
时间:2023-05-01 01:14:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】友善的手,传递暖和热;敬业的肩,担起职和责;奉献的人,修养品和德;爱国的心,奉献血和汗。学习雷锋日到了,雷锋就是一首歌,唱响在每个人心中。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  To learn from Lei Feng is to learn spirit.

  Under the leadership of the Secretary of the Youth League branch, we came to qingximen community to clean up. Although it was only a few minutes, the students worked very hard. Wearing a little red hat, a dustpan in the left hand and a broom in the right hand. Although the face is hung with sweat, it is still filled with a smile. This is Lei Feng. No matter how hard or tired, he still serves the people.

  During this period, I met several community personnel, who praised the good conduct of the students of No. 2 middle school and said that they were living Lei Feng. Actually! Picking up garbage is just a small effort. Lei Feng said it only because everyone is unwilling to do it. Everyone is Lei Feng and helps others anytime, anywhere. I hope the students can carry forward this spirit.

  Lei Feng, Lei Feng, only learn from Lei Feng and emulate Lei Feng. Society will become better.


  March 5 is a seemingly ordinary day, but it is the anniversary of learning from Lei Feng.

  Uncle Lei Feng said: if you are a drop of water, do you moisten a piece of land? If you are a grain of food, have you nurtured useful life? If you are a ray of sunshine, do you illuminate a darkness? If you are a screw, will you always stick to your post? This sentence has benefited me a lot. Lei Feng is such a person with a beautiful heart.

  He is ordinary but great. He has created extraordinary deeds in ordinary posts. Let's remember him as "Lei Feng", a beautiful person. I also want to learn from him the spirit of helping others and doing my duty. Even if it is a piece of paper, a fallen leaf or even a fruit core, I want to pick it up.

  Now, let's take positive action, learn from Lei Feng's spirit and start from the little things around us.


  Learning from Lei Feng's feeling is that I have to do one or two good things, so I did one good thing.

  I saw a lot of cat excrement in the corridor, so I asked my grandmother to sweep cat excrement with me. In this way, I swept cat excrement with my grandmother. My grandmother and I worked together. Because I was afraid of being dirty and smelly, I took the garbage bag and my grandmother came to sweep it. As I said, Cat Shit is really smelly. I want to stop doing it, but I think again: if I don't do it, I can't write my feelings. I'll just keep doing it. After a while, it was finally finished. But I had to mop the floor again to clean it, so I secretly vowed never to do such work again.

  I'm tired of doing one thing. If I do good things like Uncle Lei Feng every day, wouldn't I be tired to death? But it's very happy to do good deeds every day, so we must live Lei Feng.


  Since childhood, our teacher has taught us to follow Lei Feng's good example. I am most proud of doing good things this year.

  Today, my grandmother and I walked to Liaoyang. On the way by bus, there were a lot of people, there was no seat left, and many people stood in the middle. An old woman in her 70s and her daughter got on the bus and were going to Liaoyang. They found that they were standing in the middle without a seat. I saw that I had just occupied a seat myself, so I went and said, "grandma, come and sit on my side!" Grandma sat down and I sat in grandma's arms. After getting off the bus, grandma told other relatives about it. Everyone praised me. I was very happy.

  Giving up my seat this time makes me feel happy to help others. In the future, I will continue to learn from Lei Feng's good example.


  Today is a special day. Do you know what day it is? Yes, that's right. Today is the annual Lei Feng day.

  In the morning, my mother and I went shopping in the supermarket. Soon we came back with a full load.

  On the way home, an old woman walked in front of us with something in her hands. I thought to myself, "grandma, how can I swipe my card to open the door with something in her hands?" I quickly asked my mother for the door card and ran to grandma. While running, he said to his grandmother, "I'll open the door for you." Grandma smiled and said to me, "what a sensible child, thank you." I replied politely, "grandma, you're welcome." After grandma left, I stood at the door waiting for my mother, happy in my heart.

  Learn from Lei Feng's good example. We should do more good deeds to help others, because when you do good deeds, you will be happy not only for others, but also for yourself.


  Lei Feng is a good example for all of us. Our teachers often teach us to learn from Uncle Lei Feng and be willing to help others.

  I once did a good thing. It was in grade one.

  One day, the whole class was doing their homework. Suddenly, a classmate found his pencil missing and couldn't find it anywhere. "What should I do? I can't finish my homework today." Seeing her worried appearance, I said, "don't worry. I have several pencils. I'll give you one." So I immediately opened my schoolbag, took out my stationery box, selected a planed pencil and handed it to her. She happily took the pencil and brushed it carefully. As a result, she got an "a" in her homework. After I heard about it, I felt happier than I got "excellent"!

  Learning from Lei Feng's good example and being willing to help others not only helps others, but also makes you happy.


  It was another sunny spring March. Jinghu primary school set off an upsurge of "learning from Lei Feng" in the whole school.

  On March 5, in the rising sun, President Liang stood under the bright red national flag and launched the initiative of "learning from Lei Feng" to the whole school. All the students in class 4 responded positively and actively participated in the activity of "learning from Lei Feng".

  Under the leadership of head teacher Kang, we walked out of the campus and came to Zhangjiashan community. The students are full of energy and get rid of their arms and work hard. Some use brooms to clean the muck on the road, and some use rags to wipe the roadside fences and street lamps. Strong male students act as porters, while weak female students are busy watering the road. Wang Shu, Shi Meiyu and Ma Jingyi put on gloves and went into the flower garden with plastic bags to pick up paper scraps, garbage bags and cigarette butts in the roots and grass.

  The dust and sweat made the students' faces and the branches scratched our arms, but the students were still working in the sound of laughter. Look, Jin Tianci, Chen Haowei, Jiang Kaiyue,? From our class? These Hercules worked together to move a large stone placed in the middle of the sidewalk to the roadside, clearing the "roadblocks" on the way forward.

  The road was clean, the fence was polished, and the sundries in the flower bed were cleaned into the trash can. With a body of dust, the students are like soldiers who have won the war, carrying brooms and walking with vigorous steps.


  Recently, we have to organize team activities again. Several times, we can only go to five people to hold activities. The theme of this team activity is to learn from Lei Feng and do good things. Our team, as usual, was not well organized. As a result, it was "interrogated" by the teacher.

  I firmly believe that Uncle Lei Feng's spirit will never disappear even if he is no longer alive. Therefore, I have been picking up garbage in the classroom and community recently. Today, I was walking on the road in the community. Suddenly, something appeared in my vision. When I looked carefully, a piece of candy wrapping paper fell on the ground, floating and floating with the wind. I thought, Even if I didn't throw it, I saw that whoever threw it should pick it up. So I bent down, gently picked up the paper, ran to the dustbin in the community, and threw the paper into the dustbin, even if no one saw my move, even if God didn't encourage me, even if it wasn't an earth shaking thing, But I think this is a thing worth repeating to you. Maybe you will think it is not precious. Maybe you have the same feeling as me.

  I don't care about others. I care whether it's a good thing or something I can do.


  In this civilized March, our school launched the activity of "learning from Lei Feng and being a moral person". In the activity class on Friday, our head teacher Guo led the students of our class to the lawn of the school. There is a lot of rubbish there. The teacher divided the work for us, and then we went into "battle". Shuxing and I are working together. Our task is to pick up the melon seed skin in the lawn. The melon seed skin is too small and too many to pick up easily. I picked it up for more than ten minutes, but there was no shortage. I sighed: "what bad luck! Why did you give us such a difficult task? When can we finish the task?" Shuxing smiled and said, "Xiaohong, you are our monitor. You often encourage us to be patient. Why are you discouraged today? Think about Uncle Lei Feng. What difficulties can't be overcome?"

  Shuxing's words deeply hurt my heart. Yes! As a monitor, how can I be light and afraid of heavy? Learn from Lei Feng. I want to see action. I won't give up! Thinking of this, my eyebrows stretch out. Suddenly, I thought of a good way: using a small broom to sweep, isn't it faster? I tried it and it was much faster. I cooperated with Shuxing. In less than half an hour, I overfulfilled the task assigned by the teacher and went to help other students clean up the garbage. When Mr. Guo saw it, he raised his thumb and praised me: "Xiaohong, you are really the 'little Lei Feng' of our class!" After listening to teacher Guo's words, my heart felt like eating honey. I secretly made up my mind: I will try to learn from Uncle Lei Feng and be a moral man.


  Helping others is a basic virtue of life. We should carry forward Lei Feng's spirit and think of others in everything.

  On March 5, the teacher organized the students to go to Dongjin ecological park to carry forward Lei Feng's spirit - picking up garbage.

  Before leaving, I saw that everyone was in a state of readiness: a convenience bag in his left hand and tweezers in his right hand. Now everything is ready, only due to the east wind! The car drove slowly to Dongjin ecological park.

  The weather is cold, but we have a hot heart to contribute to the society. I went to the lawn and found garbage such as peel and waste paper on it. I put the convenience bag on the ground and clamped the garbage with tweezers. After picking it up for a while, a drop of sweat flowed down my face and thought: let others pick it up! The teacher seemed to see my mind and said to me, "son, we can't give up halfway, let alone do good deeds!" I nodded.

  Then, I carefully picked up every piece of garbage. As long as I walked through, I couldn't find a piece of paper. It's time. We're going to the Eco Park Center. WOW! The ecological park we cleaned has taken on a new look.

  At sunset, the song "learn from Lei Feng's good example" kept ringing in my ear.

