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【#英语口语# 导语】英语的学习需要一个漫长的积累过程,而且掌握学习方法也很重要,其实看影视剧也是学习口语的一种方法。而且英语作为一门语言,只有端正态度,长期坚持,再加上合理的方法,才能够学好。®文档大全网为大家整理了五篇影视英语中的选段台词,欢迎阅读!

1.影视英语中的选段台词 篇一

  Zick:Isn’t  it  nice  he’ll  be  joining  us  for  breakfast?

  Diego: It  wouldn’t  be  breakfast  without  him. Especially  since  his  daddy  wiped  out  half  our  pack  and  wears  our  skin  to  keep  warm. An  eye  for  an  eye, don’t  you  think?

  Diego: Let’s  show  him  what  happens  when  messes  with  sabers.

  Zock: Alert  the  troops, we  attack  at  dawn. And  diego, bring  me  that  baby  alive. If  I’m  gonna  enjoy  my  revenge. I  want  it  to  be  fresh.

  Sid: Phew, I’m  wiped  out.

  Manny: That’s  your  shelter?

  Sid: You  are  a  big  guy. You  got  a  lotta  wood. I’m  a  little  guy.

  Manny: You  got  half  a  stick.

  Sid: But  with  my  little  stick  and  my  highly  evolved  brain, I  shall  create  fire.

  Manny: Fascinating.

  Sid: We’ll  see  brains  triumph  over  brain  tonight.

  Manny: Think, I  saw  a  spark.

2.影视英语中的选段台词 篇二

  Felix:Ralph, can I help you?

  Ralph:Hey, Felix. Just wanted to check on you. I saw a big explosion or something go over the building there.

  Felix:Oh, those were just fireworks.

  Ralph:Fireworks. Okay. Phewf. Somebody's birthday, or...

  Felix:Well, it's more of an anniversary. The 30th anniversary of our game, actually.

  Ralph:What? Is that today?

  Felix:I know!

  Ralph:I'm such a dummy with dates. Anyway, uh, congratulations.

  Felix:Thank you, Ralph. And to you, too. Uh...

  Glen:Hi. Just a heads-up, Felix. They're bringing out the cake in a few shakes.

  Ralph:Hey, Glen.


3.影视英语中的选段台词 篇三

  Chris: (After four months,we had sold all our scanners. It seemed we were making it.)

  What's the fastest animal in the world?  

  Christopher: Jackrabbit.

  Chris: (It seemed we were doing good. Till one day...that day...that letter brought me back to earth. This part of my life is called "Paying Taxes." If you didn't pay them the government could stick their hands into your bank account and take your money.)

  Christopher: Dad.

  Chris: (No warning. Nothing. )

  Christopher: No.

  Ralph: Chris!Chris!Don't jerk me around,okay,Chris?

  Chris: I'm not jerking you around,Ralph,all right?I'm gonna get it.

  Ralph: I need that money now,not later.   

  Chris: When I get it,you get it,Ralph.

4.影视英语中的选段台词 篇四

  News: This time, good triumph, and the moon has been returned to its rightful place in the sky. But once again, law enforcement is baffled, leaving everyone to wonder, who is this mysterious hero? And what will he do next?

  Gru: Okay, girls. Time for bed.

  Eidth: Come on! We want a story.

  Agnes: Three sleepy kittens!

  Gru: Oh, no! Sorry. That book was accidentally destroyed maliciously. Tonight we are going to read a new book. This one is called One Big Unicorn by... Who wrote this? Me! I wrote it. Look, it's a puppet book! Here, watch this. That's the horn!

  Agnes: This is gonna be the best book ever!

  Gru: Not to pat myself on the back, but, yes, it probably will be. Here we go.

  "One big unicorn, strong and free thought he was happy as he could be. Then three little kittens came around and turned his whole life upside down."

  Agnes: Hey, that one looks like me!

5.影视英语中的选段台词 篇五

  Doctor Abraham:May I?


  Doctor Abraham:Can't sleep?

  Steve:Got the jitters I guess.

  Doctor Abraham:Oh, me too.

  Steve:Can I ask you a question?

  Doctor Abraham:Just one?

  Steve:Why me?

  Doctor Abraham:I suppose that is the one question that matters. This is from Augsburg. My City. So many people forget that the first country the Nazi's invaded was their own.

  You know after the last war they, my peoples struggled, they..They.. They felt weak, they felt.....slow, then Hitler comes along. With the marching and the big show, and the flags and ...And he, hears of me. My work, and he finds me. Then he says, you. He says, you will make us strong.

  I am not interested. So he sends the head of Hydra. East research division. A brilliant Scientist by the name of, Johann Schmidt. Now Schmidt is a member of the inner circle. And he's ambitious. Even Hitler shares his passion for, occult power and tatanic myth.
