

时间:2023-12-28 20:19:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Hollywood Sign Turns 80 The hilltop Hollywood sign,which overlooks most of Los Angeles and has become an internationally recognized representation of the hometown of the American movie industry,has turned 80 years old. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce,which owns the sign,isn’t sure when construction was completed but said the sign’s saga began in 1923,when real-estate developers decided to advertise a new upscale community with the enormous sign,which then read“Hollywoodland.” The Great Depression bankrupted the realestate firm and maintenance ended in 1939,when vandals,age and termites attacked the letters.The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce took responsibility for the sign in 1944 and eventually removed the“land,”replacing the original letters with all-steel construction. The sign now earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for the chamber,with its image emblazoned on souvenir hats,shirts,mugs and other bric-a-brac. Over the years,the Hollywood sign has endured numerous alterations—most of them unauthorized.Two of the more notable:“Hollyweed”in 1976,promoting the legalization of marijuana;and“Holywood”in 1987,commemorating a local visit by Pope John Paul II. 好莱坞标志80年 [参考译文] 坐落于山顶之上的好莱坞标志可以俯瞰洛杉矶绝大部分景色,并且已经成为国际公认的美国电影产业故乡的代表。现在它已80岁了。 这个标志归属好莱坞商业委员会所有,他们不能准确地说出该标志完工的时间,但说这个标志的故事始于1923年。当时房地产开发商决定用巨大的标志为一个新的高档社区做宣传广告,那时的标志是“Holly-woodland”。 房地产公司在大萧条时期破产了,公司对标志的维护到1939年结束。此时的好莱坞标志饱受毁坏、老化和白蚁的摧残。1944年,好莱坞商业委员会接管了标志,并最终移去了“land”四个字母,把原来的字母用全钢结构代替。 现在,这个标志每年为委员会赚取成百上千万美元,它的图案出现在纪念帽、衬衫、杯子以及其他一些小装饰品上。 好莱坞标志多年来承受了无数变更——大多数是未经许可的。其中比较有名的两个是:1976年的“Holly-weed”,是为了促使大麻合法化;还有1987年的“Holy-wood”,为了纪念教皇约翰·保罗二世的一次地方性访问。

