Fundamental Techniques in Handling People 处理人际关系的基本技巧
1.On the morning of April 15,1865,Abraham Lincoln lay dying in a hall bedroom of a cheap lodging house directly across the street from Ford's Theater,where John Wilkes Booth had shot him. Lincoln's long body lay stretched diagonally across a sagging bed that was too short for him. A cheap reproduction of Rosa Bonheur's famous painting The Horse Fair hung above the bed,and a dismal gas jet flickered yellow light.
2.As Lincoln lay dying,Secretary of War Stanton said,"There lies the most perfect ruler of men that the world has ever seen."
3.What was the secret of Lincoln's success in dealing with people? I studied the life of Abraham Lincoln for ten years and devoted all of three years to writing and rewriting a book entitled Lincoln the Unknown. I believe I have made as detailed and exhaustive a study of Lincoln's personality and home life as it is possible for any being to make. I made a special study of Lincoln's method of dealing with people. Did he indulge in criticism? Oh,yes. As a young man in the Pigeon Creek Valley of Indiana,he not only criticized but he wrote letters and poems ridiculing people and dropped these letters on the country roads where they were sure to be found. One of these letters aroused resentments that burned for a lifetime.
4.Even after Lincoln had become a practicing lawyer in Springfield,Illinois,he attacked his opponents openly in letters published in the newspapers. But he did this just once too often.
5.In the autumn of 1842 he ridiculed a vain,pugnacious politician by the name of James Shields. Lincoln damned him through an anonymous letter published in Springfield Journal. The town roared with laughter. Shields,sensitive and proud,boiled with indignation. He found out who wrote the letter,leaped on his horse,started after Lincoln,and challenged him to fight a duel. Lincoln didn't want to fight. He was opposed to dueling,but he couldn't get out of it and save his honor. He was given the choice of weapons. Since he had very long arms,he chose cavalry broadswords and took lessons in sword fighting from a West Point graduate; and,on the appointed day,he and Shields met on a sandbar in the Mississippi River,prepared to fight to the death; but,at the last minute,their seconds interrupted and stopped the duel.
6.That was the most lurid personal incident in Lincoln's life. It taught him an invaluable lesson in the art of dealing with people. Never again did he write an insulting letter. Never again did he ridicule anyone. And from that time on,he almost never criticized anybody for anything.
7.Time after time,during the Civil War,Lincoln put a new general at the head of the Army of the Potomac,and each one in turn-McClellan,Pope,Burnside,Hooker,Meade-blundered tragically and drove Lincoln to pacing the floor in despair. Half the nation savagely condemned these incompetent generals,but Lincoln,"with malice toward none,with charity for all," held his peace. One of his favorite quotations was "Judge not,that ye be not judged." And when Mrs. Lincoln and others spoke harshly of the southern people,Lincoln replied: "Don't criticize them; they are just what we would be under similar circumstances." He had learned by bitter experience that sharp criticisms and rebukes almost invariably end in futility.
8.Theodore Roosevelt said that when he,as President,was confronted with a perplexing problem,he used to lean back and look up at a large painting of Lincoln which hung above his desk in the White House and ask himself,"What would Lincoln do if he were in my shoes? How would he solve this problem? " The next time we are tempted to admonish somebody,let's pull a five-dollar bill out of our pocket,look at Lincoln's picture on the bill,-and ask,"How would Lincoln handle this problem if he had it? "
9.Do you know someone you would like to change and regulate and improve? Good! That is fine. I am all in favor of it. But why not begin on yourself? From a purely selfish standpoint,that is a lot more profitable than trying to improve others-yes,and a lot less dangerous. "Don't complain about the snow on your neighbor's roof," said Confucius,"when your own doorstep is unclean."
10.When dealing with people,let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion,creatures bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity. If you and I want to stir up a resentment tomorrow that may rankle across the decades and endure until death,just let us indulge in a little stinging criticism-no matter how certain we are that it is justified.
11.Any fool can criticize,condemn and complain-and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.
12."A great man shows his greatness," said Carlyle,"by the way he treats little men." And Dr. Johnson said: "God himself,sir,does not propose to judge man until the end of his days." Why should you and I?