
时间:2023-09-01 07:48:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】《开学第一课》是自2008年起教育部与中央电视台合作的大型公益节目,于每年新学年开学之际推出。这一节目针对中小学生的特点而设计,靠他们喜欢的方式,使他们在潜移默化中受到陶冶,有利于增强教育的针对性;每年都是针对当年最重要的事情选定节目内容,有利于增进教育的实效性。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《2023年开学第一课英语观后感》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.2023年开学第一课英语观后感 篇一

  Every Monday morning, we welcome a solemn and sacred moment - the flag raising ceremony. Accompanied by the rising sun, the national flag slowly rises amidst the majestic and resounding national anthem. What floats in the wind is not just a simple five star red flag, it represents the self-esteem and love, pride and pride of all Chinese people; It embodies the determination of every Chinese person to defend their motherland; It embodies the deep love of every Chinese person for their motherland.

  I have always aspired to become a builder of a socialist motherland since I was young, so I started small by small: the love of learning broadens my horizons, elevates my taste, and also enables me to understand many true meanings of life, enjoying it; Being closer to nature makes me adept at discovering and solving problems; Being close to life, observing every bit around me, learning from excellent people makes me excellent and strong, so that I can repay society and serve my country in the future!

  Loving our country is not something we say through words, but rather through our practical actions. Different people express their love for their country in different ways: doctors save lives, teachers teach and educate people, soldiers defend their country... It's not just that this is the only way to show their love for their country, even a trivial matter can be reflected.

  Love learning, love labor, and the home of hardworking people is always beautiful. We should start with small things within our own capabilities, such as helping our parents with household chores, tidying up our rooms, actively picking up garbage on the ground, and doing volunteer labor in the community. These small things not only benefit others, but also enhance ourselves, allowing us to grow through labor, and thus cherish the fruits of others' labor more. We understand that the beautiful life we now have is not easy won. We should not sit idly by and squander, but should build our motherland and homeland into a better place through our own efforts!

  While doing well in the small things around us, as the future successors of our motherland, we should establish lofty ideals from a young age and work tirelessly towards this goal. Firstly, we should love learning, listen attentively, think actively, and complete homework on time in school. We cannot be proud of our excellent grades, as there are still many things that we need to humbly learn; If your grades are not good enough, don't lose heart and continue to work hard. Believe that there is nothing difficult in the world, only for those who have a heart. As long as you put in effort, the sweet fruit of success will eventually belong to those who work hard!

  We love our motherland and must exercise our bodies, study hard, possess rich knowledge and a strong physique, so that the ideals of a prosperous and powerful country stand tall in our hearts. To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese Dream, we must start from myself and from now on. The beautiful future of our motherland awaits us to write!

2.2023年开学第一课英语观后感 篇二

  Patriotic, there is no need for everyone to do a groundbreaking thing in a grand manner. For us students, studying hard and seriously is also a patriotic action; At home, I am filial to my elders, abide by laws and regulations, do not do any illegal things, and always maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, which is also patriotic. In fact, there are many patriotic examples around us.

  Don't traffic police, who maintain traffic despite wind, sun, and rain, also have this patriotic spirit? Sometimes due to rain, people who are anxious to return home are crowded, and traffic police command and guide them in the rain, so that pedestrians and vehicles can proceed in an orderly manner. Some people may ask, "Why do they still do the job of traffic police when it's so dangerous?" Because they have an ordinary and selfless spirit of dedication. Isn't this a patriotic spirit? Some people dedicate their lives to their motherland, not only to the sanitation workers, teachers, but also to great scientists, athletes in our daily lives

  Throughout history, countless Chinese people have sacrificed everything, even their precious lives, in the face of repeated tests, threats, and temptations. They will not compromise. Even if they sacrifice everything, they will still go to exchange for the victory of the new China. They are anti Japanese heroes who build China and revitalize the Chinese nation. They deserve our deep respect and love.

  Patriotism is an unshirkable obligation and the belief of all Chinese people. Because living on this land, what is forever flying is the five star red flag, as bright as blood.

3.2023年开学第一课英语观后感 篇三

  We live in this peaceful and prosperous era today, and we feel so happy and happy. But before that, how many people lived in a war era where they couldn't eat enough or sleep well? It is precisely with the selfless dedication of countless revolutionary martyrs that we have today's happy life. Nowadays, our motherland is prosperous and the country is peaceful and the people are at peace.

  But as teenagers, what can we do for our motherland mother? We can only study hard now, starting from a small matter and starting from ourselves. In fact, we can help every person who contributes to our country by protecting the environment and promoting the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

  When I grow up, I must make contributions to my country, and I will always regard Lei Feng as my role model. We were born under the red flag, often in the spring breeze, and the four directions are all Chinese. We cannot forget the ugly face of the British and French coalition when they burned down the Old Summer Palace, leaving countless valuable historical relics of our country overseas. From that moment on, I have set my ambition to serve the country, to prevent our motherland from being bullied by foreign powers, and to spread our culture throughout the world.

  We must always be brave and do good deeds in any task situation. Don't let things go unnoticed because they are small, do every job within your scope of responsibility on the ground, and write the character of "loyalty, cleanliness, and responsibility" with the pen of "striving to catch up and surpass". By taking serious and practical actions, we can contribute our youthful strength to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and live up to our dreams and youth.

4.2023年开学第一课英语观后感 篇四

  The content of this year's "First Lesson" program mainly explained the importance of reading to us. After watching the program, I deeply understood the importance of reading for our personal development and the future of our country.

  We have always said that teenagers are the future of our country, and this statement has always been true. After all, when we graduate from school, we will have to take on the responsibilities of our predecessors and shoulder the responsibility of building a country. If all of our students do not study hard and accumulate knowledge, and in the future, they cannot bear the heavy responsibility of national construction, we will have no value in existence.

  So, in order to enhance our personal life value and build the future of our country, we teenagers should study hard and enrich our knowledge in order to serve our country in the future.

5.2023年开学第一课英语观后感 篇五

  When I was a child, I had many dreams. If I could tell them, I could tell them all: to be a scientist, a writer, a military strategist... but most of them were just nonsense. Because I believe that dreams are not important, they are just words. So until yesterday, I didn't have a clear goal that guided me and drove me forward. However, after watching "The First Lesson of School", my attitude changed. Because I heard several incredible stories.

  During the massive mountain flood and mudslide in Zhouqu, a father rushed home to see his daughter, but what he saw was a pile of sand and stones. But he didn't immediately lose heart, but instead used his dusty and emaciated hands to dig for sand and gravel. One day passed, two days passed, and on the third day, he dug up his daughter's hair accessory and then pulled out her head covered in mud from inside. He immediately washed his daughter clean and tied her braids again.

  During a test flight, the hero Li Zhonghua suddenly malfunctioned and was still leaking oil, posing a risk of explosion at any time. He could have abandoned the plane and parachuted. But Li Zhonghua did not do that in order to obtain the data for the test flight, but took the risk of continuing the flight. Before the danger occurred, he successfully landed and obtained valuable data.

  What do they rely on to achieve things that are impossible to us as normal people? That's a dream. This is the dream, this is the power of dreams! So, as long as there is a dream leading the way, we can definitely succeed!
