey. They stay at one end of the flower for a while and at the other end for a while. They are very busy. The air is full of refreshing flower fragrance.

  My uncle and grandmother are going to work in the field, and I'm going with them. It turned out that my uncle and grandmother were going to plant corn in the field. She first dug small holes in the land, then put small red seeds like corn grains in the small holes, and finally filled them up. Looking at the newly planted corn seeds, I seemed to see the corn cobs with heavy aroma.

  I also saw a clear brook. Take a closer look, Ho, there are some small fish in the water. These small black fish are about 1 cm long. Although they are slim, they are very sensitive. I squatted by the stream and held a handful of water in my hand. As a result, a small black fish was held up by me, and the small fish swam in my hand. I looked at it and my heart was full of praise for nature. I let go of my fingers, and the little fish slipped out of my fingers and swam freely in the water again. It was getting late and we went home.

  Ah, the scenery of my hometown is so beautiful. I want to praise it thousands of times!


  My hometown is Tianshui, Gansu Province, which is rich in apples. As soon as autumn comes, the apple will mature. At that time, people all over the country and even all over the world can eat Tianshui huaniu apple. It is a world-famous fruit and is deeply loved by the majority of consumers.

  As we all know, there are more than one kind of apples in Tianshui. Fuji series: Red Fuji, yellow Fuji. Marshal series: Marshal red, marshal Huang. There are also many red star series, such as red star and new red star, and what I introduce to you is the most famous, best eaten and popular good apple in Tianshui, huaniu apple.

  Huaniu apple can be compared with Fuji in Japan and snake fruit in the United States. Huaniu apple is native to huaniuzhai village, Shilipu Township, Tianshui County, Gansu Province. The red Marshal produced in this area is huaniu apple. The general color of huaniu apple is black red and large. If you look carefully, you will see many large and small white spots on its surface, just like the stars in the night sky at night, dotted on its satin red cheeks, and covered with a thin layer of fog, which makes people drool at a glance.

  His eating methods are also diverse: he can eat directly or peel it; It can be eaten by putting some milk and honey, or squeezed into juice with a juicer. It can be said that you can eat and drink. It's the best of both worlds!

  Huaniu apple is very nutritious and rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals. It has a flat sex. Eating more apples is good for the intestines and stomach. The middle-aged woman can eat fat, and the spirit of the middle-aged woman can eat white.

  The price of huaniu apple in the market is about six to seven yuan a kilogram. This is already very cheap. It costs dozens of yuan a kilogram abroad. Huaniu apple is widely planted in my hometown and is the main source of income for many families.

  This is our huaniu apple in Tianshui. You can't forget it if you don't taste it. Welcome to taste it!


  My hometown is a city with ancient charm and color, but without losing the sense of modernity. "The place where the Bayi military flag rises" hero city Nanchang.

  Nanchang has a history of nearly 2200 years. It is famous in China because of a building and a parallel prose. This is Tengwang Pavilion, a historic building that has been destroyed and prospered 29 times. It is also miraculously located on the edge of the Ganjiang River. Today's Tengwang Pavilion, surrounded by pavilions, green grass and pines, sets off the Wei Wei high Pavilion behind you. When you come to the top floor of Tengwang Pavilion, you can see the boundless sea of clouds and the slow river flow. A generation of talented Wang Bo wrote a magnificent, magical, sad and beautiful preface to Tengwang Pavilion here. The famous sentence "sunset and solitary ducks fly together, and the autumn water is the same as the sky" has been read so far.

  Nanchang is not only an ancient city, but also a modern city. In the evening, the Ganjiang River becomes a unique scenic spot, with towering buildings, colorful lights, lush flowers and trees, clean and wide pedestrian walkways and happy walking crowds, forming a beautiful and prosperous picture. The brightest "Pearl" on this scenic line is the Qiushui Square. The music fountain on the square attracts many people to watch every time. With the change of music, the form of water spray is constantly changing, sometimes wrapped in silver, sometimes gorgeous, sometimes dancing softly, sometimes magnificent. When the music reaches the tide, a water column rises in the air and rushes into the sky like Optimus Prime, The crowd kept cheering and praising.

  Nanchang, once known as "Yuzhang old county and Hongdu new mansion", has become today's charming new town and dynamic metropolis. I love you, my beautiful hometown!


  My hometown, Shidian Shuichang, is a painting full of poetry and fascinating.

  A long ditch flows slowly along the village. The ditch is full of tall banyan trees and beautiful Clivia. There are endless paddy fields in front of the ditch and families behind the ditch. Every family's yard is full of fruit trees. Behind the village are rolling mountains with all kinds of flowers and trees on the hillside.

  In spring, willows and banyan trees beside the ditch sprout; The grass sneaked out of the soil, like a newborn baby; Clivia competes to open, red like brides to be married. The hardworking farmers went to the fields in groups to sow seeds, sowing the hope of spring. Every family's yard is full of peach blossoms and pear blossoms... A gust of wind brings incense to every corner of the village. At this time, the whole village is immersed in the sea of incense. The hillside also catches up with the footsteps of spring and puts on a light green military uniform.

  In summer, the trees near the ditch grow luxuriant. Adults enjoy the cool and chat under the tree; The children are having a water fight in the ditch, "hee hee ha", and they are very happy! The rice seedlings in the field were green. A breeze blew and set off green waves, driving away layer by layer. The winding lotus pond is full of layers of leaves. The leaves come out of the water very high, like the skirt of a graceful dancer. White lotus blossoms are dotted among the leaves, like pearls and beauties just out of the bath. At night, crickets in the grass, cicadas in the trees and frogs in the fields are singing beautiful songs, forming a wonderful rural symphony.

  Autumn's hometown is another scenery. The rice in the field is yellow and heavy. When the wind blows, it rustles, as if to say, "autumn is coming!" People are busy harvesting rice, showing a hot scene. In the woods, yellow leaves are flying like yellow butterflies. Occasionally, a few pieces fall into the ditch, like a leaf boat, loaded with a boat's joy and sailing to the distance.

  In winter, swallows fly back to the south in groups, leaving only a quiet and blue sky. Look, the fields are full of golden rape flowers. Looking from afar is like putting a golden carpet on the earth.

  Guests from my hometown will be entertained not only by the people from my hometown, but also by the people from my hometown. I love the people of my hometown, but also the place where my heart is concerned!


  Luntai County in Xinjiang is my hometown. My hometown is very beautiful.

  In spring, new branches are pulled out from the branches, and tender green buds are slowly growing. The children were playing and playing under the tree. They never bear to break a branch. They can see the tree every day. Over time, the children and the tree have become good friends.

  In summer, the weather is very hot. Big trees are like soldiers fighting against the sun. Small flowers compete for beauty.

  Autumn is the harvest season for farmers. The rice is ripe and the fields are golden. That string of plump rice, heavy, the pressure of the rice pole could not stand, and the rice pole bent down, like a 70-year-old grandfather. When the autumn wind blows, the rice flowers flutter with layers of golden waves. Look! One harvester slowly marched among the rice waves. The farmer's uncle's face was filled with the joy of a bumper harvest.

  Winter is our favorite season. It looks silvery white from a distance. It's very beautiful. Pedestrians walked on the road, snowflakes floating on them, but they didn't care. The campus is very lively. Naughty boys are having snowball fights and lovely girls are making snowmen. They have a lot of fun.

  What I like most is the fallen leaves in my hometown. Whenever the fallen leaves fall, I feel happy. When I see the appearance of the fallen leaves, the autumn wind blows gently, thousands of trees rustle, branches and red leaves sway, like a jumping flame, which reflects the red mountains, water, sky and earth.

  I love my hometown, and I love the people of my hometown more.


  Speaking of the beautiful scenery of my hometown, I think the central square where my family lives is also one of the beautiful scenery. It is a big garden with fresh air, beautiful scenery and lively.

  In early summer, the scenery here is very beautiful. Walking to the east gate, the first thing I saw was a rockery. When I looked closer, I found that there was a clear spring flowing out of the stone crack, like a waterfall. Walking along the path, there are all kinds of trees on both sides of the road, and the ground is also covered with small flowers and grass. The grass came out from the embrace of the earth, and the flowers competed to open. The red was like fire, the pink was like Xia, the White was like snow, and the flowers were sweet. The warm sun shines on the earth, and the cicada is unwilling to cry lonely.

  The garden in early summer is not only beautiful, but also very lively.

  Keep walking along the path. As soon as you turn, you will see a stadium and a swimming pool. Both basketball and tennis can be played on the court, and the people who play the ball are all flushed. The swimming pool is more beautiful and lively than the stadium. The bottom of the pool is covered with blue mosaic, and the clear water looks as blue as the sea. Adults and children jumped into the swimming pool in turn, showing their superb skills. How vivid this beautiful scene is!

  I love my hometown and the beautiful garden.


  My hometown is a beautiful place. There are rolling mountains, clear streams and lush bamboo forests.

  "Cluck, cluck..." the rooster began to crow. Slowly, the fish belly turned white in the East and the sun came out. In the bamboo forest, warm sunshine shoots in from the leaves. On the bamboo leaves, naughty little dew rolled around. Suddenly, from the depths of the bamboo forest, there came a clear and beautiful bird call, breaking the silence of the morning. People who get up early begin to get busy.

  In the morning of spring, when you walk in the fields, you will certainly see a beautiful scene. Standing on the ridge, looking into the distance, rape flowers are like a golden carpet. When a gust of wind blew, rape began to play tricks, like welcoming guests from afar. The hardworking farmers were busy in the fields with hoes and shovel.

  Then go for a walk by the stream. On the bank, the pear trees have white flowers, and the fragrance of flowers is floating in the air. Willow girl combs her long braids in the warm spring breeze. A breeze blew and the water was sparkling. From time to time, lovely little fish jump out of the water and greedily absorb the fresh air... Ah, everything is so vibrant and intoxicating!

  If you go out for a walk on a summer night, you often hear the cheering of crickets, textile women and frogs, which form a symphony of a happy night. The bright moonlight shone on the rolling mountains in the distance and covered it with a golden jacket. "Come on, this way!" Looking for fame, it turned out that some children were catching fireflies. The innocent laughter that day was like a beautiful song, telling the happiness of childhood


  My hometown is a small town with beautiful scenery and shade of green trees.

  In spring, tender green branches are pulled out of the branches, the grass opens its eyes lazily, and the flowers are in full bloom, red, blue, yellow and purple. The flowers sent out bursts of intoxicating fragrance and attracted a large group of butterflies. The butterflies danced in the air. What a beautiful scene!

  Summer is coming, the leaves are greener, and they go fishing in the river. The trees are like some soldiers. The flowers are also more fragrant and attractive. The lotus is also in bloom. The lotus leaf is green and the lotus is light pink. It's so beautiful! Our children like to go to the lotus pond to pick lotus roots. A fish swims around in groups in the water. As soon as we catch it, it "jumps around" and looks like it begging. What a pity!

  In autumn, wild geese fly to the south, sometimes in a straight line, and sometimes in a straight line. The sky is blue. There is a golden scene under the sky. The wheat is yellow and the leaves are yellow. Leaves leave the arms of the tree mother one by one and "travel" alone. The farmer uncle is very busy in this season, because the wheat cultivated by their hard sweat is mature, and they are all busy cutting the wheat!

  When winter comes, snowflakes fall from the sky to the ground. The whole world is white. Snowflakes are flower like and white. They melt into crystal beads as soon as they are squeezed in your hands.

  My hometown is so beautiful. I love my hometown!

