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【#英语资源# 导语】冬姑娘迈着轻盈的步伐,悄悄地踏入人间,给大地铺上了一层薄薄的面纱。以下是©文档大全网整理的《美丽的冬天英语作文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.美丽的冬天英语作文 篇一

  As soon as autumn left, Winter Girl came quietly to us with light steps. The weather is getting cold, and everything in the world seems to be wearing a snow-white blanket. The fog and frost in winter are beautiful! A layer of misty fog covered the earth, cars and trees with thin gauze. The mist shrouded the beautiful tribute water, like thousands of fairies coming down from the earth. The morning air is so fresh! Because the winter frost has solidified the dust in the air. Frost painted the black car with white paint, the house with white dress, the hair of the diligent aunt white, and the vegetables in the garden with a layer of skin care products.

  The snow scenery in winter is more beautiful. The land is vast and the air is fresh and bright. The cypress is covered with snow, and the willow seems to be full of white plum blossoms. There are many snowflakes on the red plum tree. The red plum tree is dressed like a beautiful girl, swaying in the wind and twisting its beautiful posture. The trees dance with the wind. They sometimes comb their hair, sometimes dress up there, sometimes think there

  Snow in winter is the most beautiful. Snow Girl is the most active. She comes every three to five times and seems to never stop. Look, the snowflakes in the sky are like goose feathers, catkins, and flying flowers. When the wind blows, the snows wander everywhere. They don't follow the order. They stop here and stroll there. How naughty! The beauty of winter can't be described in words. We forget there after talking about it; You can't draw the beautiful scenery in winter, but you miss the beauty when you paint it. In short, the beauty of winter is unique.

  I love winter.

2.美丽的冬天英语作文 篇二

  I like the spring when everything recovers, the warm summer, and the fruitful autumn. However, my favorite thing is the clean winter, because it has lovely snowflakes, which can bring me unlimited happiness.

  The cold north wind brought many cool and naughty little snowflakes. They seemed to be little angels falling from the sky, fighting and laughing in the sky. You see, they are catching up with each other, like a string of pearls falling off the line, and the sky is decorated like a painting.

  The little snowflake fell on the branches, on the roof, and on the ground... The little snowflake seemed to be a magician. Soon, the ground was covered with a white carpet, the branches were covered with clothes, and the roof was covered with a top wool cap. Although it is very cold in winter, it can't stop our steps. We make snowmen and have snowball fights. To make a snowman, just roll two big snowballs, stack them together, use buckets as hats, stones as eyes, carrots as nose, branches as hands, and a complete snowman will be finished. In a snowball fight, just roll a small snowball and throw it again. How happy we are! Winter is long and snowy. Although it is cold, it is very interesting. Everything is white and beautiful in winter.

  Such a winter brings me a lot of happiness. How can I not like you? I love you, winter!

3.美丽的冬天英语作文 篇三

  Some people like the spring when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, some people like the summer when the heat is steaming, some people like the autumn when the fruits are plentiful, and I like the winter when the snow is wrapped. Look, the river is frozen, and there are layers of white snow on the roof. The white snow is floating in the sky, and soon the whole world becomes white. Look, all the leaves on the tree have fallen off, and I feel bare, but only the pine tree is not afraid of cold, still green, standing proudly in the wind and snow.

  At the ski resort, I saw someone sliding down a high hillside and heard a scream of excitement. I saw someone skating on the lake, and someone couldn't skate, and fell down with a flop. I also saw someone build a big snowman, her nose is a carrot, her eyes and buttons are made of stone, and the snowman's neck is wrapped in a plastic bag, like a snowman's scarf. I see how happy they are, and I have begun to play.

  I slipped down the hillside. When I slipped, I accidentally fell down and took a bite of snow. I found that the taste of snow was the same as that of water! When I watered the tree, it turned into an ice cone within a few minutes. I took the ice cone down, and I licked and licked it as a popsicle.

  This is my favorite winter.

4.美丽的冬天英语作文 篇四

  Today, the teacher and we went to look for winter.

  We lined up to the old man's apartment. We came to a huge tree, which was as big as four people holding together. The crown of the tree was like an open green umbrella. It was very beautiful!

  The teacher stood in front of us and asked, "What do you think of winter? What words can you use to describe it?" We replied cheerfully: "The leaves withered, the grass withered, the river would be covered with thick ice, and the small animals hibernated." The teacher also said, "Is the winter in Wenzhou different? What's the difference? Let's look for it together?" "OK!" We replied happily.

  We set out to look for winter. We saw an uncle fishing by the river. I think how can there be fish in the river now? As a result, I walked over and saw that there was a bucket full of fish in the nearby bucket, and there were earthworms for bait nearby.

  I walked on and found a stone arch bridge. There was a clear pond under the stone arch bridge. There was a large group of goldfish in the pond. I cried happily, "There are goldfish here. Come and see!" Hearing my cry, everyone ran to the pond to see the fish. Suddenly someone pointed at a fish in the pool and said, "Look! Here is a big and fat fish!" The teacher smiled and said, "This fish must be too full!"

  The time of a class soon passed. The teacher said, "Have you found the winter? We have to go back!" The road became narrower and narrower. We lined up and reluctantly returned to the classroom.

  What a beautiful winter in Wenzhou! I like looking for this day in winter!

5.美丽的冬天英语作文 篇五

  I like winter. Dongying's winter is especially beautiful.

  The grass in the park has turned yellow as if it had paved a yellow carpet for the park. The leaves on the trees have also fallen, and the tall and straight trees are protecting our beautiful homeland like soldiers.

  When it snows, the snow looks like a white butterfly, falling slowly from the air. Sometimes when the wind blows, the snowflakes fly up and down, as if they are dancing, and the snowflakes are also a magician! When snowflakes fall on the whole land, the whole land becomes white. When it snows, we are the happiest. We like snowball fights. We each picked up a snowball, threw it at each other, and ran around on the snow. We laughed while playing. Although the weather was very cold, we were still very happy. Playing, I found that there was snow everywhere with my friends, just like a small snowman.

  I like the beautiful winter, which brings us infinite happiness.
