
时间:2023-03-19 22:24:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】雷锋精神是中华民族传统美德与社会主义精神、共产主义精神最完美的结合,雷锋的一言一行,一举一动,所表现出的是一个革命战士、共产党人为实现共产主义伟大理想而奋斗的精神。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Lei Feng, a household name; Lei Feng, a man of silent dedication, cast an immortal legend in people's hearts with his young life - Lei Feng spirit. This spirit, like wisps of sunshine, makes people warm; This spirit, like continuous drizzle, moistens people's hearts. Lei Feng's spirit is around.

  I remember once when my mother and I went shopping and saw someone selling popsicles in front of me. I reached out to my mother for two dollars and couldn't wait to come to the place selling popsicles. I found an old man in ragged clothes lying on the ground with his head down and holding a broken bowl with some wool tickets in it. He looked very hungry. Many men, women and children passed by. Some of them walked away, some put a few cents in it, and some didn't even look at it. I looked at the two dollars in my hand and suddenly hesitated: give it to him, I can't eat the popsicle. Don't give it, he's very poor After a fierce ideological struggle, I finally went to the old man and put two yuan into the bowl. At this time, there was a scene that surprised me: an uncle wearing a suit and holding a briefcase took out a wallet from the bag, took out a hundred yuan bill, gently put it in the old man's hand, comforted a few words, and hurried away.

  Originally, Lei Feng is between you and me. Although Lei Feng himself has passed away, his spirit will shine forever. The torch will be passed on from generation to generation as long as everyone is willing to give love to others.


  Today we are going to learn from Lei Feng.

  After the first class in the afternoon, we were assigned to various areas to learn from Lei Feng. Some were assigned to the laboratory, some to the music room, some to clean the overpass outside the school, some to stay in the classroom and some to the clean area. And I was honored to be assigned to learn from Lei Feng outside the school.

  Our fourth, fifth and sixth grade students gathered in the middle yard. The brigade counselors, Mr. Sun, President Li, director Chen and President Hu, led us to clean outside the school. The teacher in our grade is headmaster Li.

  We went to clean outside the school orderly. After the teacher assigned us the areas to clean, we began to clean. I first went to the school to pick up water. I finally brought back two pots of water after a lot of hard work. An Yuqi and I picked up a rag and began to wipe the railing. We splashed the wiped water on the overpass. Wipe your hands and they're freezing. Your hands are red. College students passing by asked me, aren't you cold? I said, "it's not cold." I thought to myself: Lei Feng once worked harder than us. What's this. Then I wiped the railing open again. After the meeting, the teacher said we could line up and go back to the classroom. Everyone looked at the overpass they had cleaned and left with cleaning tools.

  Today, we carried out the activity of learning from Lei Feng, and deeply felt the mood of Lei Feng's dedication to you. We will learn from Lei Feng's spirit of selfless dedication in the future.


  Today is March 5. Needless to say, we all know it is Lei Feng day. To hold activities, we are no exception.

  Today, the fog is confused, but we still come to school in great spirits. After a while, we marched towards Bubugao square. Diary about learning from Lei Feng. Everyone is exceptionally disciplined. You know, we represent Dongfanghong school! We stood in a neat line and quietly waited for the municipal leaders to speak. The crowd in the square includes our school, as well as schools such as No. 1 middle school, No. 2 middle school and Dongshan. It's not lively.

  After listening to the speech, we drove to the riverbank of Binhe North Road in a neat and long line. The teacher said, "now start to assign tasks. 8 groups send leaflets and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 groups pick up garbage." Our team bravely picked up garbage and the scene was in full swing. I'm in it, too. I hold the bag in one hand and pick up the garbage in the other. A classmate saw a big snake skin bag and pulled it out with force. But he tried too hard and broke his hip into four pieces. "It hurts!" He shouted. All the students present laughed. The teacher couldn't help laughing. After laughing, everyone picked up the garbage again and crossed it harder and harder. At the end of the activity, the teacher raised his thumb and said, "today, we picked up two cars of garbage. It's good!"

  Today's activity is really hard. But we all want to organize more such activities.


  In the early morning, we walked in the spring breeze of March in the warm sunshine, singing songs to learn from Lei Feng's good example, holding cleaning tools, following the voice of 50 years ago and Lei Feng's footsteps, and came to the dump. We learn from the team members of Lei Feng's team. Everyone is laughing, laughing at the mud on our faces, and because we are excited and excited to become Xiao Lei Feng. A piece of garbage was cleaned up by us. Touching the sweat on our heads, I seemed to feel that "Lei Feng" was no longer a strange term in the distant memory. He entered our hearts, and I really understood its true meaning.

  Today, I shed sweat and reap the joy of labor. Although I step on mud under my feet, my heart is full of happiness. This is the result of my learning from Lei Feng. I reap what I sow and get what I sow. Diary about learning from Lei Feng. What I get is the happiness of helping others. Lei Feng, you are a flying flag standing high in my heart. Lei Feng, you are a burning flame, let me know the warmth of love. I will engrave Lei Feng's words in my heart, serve the people wholeheartedly and ceaselessly, take Lei Feng as the Lighthouse of my life, drive the boat of my life and drive forward.


  After lunch, teacher Xie told our class to learn from Lei Feng and do good deeds to pick up garbage. Half of our class picked it up in the classroom and half in the street at the school gate.

  Liang chenye and I went to the school gate to pick up garbage. I have a vest bag I brought from home in the morning. The two of us found some paper towels, stones, banana skins, snack bags and so on near the school. I don't know who threw the rubbish everywhere. After a while, we picked up a bag full of garbage. Other students also picked up a lot of garbage. After picking it up, we put the garbage into the school trash can. Everyone washed their hands and went back to the classroom.

  After this incident, all of us can't litter. We should protect and beautify the environment. We should form good habits from childhood.


  Today, my grandfather took me to the supermarket to buy a new table tennis racket. As I walked, I hummed the song "learn from Lei Feng's good example" and walked forward happily. Walking to the supermarket door, I saw a large group of people surrounded there, and from time to time came the voice of discussion: "what a pity!" Curiosity made me slip through the cracks like a loach. I saw a 10-year-old girl sitting on the cold ground, wearing an old but clean thin cotton padded clothes. Her thin body trembled slightly in the cold wind. In front of her was a schoolbag and a Zou Baba paper with a few words written on it - asking for tuition. I looked carefully. It turned out that her family was very poor. Her parents were ill. In order to cure the disease, all the things in her family were sold out. When she really had no money, she came to the street to beg.

  After I saw it, my nose was sour and tears immediately flowed out of my eyes. At this time, I thought of Uncle Lei Feng's spirit of helping others and being selfless and dedicated to others. Without hesitation, I took out the money for table tennis rackets in my pocket and gave it to the little girl. Then I walked out with tears and heard the girl say "thank you" in the back In this way, the onlookers you ten yuan and I five yuan... The little girl's paper is full of love to learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds. Grandpa cast a favorable look and asked, "do you still buy a racket?" I replied, "forget it, the old racket can still be used. It's happy to help others." Grandpa and I are on our way home.


  Today, our school held a major activity, that is, cleaning in a small community, which is for the sake of the community environment. The participants are all cadres of the brigade department, and I am also a cadre of the brigade department. Therefore, I also participated. A total of 12 people participated in this activity, including those from the editorial department, the Ministry of health and the Ministry of sports···

  When we arrived at the community, the teacher assigned us tasks. Where you clean, where we clean... We clean the innermost place. Sweep and sweep, and the hot sun shines directly on us. Finally, the cleaning is finished, which has contributed to the community!

  Although work is very tired. But I'm very happy!


  Today is the 59th anniversary of Chairman Mao's insc ription "learn from Comrade Lei Feng". The whole society is learning from Lei Feng to do good deeds. Because Lei Feng is a model for our generations of Chinese people to learn together and the pride of the Chinese people! Learning from Lei Feng is learning from Lei Feng spirit. What kind of spirit is Lei Feng spirit? What is its connotation?

  After collecting and sorting, it is found that Lei Feng spirit is a kind of enterprising spirit of hard struggle and positive progress; It is a kind of "clear love and hate, not forgetting the origin", with firm will and high fighting spirit; It is a spirit of being loyal to the people and the party; It is a spirit full of friendship and mutual help to the people; Serving the people wholeheartedly is a spirit of selflessness. In a sentence in Lei Feng's diary, "human life is limited, and serving the people is infinite. I want to devote my limited life to serving the people infinitely."

  As a student, I was inspired in this special March when I studied Lei Feng. I'm ashamed to think of Uncle Lei Feng, who became an orphan at the age of seven. We have been carefree since childhood. We stretch out our clothes and open our mouths, but we are not satisfied. Now, by learning Lei Feng's spirit, I have made clear the goal and direction in the future, starting from ordinary things and around me, helping others, respecting the old and the young, respecting teachers, being diligent and thrifty, taking good care of public property, being filial to my parents and caring for vulnerable groups. In short, I want to integrate Lei Feng spirit into my life and study, inherit and carry forward it.


  Today is the anniversary of learning from Lei Feng. At the flag raising ceremony, the headmaster's grandmother told us the story of Uncle Lei Feng. Through the narration of the headmaster's grandmother and I know that Lei Feng is a soldier of the Chinese people's Liberation Army who respects the old and loves the young, is willing to help others and is willing to contribute. I was very moved. After returning to class, I ran to the class book corner behind the classroom to carefully read the book Lei Feng's diary, learned more about Uncle Lei Feng's story, and determined to learn from Uncle Lei Feng, make a small screw, start from my side, and devote my little strength to my classmates and school.


  Today is a special day - Lei Feng Memorial Day! In order to learn from Comrade Lei Feng, I asked some friends to do good deeds.

  The cold wind blew on my face and hurt like a knife. We were complaining about the weather. We just heard a "bang" and a box fell to the ground. I hurried to the front, picked up the big box and ran to the big brother riding the electric car in front: "brother, brother, your... Things... Fell!" Hearing the cry, big brother reacted, turned around and came to me. "Thank you, little girl. If it weren't for you, I should go back and be scolded by the boss. Thank you, thank you!" As I put my things in my brother's car, I said, "you're welcome. This is what I should do. You should be careful next time."

  The full day passed quickly. We not only picked up the bike knocked down by the wind, but also cleaned the street. Busy sweating, we have long forgotten the cold weather. It turned out that how happy it is to help others! I can't help thinking that Uncle Lei Feng has done many extraordinary things in his ordinary post in his short life. Yes, it's not difficult for a person to do a good thing. The difficult thing is to do good things and not do bad things all his life. I want to learn from Uncle Lei Feng, not only on March 5, but every moment of my life. Give people roses, hands have lingering fragrance. Let Lei Feng's spirit inspire each of us: do good things and be good people.

