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【#英语资源# #我爱我家乡英语作文范文(精选十篇)#】家乡,是身心俱疲的人们温暖的归宿;家乡,是历经风雨后人们的避风港。家乡,永远是人们心中最美的地方。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《我爱我家乡英语作文范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇一

  My hometown, Linze, is known as the "Chinese jujube hometown"; Linze jujube is famous nationwide. Although there are many fruit trees in my hometown, I only love the red jujube tree in Linze. Whenever the spring breeze blows, the jujube tree grows green buds, and the tree is filled with some golden hexagonal small yellow flowers. The fragrance of jujube flowers is strong and refreshing. Passing by the jujube trees, the strong fragrance makes people reluctant to leave for a long time.

  Summer has arrived, and the small yellow flowers are slowly shedding, turning into small green fruits like soybeans, and gradually turning into dates as big as peanuts, green and green, hanging on jujube trees like emeralds.

  Autumn has arrived, and the dates are gradually turning red and ripe. Bite open the inside, the white and tender flesh is as sweet as honey, and the sweet flesh will be sweet to your heart, making you feel as if you can never eat enough... At that time, Uncle Zao Nong's courtyard and roof were all sun dried with dates, like red agate, piles and pieces as if the entire courtyard had turned red.

  In my hometown, jujube trees are known as iron crops. Jujube trees not only bring us joy, but also allow dates to be sold at the market, greatly increasing the income of farmers. Therefore, I particularly love the red jujube trees in my hometown.

2.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇二

  My hometown is in Anyuan, and it is rich in navel oranges. I love the navel oranges in my hometown!

  The drizzle is like silk, and each navel orange tree greedily sucks the sweet dew of spring. They stretch their small hand like branches, and narrow leaves laugh in the rain and mist. The pure white navel orange flowers emit a refreshing fragrance; After the slanting wind and light rain in spring, the navel orange trees are hung with small green lanterns. They are firmly welcoming the scorching sun in summer and the baptism of storms.

  After summer, the navel oranges covered in trees become even more pleasing, and the unripe green fruits are as big as the fists of eight or nine year old children, shimmering with green light in the sunlight. Gradually, the navel orange grew and matured, and the skin gradually turned yellow. Although the navel orange skin was still green with yellow and yellow with green, the intoxicating fruity aroma immediately spread after the navel orange was cut open.

  It is said that autumn is the harvest season, and the navel oranges in our hometown also mature at this time. The navel orange of Manshan exudes a golden yellow glow. They don't really turn golden because they are too yellow, so they look like gold. At this point, when you carefully cut it open, you can see the "moons" squeezing together one by one, and picking up one can make your lips stained with golden juice.

  The unique soil quality of my hometown gives my hometown's navel orange a unique fragrance and sweetness. I love my hometown's navel orange!

3.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇三

  Spring is warm, summer is hot, winter is cold, but I love the autumn in my hometown.

  The autumn color of my hometown starts to appear from chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum is mainly yellow, with tightly connected petals, densely packed. It always likes to surround itself in the middle, as if constantly searching for something. The deeper the autumn, the more it shows a yellowing color. At this moment, they began to emit a refreshing fragrance. If each family placed a pot of chrysanthemums on the balcony and blew freely, perhaps you would be intoxicated by this refreshing fragrance when passing by.

  Autumn is also a season of abundant harvest, and even the persimmon tree makes people feel sweet. Every autumn, Grandma's persimmon tree is filled with persimmons of all sizes, like deep yellow lanterns hanging from the tree. At this point, my sister and I would carry a basket and compete to pick large and ripe persimmons from the tree. In a moment, the basket was full, and I couldn't wait to open it. The fragrant smell emanated, making people salivate. It must be good!

  Perhaps it is because the wind has been too strong these past few days that the maple leaves have been flying wildly. Walking on the road where the maple leaves are made, everyone feels happy. There are always some children playing by the big trees, and their happy laughter rolls up the fallen leaves on the ground. "Shua!" Like snow, the leaves on the tree seem to want to play, like a waterfall flying down, "Shua!" rolled up again

  Autumn in my hometown, I love it!

4.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇四

  My hometown is in Longquan, where there are abundant peaches, which is my favorite fruit in summer.

  In spring, when you go to the Peach Blossom Valley, there will be blooming peach blossoms everywhere, like a pink scarf hanging on the mountain peak. We walked to a high place on the mountain slope, where it was different from before. The mountains and fields were filled with people watching peach blossoms, making the quiet valleys lively and the peach blossoms even more charming. The peach tree is firmly supported on the ground like the palm of its hand, with its peach blossom blooming smile on its fingers. Sometimes, a few mischievous little bees perform in the peach blossom tray!

  When the flower withers, don't be sad for her, you should be happy for her! Because she has small, green, and furry little babies, some of whom have come out to bask in the sun, and others have hidden under the tender green leaves to sleep!

  In summer, small peaches turn into red on top and white on the bottom, resembling the face of a chubby little doll, hanging heavily from the branches. Mom bought some peaches, which are soft and very sweet. If you are lucky, you will encounter a bug to share the peaches with you, which will be unforgettable for your life!

  Our peaches also have the reputation of being "the best peach in the world" and are exported to many countries? I love my hometown, and even more love the honey peaches in my hometown!

5.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇五

  Winter is very cold, and as it gets colder and colder, a beautiful scenery will appear in my hometown, which is also a natural scenery that I cannot forget for a long time - the fog.

  Wusong is snow white, which is the color of frost. Its shape is determined by the direction of branch propagation and growth, so the shape of the fog is usually different.

  In winter, the mist covered in the mountains and fields is like small silver fans. With the gentle breeze blowing, the snow on the mist falls, and rows of small silver fans become lush pine trees.

  At night, the mist stood quietly there. The bright moonlight shone on it, emitting a sparkling white light, like shining stars in the sky.

  In the city, there are also footprints of fog, which can be seen everywhere in the streets, courtyards, and various places. No matter where it is, it can reflect the spirit of fog fearing no cold.

  The wind is blowing, the snow is falling, the severe cold is roaring, and the sky is getting colder and colder. However, the fog is protecting our beautiful hometown, and our indomitable spirit is worth learning from.

  In the winter of the city, if you see a few misty trees, it will make you intoxicated after all. However, when you look at the beautiful misty trees that cover the mountains and fields of your hometown, you will feel the local customs of your hometown.

6.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇六

  I love the blooming spring, the shady summer with green trees, the snowy winter, and even more so, the fruitful autumn.

  My hometown - Taipingzhuang, is a small town on the northern border.

  I love autumn in my hometown the most.

  In autumn, there is a scene of abundant harvest in the fields. My friends and I ran freely in the fields. Sometimes he goes into the field and steals two ears of corn; Sometimes I chop off a few sweet sticks and pick off a bunch of sky stars; Sometimes three or five sunflowers are broken and some potatoes are dug up.

  The friends gathered together, pulled some dry grass, lit it up, and began to roast corn and potatoes. Roasted, we happily ate it. Tired of eating and playing, I lay down on the soft grass to rest. Suddenly, from afar came a laughing and cursing voice: "Which greedy cat ghost stole my corn?" We lay on the grass, sticking out our tongues and couldn't help but laugh.

  In a moment, we heard the rumbling sound of locomotives. Standing up and looking, it turned out that the lawn mower was coming. We quickly ran to the side. After the grass was harvested, we played hide and seek, and each one hid in the haystack. The question is' where is it? 'The answer over there is' I'm here'. In the fields, our laughter echoed for a long time.

  Autumn in my hometown is really interesting. I love autumn in my hometown.

7.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇七

  My hometown is in Linze, and I love the red dates in my hometown.

  The drizzle is like a thread, and each red date tree greedily sucks the sweet dew of spring. They stretch out, yawn, and grow new branches, sprouting tender buds. The date trees are like soldiers wearing green robes.

  Before and after the Dragon Boat Festival, each jujube tree was covered with light yellow jujube flowers, and upon smelling it, there was a faint fragrance. At this moment, the entire tree seemed to be covered by jujube flowers, without a green ocean. Perhaps they thought they were not looking good, so they hid behind the jujube flowers!

  The jujube flowers have withered, and the newly grown ones are small and green, with a particularly astringent taste. After another month or two, the places that could be exposed to the sun turned red, and it didn't taste so astringent anymore. It was a bit crispy. In August and September, the dates are almost all red and the taste is not so crispy, but sweet. On National Day, every jujube turns red, without any green, like red agates, without any astringent taste, and it feels no longer crispy, only sweet.

  At this moment, the whole village went to the jujube forest to harvest dates. They took sticks to harvest dates. A young uncle shook the jujube tree vigorously, and the dates fell with a clattering sound. Suddenly, there was a jujube rain, and the children picked up the red dates in baskets. Laughter came from the jujube forest.

  Jujubes can be sun dried on the roof or pickled in a vat to make wine dates, both of which are delicious.

8.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇八

  My hometown is very beautiful! There is a large fish pond in my hometown. There are fish, shrimp, crabs inside... In summer and spring, there is very little water in the fish pond, only through the middle part. As long as you go below us, you can see shrimp and crabs under these stones. The water in the fish pond is full in winter and autumn for students. So fish, shrimp, and crabs are increasing. There is a Chinese sign standing in the soil, which says "No Fishing", but there are still many people fishing. Some people are even developing fish pond swimming, and in order to prevent safety accidents from happening, they have also erected a "No Swimming" sign.

  There is a forest in my hometown where few people enter. There is a field behind the forest that is only visited when planting, hunting, and searching for firewood. It's scary to go in alone. But the sound of cuckoos is often heard outside. It feels like a bird.

  There is a cherry tree in front of my house, and as a result, it can be a sweet cherry and large. There is a pear tree. When the pear flowers are in full bloom, they are snow-white, some grow big and sweet, but they are delicious. After eating, take out the second one, and there is a tall one. It is a mature fruit, sweet, big, really beautiful.

  There is also a house with a Chinese bamboo forest behind it. When we play hide and seek, my favorite place to hide is there.

  I love the scenery of my hometown, and I love my hometown even more!

9.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇九

  Everyone has their own hometown, and each person's hometown also has its own beauty. My hometown is in Quanzhou, and I love it very much. I am also extremely proud and proud of having this beautiful and rich hometown.

  Ah, when the first spring breeze blew over my hometown, the rolling mountains in the distance became even greener; The small grass in the nearby lawn quietly emerged from the ground. They were tender, green, and chubby little leaves, like fat dolls who had just woken up. This and that cluster added infinite vitality to spring. In summer, strong sunlight shines on the earth. My classmates and I ran to the swimming pool and excitedly jumped into the water, wow! It's really cool. I was thirsty and went to buy ice cream. The scorching sun shone on the ice cream, and it quickly melted, alas! You can only 'drink' it. In autumn, the full slope of longan has matured. Peel open the shell and gently bite open it, and you can see the fresh and translucent flesh. It's so sweet in your mouth that you still want to eat it. In winter, the north is already covered in snow, while in Quanzhou, there are still green trees and lush branches, and the flowers blooming in the garden are still so beautiful.

  Quanzhou is the starting point of the ancient "Maritime Silk Road", with many scenic spots and historical sites. There are several major medieval religious temples in the world, such as Kaiyuan Temple, Laojunyan, Qingjing Temple, Islamic Virgin Mary, and Caoyan, that belong to cultural relics protection units; There are traditional architectural masterpieces such as Luoyang Bridge, Anping Bridge, and Chongwu Ancient City, as well as the tomb of the national hero Zheng Chenggong and the folk belief temple Tianhou Palace. If you have the opportunity to visit and play in my hometown, you will definitely have a lot to gain.

  We also have many famous local specialties in Quanzhou. Dehua's ceramics, Hui'an's stone carvings, Anxi's oolong tea, Tieguanyin, Yongchun vinegar... They are all excellent gifts for family and friends, and are also sold both domestically and internationally.

  I love my hometown, its mountains and rivers, every plant and tree, its history and culture... When I grow up, I will use my wisdom and sweat to make my hometown more beautiful.

10.我爱我家乡英语作文范文 篇十

  Light one lamp after another, shining brightly, the phantom of hometown, hazy will; Drinking a cup of clear tea, the fragrance is full, and the atmosphere of hometown is fresh and shining. Opening a page of painting, everything is in the clouds, and the beautiful scenery of hometown is clearly visible.

  My hometown is a small place, where there is no hustle and bustle of big cities, no bustling lights, no bustling bustle. But it has the tranquility and tranquility that big cities do not have, the harmony and tranquility that big cities do not have, and the beautiful scenery that big cities do not have. Because of these, I love it.

  It is quiet and serene. In the morning, when a ray of sunlight from the east lifted a dark corner, the sleeping hometown gradually woke up. The sleeping birds sang beautiful songs, the fish swam merrily in the water, and everything was so peaceful. The occasional sound of roosters brings a hint of excitement to the tranquility of our hometown. In the evening, golden crescents hung in the air, and the small river was flowing quietly, reflecting the shadows of the moon and stars in the river. The roadside lights flickered faintly, although faint, countless lights condensed together, appearing so gentle. The willow trees on the shore swayed in the wind, their soft branches appearing so beautiful. Looking from afar, my hometown looks so quiet and serene!

  It is harmonious and peaceful. The people in my hometown are honest and simple, and the relationships between neighbors are very good, so their lives are very harmonious. Often, the dishes made by my family are placed in the yard together with those made by his family. My family and neighbors sit together in the yard, chatting and laughing while eating. Our faces are filled with joy and joy. After dinner, the young people played chess, played erhu, and chatted in the courtyard. The children were under the big fruit tree, trying their best to pick fruits. One child climbed up the tree and, just halfway up, slid down. The friends next to him saw it and burst into laughter. On the ground, when the child was about to be used, he couldn't help but laugh at the laughter of his companions. That scene is so harmonious and peaceful!

  My hometown, Yusi Temple in Luxian County, although there are no scenic spots or bustling cities, the scenery is picturesque and pleasant!
