1.影视英语中的选段台词 篇一
Where's the baby?
You lost it?
It's so ugly. Positively adorable.
Hello, pumpkin. Hello, little baldy bean.
Where'd you find it?
The poor kid, all alone in the wild. Sabers were closing in on him. So I just snatched him.
So brave.
Yeah, well, he needed me, and I only wish I had one of my own, too.
Really? I find that attractive in a male.
Alas.Who wouldn't wan ta family, I always say.
Where've you been hiding?
Yeah, well, you know...Cute kid, huh? So, as I was saying, ladies Hey. Hi, Manny.
What's the matter with you?
Excuse me, ladies. You just keep marinating and I'll be right back. Sexy.
He's not much to look at, but it's so hard to find a family guy.
2.影视英语中的选段台词 篇二
Manny: You gotta make it stop. I can't take it anymore.
Diego: I've eaten things that complained less.
Sid: He won't stop squirming.
Diego: You’re holding it wrong.
Manny: Watch its head.
Diego: Just put it down.
Sid: Jeez, "pick him up, put him down..."
Diego: Its nose is dry.
Sid: That means something's wrong with it.
Diego: Someone should lick it. Just in case.
Sid: I'll do it.
Manny: He's wearing one of those baby thingies.
Sid: So?
Manny: So if he poops, where does it go?
Sid: Humans are disgusting.
Manny: OK, you. Check for poop.
Sid: Why am I the poop-Checker?
3.影视英语中的选段台词 篇三
Manny: What are you doing? Just drop it on the ledge.
Sid: We should make sure they found him.
Manny: Good idea.
Sid: No, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't spear me. This is a problem.
Manny: Now what? Oh, that's perfect.
Diego: I told you they were gone.
Manny: Look who it is. Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel?
Sid: They couldn't be far. I mean, they went this way, or this way?
Diego: You don't know much about tracking, do you?
Sid: I'm a sloth. I see a tree, eat a leaf. That's my tracking.
Diego: You didn't miss them by much. It's still green. They headed north two hours ago.
Sid: It’s still green. They headed north two hours ago.
Diego: You don't need this aggravation. Give me the baby. I can track humans down a lot faster than you.
Manny: And you're just a good citizen helping out?
Diego: I just know where the humans are going.
Manny: Glacier Pass. Everybody knows they have a settlement on the other side.
4.影视英语中的选段台词 篇四
Sid: Manny, are you forgetting something?
Many: No.
Sid: But you just saved him.
Many: I'm trying to get rid of the last thing I saved.
Sid: But you can't leave him here. Look, there's smoke. That's his herd right up the hill. We should return him.
Many: Let's get this straight. There is no "we." There never was a "we." In fact, without me, there wouldn't even be a "you."
Sid: Just up the hill.
Many: Listen very carefully: I'm not going.
Sid: Fine, be a jerk. I'll take care of him.
Many: Yeah, that's good. You can't even take care of yourself. This,I gotta see.
Sid: I'll return you. We don't need that meany-Weeny mammoth, do we? No, we don't.
Many: You're an embarrassment to nature. Do you know that?
Sid: This is cake. I'm fine, I'm fine. I'm gonna die.
Diego: That pink thing is mine.
Sid: No. Actually, that pink thing belongs to us.
Diego: "Us"? You two are a bit of an odd couple.
Many: There is no "us."
Diego: I see. Can't have one of your own, so you want to adopt.
5.影视英语中的选段台词 篇五
Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era? I’m just saying: how do we know it’s an ice age?
Because of “all the ice”!
Well things just got a little chiller.
Help, help.
Come on, kids. Let’s go. The traffic’s movin’.
But, but, but, dad.
No buts. You can play extinction later.
Ok. Come on, guys.
So, where’s Eddie?
Ah, he said he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough.
Oh,I’m flying.
Some breakthrough.
Look out. You’re going the wrong way. Crazy mammoth.
Hey. Do the world a favor. Move your issues off the road.