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【#英语资源# 导语】®文档大全网为同学们整理了小学六年级英语语法专项训练,在我们考试中是经常会遇到的,希望对同学们学习后能有所帮助。



  1、人称代词主格和宾格的区别:主格通常位于句中第一个动词之前(有时候位于than 之后),宾格一般位于动词或介词之后。




  人称代词 物主代词 主格 宾格 形容词性 名词性


  我 I me 我的 my mine


  你,你们 you you 你的,你们的 your yours


  他 he him 他的 his his


  她 she her 她的 her hers


  它 it it 它的 its its


  我们 we us 我们的 our ours


  他(她,它)们 they them 他(她,它)们的 their theirs






  1. That is not _________ kite. That kite is very small, but _________ is very big. ( I )


  2. The dress is _________. Give it to _________. ( she )


  3. Is this _________ watch? (you) No, it's not _________ . ( I )


  4. _________ is my brother. _________ name is Jack. Look! Those stamps are_________. ( he )


  5. _________ dresses are red. (we) What colour are _________? ( you )


  6. Here are many dolls, which one is _________ ? ( she )


  7. I can find my toy, but where's _________? ( you )


  8. Show _________ your kite, OK? (they)


  9. I have a beautiful cat. _________name is Mimi. These cakes are _________. ( it )


  10. Are these _________ tickets? No, _________ are not _________. _________ aren'there. ( they )


  11. Shall _________ have a look at that classroom? That is _________ classroom. ( we )


  12. _________ is my aunt. Do you know _________ job? _________ a nurse. ( she )


  13. That is not _________ camera. _________is at home. ( he )


  14. Where are _________? I can't find _________. Let's call _________ parents. ( they )


  15. Don't touch _________. _________ not a cat, _________ a tiger!


  16. _________ sister is ill. Please go and get _________. ( she )


  17. _________ don't know her name. Would you please tell _________. ( we )


  18. So many dogs. Let's count _________. ( they )


  19. I have a lovely brother. _________ is only 3. I like _________ very much. ( he )


  20. May I sit beside _________? ( you )


  21. Look at that desk. Those book are on _________. ( it )


  22.The girl behind _________ is our friend. (she )


  二、用am, is, are 填空


  1. I ______ a boy. ______ you a boy? No, I _____ not.


  2. The girl______ Jack's sister.


  3. The dog _______ tall and fat.


  4. The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.


  5. ______ your brother in the classroom?


  6. Where _____ your mother? She ______ at home.


  7. How _______ your father?


  8. Mike and Liu Tao ______ at school.


  9. Whose dress ______ this?


  10. Whose socks ______ they?


  11. That ______ my red skirt.


  12. Who ______ I?


  13. The jeans ______ on the desk.


  14. Here ______ a scarf for you.


  15. Here ______ some sweaters for you.


  16. The black gloves ______ for Su Yang.


  17. This pair of gloves ______ for Yang Ling.


  18. The two cups of milk _____ for me.


  19. Some tea ______ in the glass.


  20. Gao shan's shirt _______ over there.


  21. My sister's name ______Nancy.


  22. This ______ not Wang Fang's pencil.


  23. ______ David and Helen from England?


  24. There ______ a girl in the room.


  25. There ______ some apples on the tree.


  26. _______ there any kites in the classroom?


  27. _______ there any apple juice in the bottle?


  28. There _______ some bread on the plate.


  29. There _______ a boy, two girls, three men and ten women in the park.


  30. You, he and I ______ from China.

