Darwin: Ticktock, we are on the clock. Speckles, do you copy?
Speckles: Ten-four. I read you. Darwin. Five-by-five. All communication systems are online. Status report.
Darwin: I have a visual on Saber. He's wearing a $6,000 suit, $50,000 watch, and, according to my infrared scope, Hanes size 36 tighty whiteys.
Speckles: Saber's about to start his speech. Remember, the clock is ticking, dude. Blaster, Juarez, what's your twenty?
Juarez: Juarez here. Approaching first objective. We're ten seconds ahead of schedule because Blaster is a little hyped-up.
Blaster: Of course I am. This is what I lived for. Time to get this party started.
Man1: Have any activity?
Man2: Southbound is secure.
Blaster: Ok, we're clear.
Speckles: Darwin, you're behind schedule. You all right?
Darwin: First mission jitters, I guess.
Speckles: Do you want to abort?
Darwin: NO, no, it's OK. I've been trained to do this.
Speckles: I'd follow you into a snarling pack of Dobermans! Oh, wait. I already have. Now, get your fuzzy hind end moving.
Darwin: Hold on. There's a civilian passing through the perimeter. What are you looking at? Move along, pal. Oh. Don't worry. I just spotted my way in.
Blaster: Hey, Juarez. Race you to the top.
Juarez: Ok, On your mark. Get set. Go.
Blaster: That’s cold.
Speckles: Darwin, the table is set. You are clear to infiltrate Saber's study.
Darwin: Ok, I’m in. Clearing exfil route. Hey, it worked.
Speckles: Of course it worked. Nothing happens in this house that I don't know about. Trust me.
Saber: In 48 hours, when I press this button, it will activate a wireless system we call "Sabersense", which will awaken the chips already in the logic boards of all Saberling appliances, allowing this coffee machine to know how much coffee's been used, communicate with your home computer, and add coffee to your shopping list. now, in addition, Sabersense will link every old and new Saberling appliance in existence, and create one big family. And nothing will be the same.
Darwin: Why did they put the Q so far away from the O? Ok, I’m in.
Speckles: Roger. I’m tracking it.
Blaster: So what about it, Juarez? You and me, I mean , you know...
Juarez: Sorry, Blaster. You know I've got my eye on someone else.
Blaster: No, in fact, I didn't know. Who?
Juarez: Darwin.
Blaster: Why Darwin?
Juarez: Because he's so...so not interested in me.
Darwin: Copy that,Juarez.
Juarez: Oh, shoot!
Speckles: Keep the comm line clear.Please.
Darwin: Ok, Speckles, I think I found it.
Saber: Thank you, and good night.
Speckles: Saber wrapped his speech. Mooch, give me an eyeball.
Ben: Ok, everybody, they are here. G-force, in your positions. It’s show time. Hello. Director Killian? I’m Ben. Congratulations on becoming the new task force director. That’s neat.
Killian: Let’s save the chitchat. Time is money.
Ben: Ok. Many people don’t know that since the civil war, animals have been used to gather strategic intelligence. Now, our work focus on developing communication between human and animals. Now these cockroaches right here have been trained to carry microcameras into surveillance zones, which is, I think, really kind of neat. Congratulations. Dr. Kendall, do you mean to tell me that Homeland Security is financing a roach motel?
Killian: This is a rodent.
Ben: Guinea pig, sir. Don’t say that. They get highly offended. You know their DNA is 98.7 percent identical to humans, right?
Killian: No, how would I know that?
Ben: So, you’ll notice the extremely developed sense of motor skills. That’s because their brains have close to a billion neurons and a trillion synapses. That’s a thousand times stronger than any supercomputer. It gives them exceptional, like, eye-hand reflexes.
Killian: It’s a video game.
Ben: Yeah. And there’s something over here…ok, we’ll go over here. You’re really gonna be amazed by this. It’s a language decoder. It enables animals to talk to humans. Without it, they sound like normal animals. Go ahead, take a look.
Special agent: You’re Dr. Dolittle. You talk to animals.
Ben: Actually, talking to animals is the easy part. Getting them to talk back, that’s the hard part.
Darwin, Juarez, and Blaster!
Juarez: So these guys are special agents?
Darwin: Yeah, just like we’re gonna be. Hey, how you doing?
Killian: Whoa, that’s impossible.
Juarez: No, no, no. Finding something that fits me off the rack, that’s impossible.
Ben: Think that’s something? Check out Speckles. He’s been decrypting the file.
Killian: Who’s Speckles?
Ben: Our mole. Star-nosed breed. Blind as a bat. IQ off the charts. He’s lucky I found him. His family was exterminated.
Speckles: We’re ready.
Ben: Last night, G-Force was able to get some intelligence regarding Project Clusterstorm.
Killian: Wait, you ran a mission without my authorization?
Ben: Yes. We went to Saber’s mansion and…
Killian: Wait a second; you broke into Leonard Saber’s house?
Juarez: We accomplished in one night what you guys couldn’t do in two years.
Blaster: And without a warrant. Holla.
Darwin: Blaster, cool it.
Ben: I knew we were up for review, and I just wanted to show you what we could do.
Killian: All right, then show me. What’d you get?
Ben: Speckles, you are on.
Speckles: Darwin’s PDA contains classified…
Killian: Just open it.
Blaster: What is it?
Juarez: A cappuccino machine?
Darwin: What? That’s not right. I downloaded the Clusterstorm file, not plans for a coffee machine.
Ben: Oh.
Blaster: Right computer, wrong file.
Juarez: Darwin, what happened?
Darwin: Speckles show them the Clusterstorm file.
Speckles: Well, this is all we have. I’m sorry.
Darwin: No, that’s not it. It’s about global extermination. I saw it.
Killian: That’s it. Kendall. Outside. Now.
Blaster: I've never seen such fat animals in my life. Don't they have a gym around here? A Jamba Juice or something? Lay off the nuggets, man.
Man1: All right, my furry little friends. Welcome to your new home. Good luck getting out.
Juarez: G-Force!
Blaster: Why did you just do that?
Juarez: I thought it might cheer us up.
Blaster: You can't just blurt it out anytime. It ruins the effect.
Darwin: Guys, guys. Cool it. The world's at stake. We got to get out of here.
Juarez: Then what? The Feds want to turn us into guinea pigs. They'll never take us seriously.
Blaster: Well, we did get the wrong file.
Darwin: No, I downloaded the right file, and we're gonna prove it as soon as we find a way out of here.
Blaster: Well let's ask that guy. He looks cute and friendly. Excuse me, my incarcerated little friend. May I ask you a question?
Bucky: Don't move! All I'm saying is, know your place, behind this line. That's all I'm saying.
Blaster: Is he talking to us?
Bucky: Did someone order a knuckle sandwich? Because I'm about to make a delivery.
Darwin: Wow. You talk a lot of smack for a little guy, buddy.
Bucky: "Buddy?" No. For your information, it's "Bucky". And if you want to stay alive, do not cross that line!
Mice: Take cover! Ew! The horror! The horror!
Hurley: I love the smell of napalm in the morning! Don't pay any attention to him. He's a quarter ferret.
Bucky: I have no ferret in me, Hurley. That has never been proven.
Hurley: Then why are you marked down?
Bucky: I'm on sale! Everyone goes on sale eventually.
Hurley: This should come as no surprise, but he grew up in the psych ward at UCLA.