

时间:2023-02-10 08:19:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


  1、What can you see in the bedroom?

  ________________________a bed, a desk and a chair.

  2、Where is the key?

  ________________________on the desk..

  3、Where are the boys?

  ________________________ in the living room.

  4、What’s her name?

  ________________________name is Amy.

  5、Is this your bedroom?

  Yes, ________________________.

  6、Are they in your home?

  No, ________________________ .

  7、Do you have a new teacher?

  No, ________________________ .

  8、How many rooms are there in your home?

  ________________________5 rooms .

  9、What colour is the fridge?



  1、Look, this is my home. You can see a __________, (客厅)a __________ ,(厨房) two __________(卧室),a __________(书房) and a __________(浴室)。 My home is nice. I like it.

  2、What can you see in my room? You can see a __________ (窗户), a __________(门),a __________ (书桌), __________a __________ (椅 子),a __________ (床) ,a __________ (书架) and many __________ (书)。It’s not big but clean. I like it.

四年级英语上册《What can you see?》同步练习题.doc
