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【#三年级# 导语】做题是学生在学习过程中的一种输出,是检验学生对知识是否掌握的一种手段,同时也特别容易暴露学生存在的问题。所以教师在考试时一定要是有序的、台阶式的,这样可使学生的学习任务变得容易,要让他们有成就感,避免其产生畏难和厌烦情绪。以下是©文档大全网整理的《小学三年级英语语法专项训练》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


  1. How many ______ are there on the farm?

  A. pig   B. pigs   C. piges

  2. How much is the _____?

  A. bread   B. beans   C. books

  3. These are _____.

  A. potatos   B. sheeps   C. cabbages

  4. He washes the _____.

  A. bowles   B. boxs   C. dishes

  5. Do you want some _____?

  A. apple   B. butter   C. egg

  6. Let's get some _____.

  A. pear  B. oranges   C. apple

  7. She has five _____.

  A. stickers   B. pen   C. hat
  8. They have a big _____.

  A. living rooms   B. reading room   C. bathrooms

  9. I bought a box of _____ yesterday.

  A. pear   B. apple   C. apples

  10. It's a slice of _____.

  A. pizza   B. pizzas   C. pizzas

  11. Give me two _____ of potatoes.

  A. bags   B. bag   C. box

  12. I have three _____.

  A. comic book   B. comics book   C. comic books

  13. How many _____ are there on the farm?

  A. duck   B. ducks   C. duckes

  14. -- What are those?--They' re _____.

  A. tomato   B. tomatoes   C. tomatos

  15. Would you like some _____?

  A. popcorn   B. popcornes   C. popcorns


  1. --What's your name? --I'm____
  A. Betty   B. betty   C. lily
  2. --Where are you from? --I' m from____
  A. america   B. America   C. American
  3. This is____, my teacher.
  A. Mr. li   B. mr. Li   C. Mr. Li
  4. Are you going to ____ on May Day? It's the capital of____
  A. bei jing, China   B. Beijing, China   C. Bei Jing,china
  5. --Who's he? --He's____
  A. Green Mary   B. Jim Green   C. Jim green
  6. Look at____. It's nice.
  A. Picture 2   B.2 picture  C. pictures
  7. --Where' s Frank? --He' s in____105.
  A. room   B. Rooms   C. Room
  8. --Do you like ____? --Yes, I do.
  A. English   B. english   C. chinese
  9. --Is it the ____? -- Yes. It's wonderful.
  A. great wall   B. Great wall   C. Great Wall
  10. I have math lessons on____.
  A. Monday   B. monday   C. the Monday
  11. I'm a girl. I study in a____.
  A. Primary School   B. Primary school   C. primary school
  12. When is____?
  A. Mother's Day   B. Mothers' day   C. Mother's day


  1. I'm busy today. I have ____.

  A. a lot of homework   B. many homeworks

  2. I would like some apple ____. I am very thirsty.

  A. juice   B. juices

  3. I often dust the ____ home.

  A. furniture   B. furnitures

  4. She's ____.

  A. Chinese   B. Chineses

  5. They are ____.

  A. doctors   B. doctor

  6. I see you have white ____.

  A. hair   B. hairs

  7. There are five ____ in his family.

  A. people   B. peoples

  8. The ____ is very fresh.

  A. food   B. foods

  9. Can you give me some bottles of ____ juice, please?

  A. orange   B. oranges

  10. Would you like some ____?

  A. water   B. waters

