
时间:2023-04-17 01:24:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】时间转瞬即逝,仿佛是眨眼间,假期结束了,又要开学了,《开学第一课》也如约而至,®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  In the evening of the opening of school, I watched the first lesson broadcast by CCTV 1 on time. In each year's program, I learned a lot of truth and deeply realized the importance of the first lesson for the growth of primary school students. These insights will accompany me year after year, making me a better person.

  Therefore, the theme of the first lesson of this year's school year is, The first chapter is mainly based on the theme of "ideal is fire and ignites the blood of revolution", starting from a full Chinese translation of the Communist Manifesto with a history of 101 years. It also ignited the fire of countless revolutionary martyrs pursuing ideals and beliefs over the past century. The first lesson taught me that there are infinite possibilities in life, and opportunities are always reserved for people who never give up. The real deeds of the guests on the court encouraged me not to admit defeat easily no matter what difficulties I encountered, and gave me more tenacious strength.

  Facing the era of rapid development, as teenagers in the new era, we can't live up to the cultivation of our motherland. While we learn and grow, we should always maintain a patriotic heart. We should first learn from the spirit of patriotism and love for the people of the older generation and the great party, and constantly carry forward the spirit of learning to become a powerful country. Although we are still very young at present, good education should be cultivated from an early age and lay a firm foundation for our motherland on the road of future development. This is what we are pursuing at present.

  Every time after watching the program of the first class, you can learn a lot of knowledge, and learn the most glorious side of the motherland and some great and lovely people's heroes. I also why the Ministry of education should arrange the majority of students to watch the special program of the first class before the beginning of school.


  Time is in a hurry and quietly passing away. In the twinkling of an eye, in this beautiful day, we have ushered in the annual school opening time. I think the students must have been looking forward to returning to school as soon as possible. At the beginning of school every year, the CCTV special program "the first lesson of school" will also arrive as scheduled. This is a very meaningful program. It has been 14 years since it was broadcast in 2008. This program brings us a new theme every year, which makes us deeply feel after watching, and there are a lot of shocks and thoughts in our inner world.

  In 2022, the first lesson of school finally aired. This year's theme is, Through the "cloud classroom" method, we have a class with primary and secondary school students everywhere to vividly tell the story of the Communist Party of China seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation and harmony for the world. In the face of so many wonderful program contents, let us students feel the full positive energy in the program after watching, feel every touching story in the program, convey the correct values of life to us, and let us think about our future path. We should learn from these excellent role models in the program, Have ideals and goals, and be able to work tirelessly for your ideals, illuminate your future and harvest the life you want!

  Watch the first lesson of school in 2022, a brand-new theme "_", Everyone will have different feelings, and I am no exception. What makes me feel is that ideals need to be actively established and fought for in any era. Although we live in this beautiful new era, the era is constantly developing. In order not to eliminate the era, we need to live with ideals and goals, strive to live as a valuable person and harvest the future we want. From small to large, from weak to strong, China has been developing and growing. Up to now, it has been a big country respected by many countries in the world. Therefore, we should learn to be grateful to the Communist Party of China. Its existence gives us the opportunity to usher in this prosperous era of peace. Now life is very happy. As students, we should learn to repay the kindness of the party with actions, study hard, set good ideals and goals, work hard, become talents needed by the motherland and the party, realize our own value and harvest a better future!


 In a hurry, in a twinkling of an eye, the holiday is over and a new semester is coming. The first lesson of the first school year also comes with the students' appointment. On the first day of the first school year, every teacher will ask the students to watch the first lesson of the first school year. The first lesson of the first school year is the first class for primary and secondary school students in China, Every year, different theme programs will be presented to us according to the current hot spots. Each lesson contains profound educational significance and historical spirit. The theme of 2022 is "_", This year's "first class" guests gave us a speech.

  The first chapter of "the first lesson of school" takes "ideal is fire and ignites the blood of revolution" as the theme, which makes us deeply and clearly know that while pursuing ideal, we can also contribute to the motherland. In today's society, as a student, studying hard in school, constantly cultivating a sense of social responsibility and trying to be a person with ideal and responsibility is a popular way of patriotism. As a new generation of young people in the new century, we are the hope of the motherland and the future of the motherland. We should learn to shoulder the historical mission and social responsibility. As the saying goes, "a strong country is strong when young, and a rich country is rich when young". Ideal is not only a belief, but also a driving force for progress. Only by setting up our own ideal from childhood can we see the direction of progress, Working hard for one's ideals is also the most ordinary and simplest way of patriotism.

  Every time after watching the first lesson of school, it can bring us a new understanding. We are now in the period of students. As students, the important stage at present is to study hard, establish a lofty ideal goal and move forward towards this goal. We are the builders of the future of the motherland and the future and hope of the motherland, Setting up ideals is the driving force and direction of our life, and realizing ideals is the pursuit and goal of our life. Only by devoting our sincere love for the motherland to our study can we contribute to the scientific development in the future. Let's light up the future for our ideals!  


  Today is the day when the national public welfare program "the first lesson of school" is broadcast. As in previous years, at 8 p.m., my family and I sat under the TV on time to watch the program. The theme of this year's first lesson is "".

  Although I am only a primary school student, under the leadership of my parents, I knew the program "the first lesson of school" for a long time and became a loyal fan of it. I got together with it again this year. "The first lesson of school" has a huge impact on me as a student. It makes me from a naughty little boy to a responsible "little man" now.

  Every year, "the first lesson of school" always tells some stories of celebrities. Let's learn from their spirit. Just like the medical staff who went to the epidemic line this year, without their selfless struggle, I'm afraid I can't sit here and write my composition, but always worry about whether I will be infected with the virus.

  The spirit of these people has also infected us students. Let's strengthen our will from now on, make the rise of the country our dream, and work hard for it. Only when each of us young people understands that a strong youth makes China strong, can the country be powerful. Only when we young people know that self-improvement can the country become strong and strong, and we can not be disturbed by war. We young people should learn the most advanced science and technology and feed back to the country.

  We don't have to worry that living in peace, we have no chance to serve our motherland. When we obey the traffic rules and don't rush the traffic lights, we are already making contributions to our motherland; When we see some lawless elements doing damage, we immediately call the police. In fact, we are also making contributions to the motherland. In fact, there are many small things in life.

  We don't have to do anything magnificent to make a contribution to the motherland. Living in a peaceful era, we just need to keep ourselves in peace and do our own things well. As students, we study hard every day. In fact, your contribution to the country is great.

  The reason why a country can be strong is not someone's great achievements. It's the contribution of countless ordinary people. It is precisely because of the dedication of countless Chinese people that our country can grow to today's level.


  With the arrival of the season, it means that our winter vacation life is coming to an end and we will soon return to school to continue our study. On the opening day of school, we will also face that primary and secondary schools across the country will carry out the activity of watching "the first lesson of school". We are also looking forward to the first lesson of school and can learn a lot of knowledge from it. This year's first lesson is no exception. The theme of this year's first lesson is: This is a new theme, which makes me deeply feel and reflect a lot after watching, so here are some of my feelings!

  The first class is of great significance. It is a special class and a class that can draw our attention. The biggest difference between this class and other classes is that it is different from the traditional teaching form. Learning by means of TV media can well grasp everyone's heart. At the same time, it can make us feel more deeply and have a new understanding of the future, Therefore, this is also the significance and value to be presented to us in the first lesson of school.

  Watching the first lesson of school, each issue has different themes. This year's theme shows that different people have different feelings after watching it. In the face of the rapid passage of time, unconsciously, this year is already a special year. Therefore, this year is also a special year. By watching this program, we can more deeply feel that the Communist Party of China is a great party. Looking back on the ups and downs of the party in recent years, we can feel that without the Communist Party of China, there would be no new China. Therefore, we should all remember the party and support the party. The so-called party and people's will is just like our relatives to the party. For the Communist Party of China, we should all learn to be grateful and repay. After all, it is the party that has given us warmth and freedom. It is the party that has created such a peaceful and happy era for us.

  "The first lesson of school" is a program worth watching for primary and middle school students all over the country. Its own significance and value can make our thoughts have a new cognition, which can be said to improve our ideological literacy and make our inner feelings fruitful. By watching this issue of the first lesson of school, we can understand that we should cherish our hard won life and time, especially as teenagers, cherish our youth and study hard. In real life, establish correct life values and ideal goals, and move forward actively. In addition, the most important thing is to always maintain ideological awareness, love the party and the motherland, learn to be grateful to the Communist Party of China and take practical actions. Earnestly study scientific and cultural knowledge, improve their abilities in all aspects, and make positive efforts to become talents in need of the motherland and the party, so as to realize the best value of life.


  With the arrival of the breeze, the winter vacation has quietly ended. In the twinkling of an eye, it is a new school season. Before the school starts, the first lesson of the education program also comes as scheduled. This is also a program that many primary and secondary school students can't wait to watch before the school starts. The theme of the first lesson of this year is:.

  At 8 p.m., with great excitement, I waited by the TV early for fear of missing every picture. Along with the familiar picture, wonderful music sounded. In my heart, in addition to incomparable excitement, I was more looking forward to it. The first lesson of each year is a regular program that all primary and secondary school students must watch every year. The theme of each year is different. Usually, a new theme is confirmed according to the current environment of the year. At the same time, it is also a public welfare program combining history and reality. It is adapted from the inspirational things of previous generations, I just want to present it in the form of TV programs. The purpose is to let the majority of primary and secondary school students use this opportunity to learn and stimulate their patriotism and fighting spirit to contribute to the motherland.

  This year is a special and significant year. Our great party has ushered in the anniversary. The current good life can not be separated from the efforts of the party. It is the spirit of selflessness, patriotism and consideration for the old family name of our great party. Therefore, as the future successors of the motherland, we should be proud and take our great party as the learning goal, Learn from their spirit of patriotism and love for the people and being willing to contribute to the motherland. Although we have no way to serve the motherland at present, I firmly believe that at the present stage, we can only study hard and make more use of our spare time to understand the future development trend of the motherland and learn the spirit of worrying about the country and the people. In the future, when the motherland needs us, In order to give us a modest contribution.

  The content of the program "the first lesson of school" is exciting every year, which makes us enthusiastic. Whether it is patriotic and inspirational, earthquake relief, carrying forward the spirit of anti epidemic, or young people's filial piety to their parents, our patriotic feelings will bring people a kind of blood and passion, which makes us have a better and more comprehensive understanding of the face of the motherland through these programs, Make us have more clear learning objectives and learning directions in the future, and lay a good foundation for our future growth.


  The special film "the first lesson of school" is about to be broadcast. The special film "the first lesson of school" is an important part of students' theme education activities. The theme of the first lesson of school this year is: the first lesson of school presents the story of the national anthem. Patriotism is loyalty to the motherland. We all know that the history of the party is the independence, liberation and prosperity of the Chinese nation and the freedom, democracy and The history of happiness and unremitting struggle, since its establishment in 1921, the party has gone through a difficult course of years. Watching the first lesson of school, the story in it is moving. Integrating the noble spirit of fighting for national development and national rejuvenation into the real and vivid story, it not only triggers our hearts, but also stimulates the deep feelings of young students for the motherland and leads thousands of students to do practical work.

  Over the past years, the party has taken the development of socialism as the theme, well combined the reality of China with Marxism, and has made many remarkable achievements. For us young people, we must seriously study hard, correctly understand the glorious history and great achievements of the party, and always bear them in mind. While we care about the motherland, we should also establish a lofty ambition, establish correct ideals and beliefs, be full of hope for our future, and constantly strive for our future, Now our country has entered a new historical period. China's accession to the WTO has brought closer ties with countries around the world. Opportunities and challenges coexist. We should adapt to the requirements of the development of the times, correctly understand the history and reality of the motherland, and constantly enhance our patriotic feelings and sense of responsibility to revitalize the motherland. Igniting the fire of patriotism is a necessary condition for our new generation of teenagers. Only when teenagers are strong, the country is strong, when teenagers are rich, the country is rich, and teenagers are the future of the motherland.

  Watching the first lesson of school, we know that patriotism, courage, unity and self-improvement are the most precious assets left to us by the heroes of the war of resistance against Japan. Now we can live a peaceful and stable life in exchange for their blood and life. We must carry forward the great spirit of the war of resistance against Japan, start with small things, standardize our behavior, and raise the national flag, Young pioneers should salute the team, cherish the red scarf in their daily life, fully reflect their patriotism in the trivial things in their daily life, and strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


  The winter vacation has passed and ushered in our school season. On this day, primary and secondary school students all over the country will gather on CCTV at 8 p.m. to watch the educational program "the first lesson of school". As usual, I sit in front of the TV with my family and watch "the first lesson of school". The theme of the first lesson of school this year is:.

  It is of great educational significance to us. It also allows us who have just finished the winter vacation to return from the state of play and laziness to serious study as soon as possible. Compared with the traditional teaching methods, it is easier for middle school students to accept it through TV media. With the launch of the first lesson on time, I was attracted by the interesting and profound program content, which gradually calmed my excited heart.

  This year is the anniversary of the party's birthday, and the program "the first lesson of school" has a little more special significance than previous programs. Through the program content of "the first lesson of school", I understand the arduous development path of the motherland and realize that "without the party, there will be no new China". The prosperity of the motherland today is inseparable from the correct and great guidance of the Communist Party of China and the non private contributions of our ancestors. With the host's narration, the development process of the motherland and the party makes my blood boil. The heroic deeds of the revolutionary ancestors inspire my patriotism and make me feel very proud and proud as a Chinese.

  After reading the first lesson of school, in this short two-hour course, I understand that our life is hard won, which is replaced by the hard work of many people of benevolence and righteousness, who are not afraid of life and death; As the successor of the motherland, we unswervingly follow the pace of the party, obey the command of the party, carry forward and inherit the great spirit of our ancestors, strive to learn knowledge, develop ourselves and contribute to the construction of the motherland. In the new era, we should show the youth style of our youth in the new era. We should not only increase our own learning knowledge, but also enhance our sense of national identity and belonging.

  A strong youth makes a strong country. Through the comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physique and beauty, it reflects the value of the successors of the motherland, and makes great contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the socialist construction of the motherland.


  I believe everyone is very excited when school starts and you can see your lovely classmates and beloved teachers again. Of course, the most exciting thing about the school season every year is the broadcast of "the first lesson of school". The annual "first lesson" is also a vivid and meaningful educational lesson for students. The content of the first lesson of school every year is very eye-catching, which can make you fall into thinking instantly and make you grow faster.

  In the past, "the first lesson of school", I would wait in front of the TV with my mother, waiting for the bell to ring. This year is no exception. This year's "the first lesson of school" was published in the 20th century_ The theme of "the first lesson at the beginning of school" is "". There are inspirational and moving clips in the program, which are very impressive and inspire you with many principles of life. It turns out that on the road of our growth, many people are spreading positive energy for this society, which is worth learning from each of us.

  Unknowingly, this year's "first class" was over. At this moment, I fell into deep thought, and then my mother was quiet. Seriously, watching this program made me understand a lot, gain a lot, and grow up a lot, just like a life philosophy class. Let me have to rethink my life again and again. What is the meaning of life? What is the goal of life? Where is the direction of life? All this reminds me that I need to study hard and grasp my life.

  In addition, after reading the first lesson of school, I realized that as teenagers in the new era, our development is inseparable from the motherland and the future of the motherland is inseparable from us. And as we all know, the rejuvenation of the country when we are young and the strength of the country when we are young. We are carrying the hope of the motherland. We should adapt to the requirements of the development of the times, be a striver in the new era, study hard, accumulate knowledge, cherish our youth, take "I grow up with the motherland" as our voice, and be able to contribute our share to the motherland in the future!

  At this moment, it is the beginning of a new semester. Let's cheer up, work hard, travel in the ocean of learning and move forward bravely. The program "the first lesson of school" can let you learn a lot of knowledge that you don't have in class, so students who haven't watched it yet, remember to watch it!


  In this wonderful time, the students ushered in the opening time of the year. The time of the month is always so uninhabited. In this time of Zhenghua's youth, we should cherish the time of learning. The happy time of winter vacation has quietly become the past tense. We are greeted by new dreams and new achievements, Well, before the school starts, there is a public welfare program that is especially worth learning for our people, especially young students, which is basically customized for the majority of students. It is the first lesson of school. Speaking of the first lesson of school, I believe many students will not be unfamiliar with it. It is a public welfare program combining history and reality. It is adapted from inspirational things in previous years. It is a representative of the real situation. It just wants to be presented in the form of TV programs, Let the majority of young students take advantage of this opportunity to learn and stimulate their patriotism and fighting spirit to contribute to the country.

  It is the passion of our parents to carry out these programs in 2008, which can shake the hearts of our people. It is the passion of our parents to carry out these programs every year, whether it is the passion of the earthquake relief or the passion of the earthquake relief, A more comprehensive understanding of the face of the motherland.

  At 8 o'clock today, I watched the first lesson of school. My mood can't be calm for a long time. It mainly tells about the awareness of prevention and control, carrying forward the spirit of protest and the great spirit of anti epidemic. We need to stick to the purpose of struggle, be realistic and do solid work. This is the way to witness the strength of the motherland. Therefore, we need to study hard to make great contributions to the motherland. Come on

  Therefore, why should we specially arrange public welfare programs before school. Let's also have a good learning goal and example in our future study, so as to use this learning state to implant more learning knowledge.

  The first lesson of school is to remind us that our motherland is inseparable from the hard work and selfless dedication of our people. In particular, as the young hope of our motherland in the future, we are more representative and suitable candidates. Therefore, we can't waste the cultivation of our motherland in vain, let alone spend time in this glorious era, because we can make full use of this opportunity to learn more and more useful knowledge and make contributions to our motherland in the future.

  We are all proud of the 5000 year splendid history of civilization as contemporary teenagers. But do you know what we should do? Thanksgiving to the motherland is a mixture of respect and love, but also a responsibility! We need to shoulder this burden and promote Chinese culture to the world.

