新标准小学英语2年级上册听力教材Unit 2 :I go home at 5
课程名称:I go home at 5.
掌握单词:get up, poster, go to school, have, lunch,go home, 学生能运用句子At …,I…来介绍一天的主要作息时间与活动。
1. 掌握单词get up, poster, go to school, have, lunch,go home
2. 正确运用句型At …,I…及I…at…。
Step 1: Inquiry Warming up (探究准备)
1. Greet to each other.
2. Sing songs and say chants.
Step 2: Inquiry Presentation (探究实践)
1. “Sam’s mum bought a bird for him. Let’s see what can the bird do?”
2. What’s the meaning of “ get up”?
通过领读、跟读引导学生学会本课重点词组(get up, go to school, have lunch, play football)
3. 出示卡片让学生认读重点词组
4. Let’s chant: 通过顺口溜熟悉词组
Up, up, I get up.
School, school, I go to school.
Lunch, lunch, I have lunch.
Football, football, I play football.
5. Now, listen again and find “ When dose Sam get up/ go to school/ have lunch/ playfootball?”(锻炼学生的听力能力)
6. 学习怎样表达不同时间的不同活动。
I…at ….
7. text learning :现在我们来跟着Sam和他那只喜欢模仿人说话的鹦鹉来学习吧, 看看我们能不能比鹦鹉模仿得好,listen and watch Part 2
8. read after the teacher
9. practice and report the dialogue in pair.
Step 3 Inquiry Practice (探究体验)
1. Practice 1: 提供跟学生学过的一些动词词组,让学生利用这些词组进行“一天主要作息时间及活动”的自我介绍。
2. Practice 2: 向组内同学介绍一天主要作息时间及活动。
Step 4 Inquiry Consolidation(探究发展)
1.Do a survey (调查)
Practice 3: look at the ppt and introduce Panpan’s daily life
2. Beautiful sentence: Time is Money. Time is life.
A: listen and read the text
B: recite the text
C: 调查一种动物的作息时间,并扮演此动物用“At…, I …”来介绍一天的作息时间及活动。