
时间:2022-09-26 00:00:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】盼望着,期待着,《天宫课堂》终于要和我们见面了,节目把课堂搬到了中国人自己的空间站,由天核心舱中的三位宇航员为我们带来一堂特别的“太空授课”。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  Great cause breeds great spirit. In the great journey of climbing the peak of science and technology, the new generation of astronauts have forged the spirit of manned spaceflight with their unique lofty realm, tenacious will and outstanding wisdom. This is the spirit of being able to bear hardships, fight, tackle key problems, bear hardships, fight, tackle key problems and contribute. These spirits are always worth learning.

  The spirit of hard work in life is always beautiful. The road of life cannot always be smooth. Everyone will always encounter difficulties and setbacks in one way or another. We must rise up in setbacks and difficulties. This requires a spirit of hard work, especially fighting and capable. "If you eat bitterly, you will become a master." Study hard, the spirit is always beautiful!

  Unity is strength, the foundation of governing the country and the foundation of governing the school. Just think, if a collective is not united internally and there are differences, will it be strong? More than that, some people who are trying to do damage will attack vigorously at this time, and the loss will be unimaginable.

  Both science and humanities. Since childhood, this old saying has been in our mind Ear echo: love science, learn science, use science. However, how many people have really implemented it? Friends believe that as long as they learn to be human and cultural knowledge, they don't have to learn any science. Advanced science and technology is essential for a powerful country. As the "flowers" of the motherland, we should not only develop science and Humanities at the same time, but also achieve the coexistence of norms and personality!


  There are many "highlights" of Shenzhou 13 this time: compared with Shenzhou 12's three-month stay in space, this is half a year. Three astronauts will spend the Spring Festival in space. We on earth will receive the Spring Festival blessing from space for the first time; This is the first time that a Chinese female astronaut has entered the Chinese space station. Astronaut Wang Yaping will also become the first female astronaut in China to carry out extravehicular activities; This time, the space station will be docked radially for the first time by means of autonomous rapid rendezvous and docking; The manned mission will carry out 2 ~ 3 out of cabin activities and so on.

  From shenzhou-1 to shenzhou-13, from 2003 when Yang Liwei, as China's first astronaut to speak into space, realized the Chinese nation's Millennium dream of flying into the sky, to now that 12 people have been to space, China's aerospace industry is making great strides. The grand project for the construction of the space station will be completed step by step. We firmly believe that it will successfully carry out the space dream related to human peace and progress in the future, and will become a reality in the efforts of generations of Chinese astronauts. We are full of confidence in this.

  For the Chinese people, behind this excitement, there is more calm. Behind the decades of space industry is the road of national rejuvenation. We have experienced the struggle of our country, and we also feel the rapid progress of this country in the changes of daily life.

  In the future, we will also witness the launch of Shenzhou 14 and Shenzhou 15. Every witness has strengthened the people's confidence in the country and the future. The increasing scientific and technological strength of xiongxia is an indisputable fact. It is a change that the people can see and feel, not just an illusion. Therefore, this is not only a story that Chinese astronauts relay their dreams from generation to generation, but also a story that the people are more confident, the country is more powerful and the nation is more hopeful.

  We can't help looking back on the past, and the more we look back at history, the more we can understand the present. The more we review, the more we cherish it. We will constantly review every important node of China's science and technology cause and find the driving force for the nation to move forward in these landmark events. Those moments, because the memory becomes eternal.


  Looking back on the course of manned space engineering, we are filled with emotion. On October 15, 2003, Shenzhou V manned spacecraft carrying astronaut Yang Liwei took off, making China the third country in the world to carry out manned space activities independently after Russia and the United States. After that, "Shenzhou VI" and "Shenzhou VII" both carried astronauts, while "Shenzhou VIII" successfully implemented the first unmanned rendezvous and docking; Since then, the "Shenzhou IX", "Shenzhou X" and "Shenzhou Xi" have also carried astronauts into space and completed their respective tasks. According to statistics, China's Shenzhou series manned spacecraft have achieved the grand goal of "three steps" and maintained a 100% success rate. How difficult, how proud.


  The space teaching of Tiangong classroom has officially started. It should be said that this is a feat of China's aerospace industry. It not only marks that China has been able to skillfully use manned aerospace technology, but also means that China's Aerospace Science and technology has once again extended an olive branch to the field of education.

  This time, the Chinese astronauts passed on scientific knowledge in 300 kilometers of space and demonstrated the charm of the universe to the world with various space experiments, which stimulated the interest of countless students in mysterious space. Teachers, preach, teach and dispel doubts. However, teaching scientific knowledge in space can only be a feat that can be accomplished in modern human history. When Confucius was studying in Xinglin, how could he think that one day his descendants would run to space like Chang'e and preach and teach in space to solve their doubts? It is said that "teachers are the most glorious profession under the sun", but Morgan and Wang Yaping sprinkled the brilliance of this profession into space and bathed the whole universe in the brilliance of human nature. If the vast universe is a book, then strong comprehensive national strength and solid aerospace technology are undoubtedly the smart key to open this book.

  The space teaching of Chinese astronauts has opened a magical space journey for us, and their "good voice of China" is infecting and touching everyone around us. However, the unknown of the vast space and the far-reaching significance of education also put forward higher requirements for China's manned space industry. If we want to draw more nutrition from the universe, we must vigorously develop manned spaceflight and education. And we also hope that this space adventure will take us to more distant places, so that more places can listen to the "good voice of China". This space teaching has stimulated the students' inner love for learning, which can be transformed into the simple emotion of loving the motherland, learning and science, so that we can preach less and pay more attention in our daily work, so as to inspire and train our future successors.


  At that exciting moment, astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu successively entered the Tianhe core module, and the follow-up work will be carried out as planned.

  China's high-tech development has advanced by leaps and bounds, the successful launch of Shenzhou 7, a major breakthrough in 5g Internet research and industrialization, China's "first world-class high-speed railway opened between Beijing and Tianjin," and the first research results of Chinese genome sequence were published, "The construction task of the major transformation project of Beijing electron positron collider has been successfully completed," and Shuguang 5000A ranks among the top ten supercomputers in the world.

  The Dragon dives deep and Chang'e explores the moon. China's scientific and technological strength has made continuous progress. The continuous emergence of major scientific and technological achievements and the increasingly active scientific and technological innovation have injected new vitality into high-quality economic development.

  The Millennium dream is now realized. On July 23 last year, tianwen-1 was launched by the long March-5 remote-4 carrier rocket at Wenchang space launch site and successfully entered the predetermined orbit. Tianwen-1 arrived on Mars in February 2021 to capture Mars. In May 2021, we will select an opportunity to carry out orbit descent, separate the landing inspector from the orbiter, soft land the Martian surface, drive the rover away from the landing platform, carry out inspection and exploration, and scientifically explore the surface morphology, soil characteristics, material composition, water ice, atmosphere, ionosphere, magnetic field and other aspects of Mars, so as to realize China's technological leap in the field of deep space exploration [5]. Deep space exploration will promote the all-round development of space science, space technology and space applications, and make greater contributions to serving the overall situation of national development and promoting human well-being.

  As of February 3, 2021, the total flight mileage of "tianwen-1" probe has exceeded 450 million kilometers, about 170 million kilometers away from the earth.

  We are standing at the historical intersection of the "two centenaries", and the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way is about to begin. The journey is long, only struggle. Through struggle, we cut through thorns and thorns and walked through thousands of rivers and mountains. We will continue to struggle, move forward bravely and create more brilliant brilliance!

  The astronauts of Shenzhou 13 will stay in orbit for six months as planned. During these six months, their main work is to further verify the key technologies for the construction and operation of the space station. Specifically, it is necessary to cooperate with the core module, Tianzhou II and Tianzhou III for further verification.

  If science and technology is strong, the country is strong. The road of self-confidence is successful and praises China's aerospace. The successful launch of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft once again makes us feel the strength of our motherland.


  Indeed, there are opportunities and challenges from generation to generation, and emotional experiences from generation to generation. Born in the new century, I have witnessed the development of China in the new era: I see the vigorous posture of Chinese athletes in the Olympic Games and am proud of my motherland; I can't hide my pride and joy in the development of science and technology in the motherland when I see the success of space teaching in the "Tiangong classroom"; I also see that the Internet has touched thousands of households. With the click of the mouse and the touch of the fingertip, it can reach everywhere

  In this rapidly developing society, I look back on the past and look forward to the future. How to develop in the tide of this great era is a problem that I, you and each of us should think about in the future.

  First of all, grasp the pulse of the times and improve yourself according to the needs of the times, so as not to fall behind the times. The development of the world can not be described as "thousands of miles a day". This era is moving towards intelligence and efficiency. It is developing from paying attention to simple practicability to meeting diversified spiritual needs. You and I, who are constantly climbing to a new level in the development of science, technology and humanities, will not be submerged in the tide of the times only by constantly learning skills and mastering advanced knowledge.

  On the way to walk with the times, we need a strong anti setback heart. Life is really difficult. As teenagers, facing the storms in life, why should we not face it with the high attitude of "the sky will fall, and the responsibility lies with the people"?

  However, walking with the times is not to be a seaweed drifting with the tide. As the pillars of the motherland in the future, we have our own free spirit and independent thinking. We will not follow others, let alone lose ourselves and go astray. When you are 18 years old, I hope you can distinguish right from wrong in a mottled society, hold the bottom line, and bear the banner of leading the wind of the times.

  "The future sees the present, especially the present and the past". No matter how the times change, there are always some things worth pursuing, some things worth adhering to, and some things worth adhering to When we are clear about our mission, when our personal value and social value are unified, we have rushed forward in the tide of the times.


  At present, we are facing great changes that have not been seen in a century and have embarked on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Opportunities and challenges coexist, and difficulties and hopes coexist. On the one hand, young cadres must take over the "baton" of the revolutionary cause, refine experience, inspire wisdom and forge ahead in the history of the party's struggle, learn to be old scalpers, carry forward the spirit of dedication that doesn't care about gain and loss and the sense of responsibility that work conscientiously, and shoulder the important task of creating a new era. On the other hand, we should study hard, increase our skills, act actively, answer the "responsibility volume" of youth, and make good achievements belonging to the young generation in the "relay race" of national rejuvenation. The majority of scientific research workers should further carry forward the aerospace spirit, always climb the peak of science and technology, and take the long march of the new era.

  Carry forward the patriotic spirit of "grow here and serve the country". In the early stage of the development of China's aerospace industry, many successful and talented scientists gave up favorable conditions abroad and returned to the motherland without hesitation. Many development workers are willing to be unsung heroes, hide their names, make silent contributions, and some even give their precious lives. With their blood and life, they wrote a moving poem that dedicated themselves to the motherland and the people and died. Scientific research talents in the new era should learn from the older generation of scientists, strengthen the idea of scientific and technological innovation and serving the country, integrate the pursuit of career into the needs of the country, inherit the tradition of patriotism and dedication of predecessors, take the needs of the country and the nation as the research guidance, and realize the perfect integration of individual, career and the country on the road of serving the country scientifically and strengthening the country through science and technology.

  Carry forward the fighting spirit of "thousands of grinding and thousands of hitting, but also perseverance". In the boundless Gobi wasteland and the sparsely populated deep mountain canyon, the older generation of scientific researchers have overcome all kinds of unimaginable difficulties and dangers. Using limited scientific research and experimental means, relying on science, they worked tenaciously, worked hard and made innovations, broke through technical difficulties one by one, and won a great victory in the cause of "two bombs and one satellite". In this era, we are undoubtedly lucky. Our living environment and scientific research conditions are much better than those of the older generation of scientists. Contemporary scientific research workers take the older generation of scientists as an example, vigorously carry forward the spirit of self-reliance and hard work, work down-to-earth and hard in their respective fields, and create new achievements.

  Carry forward the unity spirit of "everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high". In the extraordinary process of developing "two bombs and one satellite", thousands of scientific and technical personnel, engineering and technical personnel and logistics support personnel from all regions and departments across the country have united, cooperated and made concerted efforts to form a vast Team marching towards the peak of modern science and technology. With their brilliant achievements, they have added a dazzling page to the history of the creation of Chinese civilization. Scientific research is a complex and arduous group work. In scientific research activities, the interaction between people directly affects the scientific research cooperation and the completion of scientific research plans. The majority of scientific research workers should firmly establish the awareness of the overall situation, cooperation and service, focus on the common goal, and cooperate with each other while giving full play to their respective strengths.


  "If a young man is strong, the country will be strong, if a young man is independent, the country will be independent, if a young man is better than Europe, the country will be better than Europe, and if a young man is male with the earth, the country will be male with the earth." Our motherland is developing rapidly. When we can take over the baton of socialist modernization from our parents, we will be the backbone of our motherland. If our motherland becomes more prosperous and powerful in the hands of our generation, we will complete our sacred mission, realize our flying dream and the flying dream of the Chinese nation. It can be seen that the growth of our teenagers is closely related to the development of our motherland.

  Therefore, from now on, we should focus on our study. When we grow up and do something, we should build our motherland well. Just as Grandpa Ba Jin once said, "the meaning of life lies in dedication, not enjoyment. People don't live to eat dry meals for themselves, but to add some luster to the society we live in."

  Aviation industry is a strategic industry of a country and a symbol of the rise of a big country. It is the commanding height of playing the world stage and participating in international competition. Its huge high-tech development engine not only promotes the world's scientific and technological progress, but also drives the rapid development of the global economy. Therefore, it is known as the "flower of industry". The establishment of China aviation industry group and the launch of large aircraft project have opened up growth space for China's aviation manufacturing industry. We believe that the central government will gradually liberalize the low altitude field for general aviation, which will bring the development of civil aviation related industries. In the next 10 years, China's aviation industry will usher in golden growth.


  Struggle is the wing of a dream. Generations of astronauts have worked diligently in the aerospace "test field", with their hearts in heaven, earth, longitude and latitude and feet to the vast universe. They have worked hard on the basis of poverty and poverty, forged ahead in repeated experiments, pursued excellence under the improvement and tackling key problems, dared to break through difficulties and bravely open a new road. Astronauts learn experience and strong skills through strict, systematic and comprehensive training. Flying and walking out of the cabin need solid skills, excellent psychological quality and strong physique. The hard training from cold to summer makes them have super willpower and self-confidence. For the great aerospace cause, aerospace workers and astronauts regard hardships and twists as the "ladder" of career development, forge their backbone with ambition, accumulate their strength with backbone, and realize a higher level of innovation and breakthrough in the continuous struggle of the aerospace cause.

  From the successful launch of "Shenyi" to the cosmic trip of "Shenwu", "Shenzhou VI" and "Shenzhou VII"... China's manned space industry has achieved fruitful results. On the road of "pursuing dreams", each time is a new journey and an unprecedented challenge. Of course, the unprecedented difficulty of the challenge has also created an unprecedented height. Mr. Lu Xun once said, "in fact, there is no road on the ground. When more people walk, it becomes a road". The road is developed by double pedaling and step by step. Since the development of China's aerospace industry in 1956, self-reliance and independent innovation have been the consistent insistence in the development and the core competitiveness to promote the development and growth of the aerospace industry. It is natural for us to take the road that our predecessors have not gone through. It is inevitable for us to make a detour. It is inevitable that we can break through the setbacks that have not been broken by the predecessors. We can become pioneers and become pioneers. Only by daring to rush, can we rush out of the new world and seize the "new heights".

  Great cause breeds great spirit. Looking back on the development history of space industry, whether it is the successful launch of "dongfanghong-1" or the major achievements of Shenzhou series manned space projects.

  Whether the Beidou satellite navigation system is fully completed, or the "Chang'e" running to the moon and the "Tianwen" fire detection, from bold imagination to successful practice, all highlight China's aerospace strength to keep pace with the times. China's aerospace industry has gone from a difficult start to arduous trek to brilliant achievements. China's figure and footprints are left in the vast space, and China's spirit and strength are left on the development path of the aerospace industry. This spirit and strength will certainly lead the 1.4 billion Chinese people to work together as one, stir up great strength, forge ahead on a new journey and dream a new era.


  The Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft will be launched in the early morning of October 16. In this regard, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on the 15th that less than a month ago, China welcomed the successful return of Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft. In the early morning of the 16th, China will once again watch Shenzhou 13 fly into space with excitement. "This not only vividly explains China's manned spaceflight spirit, which is especially able to bear hardships, fight, tackle key problems and contribute, but also embodies the Chinese people's spirit of daring to pursue dreams, explore and never-ending scientific exploration in space."

  At the regular press conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the same day, Zhao Li insisted that on the 15th, the press conference of Shenzhou 13 manned mission was held at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The spokesman of China's manned space engineering introduced the relevant situation. Shenzhou 13 manned mission is the key technology verification stage of China's space station, and the sixth mission is the decisive battle of this stage The battle of ending is also a key battle to connect the past and the future in the process of on orbit construction of the space station.

  "What I want to say is that this Shenzhou 13 mission shows China's new efforts and contributions to the common cause of mankind, manned space exploration. China will continue to increase the depth and breadth of international cooperation and exchanges in the field of manned space, and make positive contributions to mankind's exploration of the mysteries of the universe, peaceful use of space and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind." He said.

  Zhao Li insisted that it can be noted that there are many differences in the group work arrangement between Shenzhou 13 and Shenzhou 12, including that Chinese female astronauts will enter the Chinese space station for the first time and carry out extravehicular activities, Chinese astronauts will stay in orbit for the first time for six months, and Chinese people will spend the Spring Festival in space for the first time. "We look forward to hearing our compatriots' blessings from space for the first time when we watch the new year's Eve. Let's jointly wish the successful launch of Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft."

