

时间:2022-04-10 10:00:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#PETS# 导语】世上的事,只要肯用心去学,没有一件是太晚的。你只要记住你的今天比昨天进步了一点,那么你离你的梦想也就更近了一步。©文档大全网整理了“2019年下半年英语等级考试写作模拟试题”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©文档大全网!


  Read the dialogue below and write an explanatory note about chocolate making.Requirement:

  1.Write a short passage that is consistent with the meaning of the relevant content of the dialogue and covers its main points.

  2.Express it in your own language.You can rewrite the sentences in the dialogue,but you can't copy the original sentences.

  Suzie:It's so good to have some chocolate after such a long day.I wonder how they could be made so delicious.

  Charles:They are made from Cocoa beans,grown on a small tropical plant called the Cocoa tree.

  Suzie:So it can only be grown in the tropical countries?

  Charles:Yes,in Central and South America,and other tropical areas.As a matter of fact,70%of the world's Cocoa trees are grown in South Africa.Cocoas beans are theseeds of the tree.Unlike the fruit,it's actually quite bitter.

  Suzie:Really?Then how does it become the sweet chocolate then?

  Charles:The Cocoa beans are roasted so that it dries and the flavor becomes stronger.Afterthat,the beans would get cracked to leave out the outer shells,and then ground to apaste.

  Suzie:Can the paste be eaten?

  Charles:If we remove the fat from the paste,we then get cocoa,which is a favorite drink in winter.But if we want to make chocolate bars,we still need to add things like sug-ar,cocoa butter,vanilla,and milk.When this mixture get heated and cooled forseveral times,it gets really smooth and can be made into the chocolate bars that youlove so much.


  Reference Paradigm:

  Chocolate is made from the seeds of the Cocoa tree---cocoa beans coa trees are grown in tropical regions such as Central and South America,and South Africa.Roast the cocoa beans to dry it and bring out the flavor.Then the beans could be cracked and be made into a paste after the outer shells come off.Then add ingredients such as sugar and milk to make a mixture.Heat and cool the mixture repeatedly to make it smoother.After that,it could be made into the solid chocolates people see every day.

