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Network Security 网络安全

  1.As more Americans do more things online, Internet identity theft is a growing—and very costly—problem. Consider the following ten aspects and learn the best ways to protect yourself.

  翻译:随着美国网民不断增多,互联网使用越来越频繁,互联网身份失窃成 了一个日益严重且代价昂贵的问题。阅读以下十条建议,学会保护自己隐私 的方式。

  2.Guard Your Personal Information. Never respond to requests for personal or account information online (or over the phone). When your social security number is requested as an identifier, ask if you can provide alternate information. Watch out for convincing imitations of banks, card companies, charities and government agencies. Use legitimate sources of contact information to verify requests for information, such as your financial institution's official website or the telephone number listed on statements.

  翻译:保护个人信息。绝不在网上(或通过电话)回复任何索取个人信息或 账户信息的请求。当网络运营商要求你输入社会保障号码作为确认标识时, 询问是否能够提供其他信息代替社会保障代号。小心警惕那些伪装成银行、 信用卡公司、慈善组织和政府机构的网站,它们总是伪装得很逼真。使用来源于官方的联系方式来验证个人信息索取请求(是否可靠),例如金融机构的 官方网址,或是结算单上的电话号码。

  3.Don't overshare. Don't divulge your birth date, mother's maiden name, pet's name or any other identifying information on social media websites such as Facebook, Linkedln or Twitter.

  翻译:忌过度共享个人信息。在类似于Facebook、LinkedIn和Twitter的社交 网站上,不要泄露你的生日、母亲的娘家姓、宠物的名字或其他任何涉及身 份的信息。

  4.Stay Up to Date. Install anti-virus software on your computer and keep it updated. Use the latest version of your web browser. Install security patches and software updates as soon as they are ready to install.

  翻译:经常更新电脑。在电脑上安装杀毒软件,经常更新病毒库。使用最新 版本的网络浏览器。及时安装安全补丁和软件更新。

  5.Make it Difficult. Use unique and hard-to-guess passwords. Don't access secure websites using public Wi-Fi.

  翻译:密码设置得复杂些。使用难猜的密码,不要使用公共无线网络登录安 全性网站。

  6.Beware of Fake Online Sweepstakes and Contests. All offers that require payment or private information before giving an award are bogus. Take the time to check out the validity of an offer. Ask for contact information from the sender and details about the company running the contest. Once you start asking a lot of questions and make it clear you won't be pushed to make an immediate decision, most scammers will go away.

  翻译:注意分辨虚假的网络彩票和竞赛中奖信息。在赠送奖品之前要求支付 一定金额或填写个人信息的中奖信息都是虚假的。任何一条中奖信息,你都 要花一点时间确认其真伪,例如询问寄件人的联络方式和负责组织竞赛的公 司的详情。一旦你开始询问这些问题,并且明确表示不会匆忙做决定,大多 数骗子都会知难而退。

  7.Go Paperless. Enroll in electronic statements, use direct deposit, and make bill payments online (to avoid mail theft).

  翻译:无纸化。直接登记注册电子交易协议书,进行网上直接存款和网上直 接支付(以防止邮件失窃)。

  8.Don't Believe the Work at Home Hype. Thoroughly conduct a background check on the company, making as many phone calls and Internet searches as you can. If in doubt, visit a local law enforcement office and ask their opinion. All offers to earn pay for re-shipping goods sent to your address are bogus. Tragically, some work-from-home scams not only enlist the individual to defraud others, they also make an identity fraud victim out of the individual!

  翻译:不要相信传得天花乱坠的家居办公模式。通过电话咨询和网络搜索对 鼓吹这种模式的公司进行全面的背景调查。如果调查结果令人置疑,可以咨 询当地执法机构的意见。所有寄到你的地址声称通过转运物品即可赚取薪水 的信息都是编造的。可悲的是,一些家庭办公骗局不仅使不知情的个人沦为 他们欺骗行为的协同犯,也成为了身份诈骗的受害者。

  9.Ask What Your Bank Is Doing to Protect You. Understand banks' guarantees for fraud protection: all large providers now offer zero-liability protection for debit and credit cards, while a few offer a guarantee for online banking transactions.

  翻译:询问你的银行的隐私保护措施。了解银行在预防诈骗方面的保障措施, 一些大型银行现在提供对借记卡和信用卡的免责保护,也有一些银行提供网 银交易安全保障。

  10.Keep a Close Eye on Your Finances. Monitor your bank and credit card accounts weekly. Sign up for alerts to be sent to your mobile phone or email. Monitor your credit and public information online to spot unauthorized activity. Free credit reports from each of the three major credit bureaus are available each year through annualcreditreport.com. Optional fee-based services offer more extensive monitoring of credit information, personal identity records, social security numbers and online transactions.

  翻译:密切注意个人财政状况。每周关注你的银行账户、信用卡使用有无异 常,申请手机或电子邮件警示业务。监测你的网络信用信息和公共信息,及 时发现未授权的活动。每年通过annualcreditreport.com,你可以选取三大信用 机构中的任何一个向你提供免费信用报告。你还可以选择收费项目,获取对 信用信息、个人身份记录、社会保障号码和其他网上交易活动的更全面的监测服务。

  11.Report It. If you're a victim of online fraud, contact the authorities. You can file an online report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)—a partnership between the FBI, the National White Collar Crime Center, and the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Also contact your local police to file a report. The more people who report such crimes, the more criminals are arrested.

  翻译:最后一招,举报。如果你已经是网络诈骗的受害者,联系官方机构。 你可以在网上向互联网犯罪举报中心〔联邦调查局的合作伙伴之一)、国家白 领犯罪中心或司法援助局举报,也可以向当地警署举报。越多的人举报这些 犯罪行为,越多的罪犯就将被绳之以法。

