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【#PETS# 导语】天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光。备考开始了,坚持下去,你是最棒的!以下为“2019年下半年全国英语等级考试模拟试题1”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  Commercial classical music radio in North America has changed dramatically over the past decade.The number of stations has shnmk very rapidly--many operators dropped the format in favor of something more profitable,like pop or rock,with their crazy youthful audience.But the availability of satellite radio,Interact streaming and digital technologies has introduced new options for classical fans.

  In the city of Toronto,a familiar media player entered the tray last year:Moses Znaimer,65,the famous brave television pioneer who was the driving force behind Toronto's CITY-TV.Eleven months ago,he took ownership of Classical 96.3 FM,Canada's first and largest commercial clas-sical station,which"re-launched"this month with some new on-air hosts,a totally new schedule,and more attention to singing art and less to full-length symphonies.

  The popular station airs selections(usually no more than 10 to 15 minutes long)of greatest-hits classical works,24 hours a day.This usually means single movements of larger works and oth-er pieces,with commercial ads in between.The station may never be the preferred destination of highbrow classical fans,who seek full-length symphonies and operas.But this doesn't seem to trouble Znaimer,who says of his main competitor,CBC Radio Two:"They play classical,and they do it well when they do it,but they don't do it all the time,and they're doing it less and less."

  Marilyn Gilbert,a Toronto artist manager,also makes a comparison to Canada's national broadcaster when she praises Znaimer's station:"Classical 96.3 FM is very important for the com-munity and the country,especially in view of the changes that are going on at CBC."

  Znaimer is best-known for his influential work in television,but he was also one of the crea-tors of Cross Country Checkup,the longest-running show on CBC Radio.Today he calls Classical 96.3 FM"arguably the most successful of all classical music stations on the continent.At about 800,000 listeners per week,we are larger even than the New York Times classical station E WQXR-FM]."And under his excellent and creative leadership,the sound of the station has become livelier.

  1、Many operators have dropped commercial classical radio in order to_______

  A.make more profits

  B.promote pop music

  C.use new technology

  D.attract classical fans


  参考解析:细节题。从文章第一段第二句"…many opel'ators dmppedthe format in favor of something more profitable…"可知:许多电台放弃了原先的模式,转向利润更高的音乐类型。故选A.

  2、From the text we learn that Moses Znaimer wanted to_______

  A.consolidate his position at Classical 96.3 FM

  B.acquaint classical fans with some new radio stations

  C.help expand Toronto's CCTY-TV into a bigger business

  D.make Classical 96.3 FM more satisfying to classical fans


  参考解析:推断题。从文章第二段可知:诺拿摩负责了FM 96.3之后,使电台重新开播,并在主持人和节目计划方面做出了调整。同时,文章第三段,当诺拿摩谈及CBC Radio Tw0时,他认为“他们播放古典音乐,而且做得不错,但是没有一直这么做,他们做得越来越少”。由此可以推断渚拿摩主要想让FM 96.3更好地为喜欢古典音乐的听众服务。故选D.

  3、It can be inferred that Classical 96.3 FM makes money by_______

  A.attracting and broadcasting commercials

  B.showing carefully selected programs

  C.competing with CBC Radio Two

  D.pleasing highbrow classical fang


  参考解析:推断题。从文章第三段第二句"TIlis usuallv meas single movements of large works and other pieces,with commercial ads in between."可知:该电台主要靠播送广告而盈利。故选A.

  4、Marilyn Gilbert believes Classical 96.3 FM_______

  A.encourages people to learn classical music

  B.introduces a new idea to broadcasting reform

  C.matters a lot to the community and the country

  D.causes CBC to change its way of program arrangement


  参考解析:细节题。从文章第四段"…Classical 96.3 FM is very im.portant for the community and the country…"可知:FM96.3对于社区和国家来说是很重要的。故选C.

  5、The success of Classical 96.3 FM lies in the fact that______

  A.it has reformed its traditional program style

  B.it is more diverse than WQXR-FM in New York

  C.it has attracted audiences of different age groups

  D.it is the biggest broadcasting station on the continent


  参考解析:推断题。从文章最后一段第二句"…the most successful ofall classical music stations on the continent.800,000 listeners perWeek.weare larger even than the New York Times…"可知:该大洲所有古典音乐电台中最成功的,每周拥有800,000听众,我们甚至比纽约时报的古典乐台的听众都多。由此可以推断,FM 96.3成功的原因在于吸引不同年龄段的观众。故选C.


  北关的商业古典音乐电台在过去十年发生了巨大变化。、电台数量急剧下降——许多电台放弃了原先的模式,转向利润更高的音乐类型,如流行音乐或摇滚乐。这些音乐拥有许多疯狂的年轻听众。但是,卫星广播、网络和数字技术的出现使古典乐迷们有了新的选择。在多伦多,出现了一位知名的媒体人——莫斯.游拿摩。他65岁,是有名的电视先驱者,他一手负责了多伦多的CITY.TV.11个月前,他接管了古典乐电台FM 96.3.这是加拿大第一家,也是的一家商业古典音乐电台。电台本月重新开播,出现了几个新的主持人和全新的节目计划,它更注重歌唱艺术而不是那些未删减的交响乐。

  1该电台一天24小时都播放一些最流行的经典作品的选段(通常不超过l0到15分钟)。这就意味着将长的音乐作品进行分割,中间穿插各种商业广告。这种电台对于那些追求质量的古典乐迷来说是不具有吸引力的。他们追求的是未删减的交响乐和歌剧。但是,对于涝拿摩来说,这不是问题。他谈及主要的对手——CBC Radio Two时说:“他们播放古典音乐,而且做得不错,但是没有一直这么做,他们做得越来越少。”玛丽琳‘吉尔伯特是多伦多的一位艺术总监。她在赞扬诺拿摩的电台时也比较了加拿大国家广播公司:“古典音乐FM 96.3对于社区和国家来说是很重要的,特别是考虑到CBC正在经历的变化。”游拿摩在电视方面的卓越成就让人熟知,但他还是《全国核查》的创始人之一。这是CBC所播放的最长时间的节目。如今,他称古典音ft.FM 96.3是“该大洲所有古典音乐电台中最成功的,每周拥有800,000听众,我们甚至比纽约时报的古典乐台WQXa—FM的听众都多”。在他卓越和富有创造性的领导下,该电台变得越来越有活力了。

