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【#英语资源# 导语】要么读书要么旅行,灵魂和身体,必须有一个在路上。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  In those days of summer vacation, the weather was very sunny and sunny. Our family of 11 people went to Rizhao to play with the old and the young. My uncle acted as the head of the group and the tour guide, showing us the way and explaining it. My father and grandfather walked in the middle of the line to prevent the line from dispersing. My brother and I were responsible for helping my grandmother up and down the stairs, and a younger brother than me walked around in the crowd.

  As we walked, we watched the scenery and unconsciously came to the seaside. At the same time, the sea was in high tide and washed up many small stones. Shell shrimp

  Adults sat on one side to watch the scenery. My brother and I caught crabs. We were all excited and cheered when we caught one. We arrived at wanpingkou bathing beach, ah, the mighty lighthouse stood in the sea, let alone the wind and waves. We couldn't wait to rush into the water barefoot. That itchy feeling is really wonderful!

  A big wave came, and I choked on the sea water, which made me taste the taste of the sea water. The salty and astringent taste will never be forgotten by me. We took the swimming circle and roamed in the wide sea, as if we had forgotten the existence of time. It was not until our parents urged us repeatedly that we reluctantly came out of the arms of the sea.

  The sunshine that our family tour group came to symbolizes Shijiu market. There are so many people in Shijiu market, which can be said to be a sea of people. Many souvenirs are sold, including conch and starfish. The dazzling pearls keep the mothers' eyes. The different shapes of conch made our children reluctant to part with it, and everyone held several. That beautiful bracelet Trinket has already flown to the wrists of my sister and aunt... Eh! Suddenly, there was a smell in the fishy smell of the sea. We looked for the smell and walked away. It turned out to be a famous food in Qingdao, roast squid kebabs. The three greedy cats grabbed several big kebabs and ate them.

  Sunshine! Sunshine! I love you! The sea! sea! I love you!

  I'll see you again next summer vacation!


  This summer vacation, I went to the beautiful bird island.

  My family and I got on a speedboat. Before long, the ship left the dock. First, it shook violently, and slowly, the ship stabilized. I went out of the cabin, came to the deck and looked into the distance. The place where the sea and the sky are connected is so far away for me. How I want to go there and feel the beauty like a fairyland! Inadvertently, I saw the ship sailing across the sea, splashing high waves, closely following the stern, as if chasing us. Unconsciously, we have arrived at Bird Island, and the ship has slowed down.

  At this time, a group of seagulls flew around our boat, as if expecting something. I took out some bread, steamed bread and biscuits I had brought, crushed them and threw them between the sea and the sky. Some of these gulls swooped down to take away food, and some simply swam around and pecked at it. After a while, there were more and more seagulls around us. I looked up at the bird island and found that the bird island was actually a cliff. I was puzzled and asked my mother, "Why are there so many small black holes on the cliff?" Mother smiled and said, "those little black holes are the homes of seagulls! Their nests are built on the cliffs." Looking at the azure sea and the light blue sky, I suddenly felt that everything around me was blue - the changing blue. And the cry of the seagull seems to be praising the sea and the blue sky. Its snow-white head, snow-white wings, snow-white belly, snow-white back and snow-white tail seem to be used to decorate the blue world, so it becomes more beautiful and warm.

  Groups of seagulls "came back with a full load", and our ship also left bird island. As I walked reluctantly to the cabin, I looked back at the seagulls. I said to the seagulls, "I will come again!"


  This summer vacation, I finally had the opportunity to witness the charm of the Great Wall.

  At the foot of the Great Wall, I found a "Badaling bear paradise". Bears in twos and threes are sitting on a high shelf. There are no trees around them. They are hot to death. There was a bear lying there, scratching and panting with his tongue sticking out, just like a dog with a dry tongue.

  Through the park, we began to climb the Great Wall, which is divided into three parts: passes, walls and towers, and beacon towers. The wall of the Great Wall is high outside and low inside. There are gun holes and grooves for setting up guns on the outer wall. I walked along the wall and watched, sometimes taking photos, sometimes shouting at the sky, like a monkey.

  Gradually, my mother and little sisters couldn't keep up with me. At this time, the great wall and the horizon are close to an angle of 80 degrees. Only my sister-in-law and I climb the earth, and we two climb tirelessly like little snails. After half an hour of hard work, we finally climbed to the Great Wall - Hero slope. Looking down the hill from the slope, the car is small like a beetle, and the pedestrian is small like an ant. They are twisting hard there; The mountain is getting shorter. This is really "going to be the top of the mountain and seeing all the small mountains". The Great Wall is like a giant dragon lying on the top of the mountain, winding and circling with great momentum; The river in the distance is like a jade belt, which forms a beautiful contrast with the Great Wall.

  On the way down the city, we saw some fruits outside the wall of the Great Wall. I went down to pick some and tasted them. The taste was sour and bitter, which was worse than Coptis chinensis.

  "You are not a hero until you reach the Great Wall". I am already a hero now! The birds sing for me, which seems to praise us for being so good; The little tree danced for us, as if celebrating our success; The grass nodded to us, as if telling us that it was good.


  Today, our family finally stepped into the magical land of Dali, Yunnan.

  The characteristic scenic spot of Dali is Erhai Lake. The lake water is sparkling in the sunshine. The water waves playfully slap the mossy stones on the bank. Small fish and shrimp are also playing happily on the bank. A large group of seagulls from the North come here for the winter. Look! Some seagulls are looking for small fish and shrimp in the Great Lakes, some are flying freely in the blue sky, and others refuse to go into the water to catch fish, but quietly wait for people to buy dried fish to feed them. The wind blew gently and soon became naughty, patting people's cheeks and fiddling with people's hair. The sun also began to play tricks on people. The poisonous sun shone on people's exposed skin. People immediately applied sunscreen and opened their umbrellas. At this time, the lake also became bright under the sun, so bright that people couldn't open their eyes.

  In the afternoon, our family came to sea tongue Park, where the coachman was making plans for his business, and the colorful carriages swayed in front of us. We got on the carriage and soon arrived at the Bank of the lake. Dozens of ginkgo trees with ginkgo leaves stood at the end of the land. You can observe the lake water closely in haitongue park. At the same time, it is also a paradise for snails. If you hold it by the bank, you will get a lot of snails, and there are also snails on the trees on the bank.

  In the evening, we went to see the rural scene. The buckwheat flowers are snowy white, the rape flowers have withered, and are full of rapeseed. The lettuce grows neatly in the red soil. The farmers are driving the planter and sowing seeds in the flat land. What a vibrant scene!

  After returning to the hotel, the Bai's landlady greeted us warmly and let us enter the warm room.

  Dali, Yunnan Province, is beautiful, rich, enthusiastic and civilized. These characteristics are integrated together. It is really a tourist destination!


  A few days ago, it seemed that my father and friends had negotiated to go to Qiannanyu.

  In the morning, we got up at 6 o'clock. Very early. We gathered in century capital and had breakfast. Dad's friends and children. There are a lot of people.

  We started off, and our cars were in line. Like a big army. There are many scenic spots on the road, and we also saw the footprints of bicycle races. Along the way, we took photos, took scenery, watched scenery and chatted. so happy!

  Halfway through, we passed Feng Jiagou. Isn't this teacher Feng's hometown? I really want to see it. But we can't. We have to follow the army. Then we went on to the former site of the Chinese people's Red Army in Qiannanyu. I saw many things of my grandfather's era: straw sandals, mines, Chairman Mao Zedong, and so on. We all took a group photo.

  In addition to this place, it's already 12 o'clock at noon, and it's time for dinner. We found a place with mountains, water, flowers and grass. We began to weigh shelves, roast mutton kebabs, bone and meat, roast chicken wings and so on. The staple food is big pot dishes. Before the meal was ready, our mother and children were playing with water. We are still treading in the water barefoot. We are stepping on stones, otherwise we will slip. Because the water in the middle is urgent, maybe someone will fall "dog gnawing mud". We played for a while.

  It's ready to eat. "Mutton kebabs! Who eats fresh mutton kebabs?" Uncle Zhang shouted. "I eat, I eat!" Let me check that one. Everyone was given one. "Delicious! Delicious! It's really professional." I praised it. After eating the kebabs, we began to eat big pot dishes, which are so hot! But it smells good! After dinner, we played for a while and took some photos. He went home.


  The day before we bid farewell to Yunnan, we came to the famous ancient city of Dali.

  Jumping out of the taxi, the first thing you see is the ancient city gate. Two lion heads are embedded in the vermilion gate, which is particularly conspicuous. The Tucheng wall is made of square bricks. On the stones, there are many uneven holes, as if eroded by years. Above the stone wall, there is an ancient building with fiery red "skin" and a golden "hat", which makes it more powerful.

  Entering the ancient city is like crossing. Suddenly, we came to ancient times. A winding street, lined on both sides with ancient buildings, red and black, white and gray, these collocations I have been very familiar with.

  I was immediately intoxicated with this fascinating maze, in addition to the beautiful scenery, there are all kinds of goods in the ancient city. Sweet and sour fruit cakes, delicious beef, exquisite silverware, and ethnic costumes full of exotic customs. Among them, I like fruit cakes best, including sour horn flavor, mango flavor, passion fruit flavor, etc. the colorful fruit cakes are sprinkled with snow-white icing, which makes people want to bite.

  The most famous ones are those ornaments. Thousands of ornaments have their own characteristics. Some jades use gemstones to outline a goldfish, some carve out a few bamboos, and some are naturally carved, exquisite.

  Walking into an alley, there are many small carts beside the road. Snacks are sold on the carts. The alley is fragrant everywhere. Out of the alley, a smell of wine came into my nose, and many broken bowls were piled on the ground. I saw tourists smash the bowls on the ground after drinking wine, asking for a "peace of the year".

  The drizzle is intermittent, the sun wants to hide, the Dali in sunny days and the Green Lane in rainy days make me reluctant to part.


  School is about to begin. We spent ten days in the south. Today, we finally got on the plane home.

  The weather was very sunny. At 8 o'clock in the morning, the plane took off. The buildings on the ground gradually disappeared and became smaller and smaller, just like a miniature model, which was very magnificent!

  The plane passed through the clouds and flew above the white clouds. I found that the sky was so blue! The sun is so bright! White clouds are so beautiful! We are facing the golden sunrise and flying to the sunny ocean!

  The white clouds outside the window covered the whole sky, like a white carpet, undulating and continuous. That white large area, like a group of cute little sheep, lined up in a neat line to welcome us; It's like a big piece of thick marshmallow. I really want to eat it; It is also like a white wall, which separates the sky from the earth and gives us a beautiful new world.

  Under the irradiation of the blue sky and the rising sun, the white clouds are crystal clear, glittering with dazzling light, and combined with the generated shadows, they appear scattered and coherent, with a very three-dimensional sense.

  The plane began to land and flew under the clouds. The fog blocked my view and I couldn't see anything. It turns out that above the clouds, no matter what the weather is on the ground, the sky above the clouds will always be clear. The cloud is like a curtain. When there is a cloud, the curtain is closed. At this time, the sun cannot be seen on the ground, and the sky is overcast; When there is no cloud, the curtain is opened. At this time, there is the sun on the ground, which is sunny. Nature is really wonderful!

  This time, I feel the deepest. I understand that knowledge is everywhere in life. I must study hard and know more about the "wordless dictionary" of life!


  Finally, it's summer vacation. My mother is going to take me to Rizhao City, Shandong Province this year. I'm very excited to see the sea again. On July 18, we got on the train bound for Lianyungang East.

  On the train, the guide asked us who knew the name of Rizhao? Everyone talked and said that the answer was wrong. The guide explained to everyone, "Rizhao City is a city illuminated by the sun first, so it is called Rizhao." After knowing the name of Rizhao, everyone is lamenting the art of Chinese characters. With the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we arrived at Lianyungang East. We got off the train and took the bus for more than four hours to reach Rizhao. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived at our destination. After arriving in Rizhao, we visited the naval battle hall, seals, and an island called Taigong island. When the tide rose, Taigong island was covered. When the tide ebbed, we went to Taigong island once. I saw many reefs of different shapes on Taigong island. These reefs have been at the bottom of the sea for a long time. They are very sharp and can cut people's feet. There are many displays of sea weapons and ancient warships in the naval battle hall. What impresses me most is the 3D film, which is particularly lifelike, just like real animals attacking me. The seals in the seal pool outside the naval battle hall lie lazily there. When I feed the seals with seal food (fish head, fish tail, fish body), they quickly turn up, hold the fish, and pat me on the stomach. Maybe it's to thank me. After playing all afternoon, I can finally go back to the hotel to have a rest. The hotel is located in the seaside Forest Park, and the scenery is very beautiful. Although we only lived in the forest park for three days, I felt the breath of the sea, the excitement of surfing and the spectacular sunrise on the sea.

  The end of the short five-day trip left a deep impression on me. I reluctantly said to Rizhao, "goodbye." Rizhao, a beautiful coastal city, makes me linger and forget to return. You will stay in my heart.


  How time flies! In the twinkling of an eye, four days have passed, and my trip to Guilin with my grandparents has ended. Today I will fly back to Nanjing, and I still feel a little reluctant to part with it.

  At about 10:30, we came to Guilin airport for security inspection. We thought it would be very slow. Who knows that this speed is faster than that in Nanjing. When we came to the boarding gate, it was only 11:00. We were on the plane at 12:45. After nearly two hours of "suffering", we were finally able to get on the plane. After we fastened our seat belts, the plane took off. When the plane got in the air, When I looked at the scenery outside the window, wow, the buildings on the ground were all the size of ants. Soon, lunch was served. After I finished lunch, suddenly, the plane began to shake. At this time, the radio rang, and the stewardess said that the plane encountered strong airflow, and there might be some shaking. Please don't worry. Oh, it turned out to be a strong airflow. It was like making a harvester. After about a dozen seconds, we passed through the strong airflow and came to the white clouds. But unfortunately, my sleep surged towards me like a tide, so I had to close my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, a silver river appeared in front of me, and the light of the sun sprinkled on the river, silver, like silk inlaid with diamonds. I asked grandpa which river this is, and grandpa said, this is the Yangtze River, can't you see? Ah? This is the Yangtze River! There are still steamers running on the river! The ship is like a creeping worm. How interesting it is. Soon, the plane landed at Lukou Airport, and my grandparents and I finally went home.

  I visited Guilin with my grandparents in the summer vacation. Maybe I will go to Wuyi Mountain next time.


  Today, my father took me on a trip to Phoenix Mountain in Ningbo.

  We followed the tour group and took the tour bus to Ningbo Fenghuangshan theme park. Once there, I saw a sea of people. You come and I go. It's really lively!

  Inside, there are all kinds of amusement projects, including big boat surfing, pirate boats, turning the world around, rushing forward and so on. I saw a long line behind each project, which looked like a long dragon from a distance, and people screamed and cheered one after another.

  I played several projects there, including Ferris wheel, swing, big boat surfing, car jumping, etc. One of these items is enough for me to play for half a day.

  But the most memorable thing for me is the big boat surfing. He slides slowly from the low to the high and then to the low until he is in the water. The speed changes from slow to fast until the big boat stops. We were all wet, but I felt very happy. Because he made me feel the tension and excitement I had never had before.

  In this way, time passed quickly, and unconsciously, the day passed. We left this paradise full of excitement and happiness with a reluctant mood.
