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【#考研# 导语】作文英语考试的重中之重,要想写出好的作文,就需要多看多背,把好的句子记下来。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的《2018考研英语作文必背句子【五篇】》希望对大家的写作有启发和帮助。

  1.There is absolutely no reason for us to believe that a brighter future for the world is an impossibility.
  2.Meteorologists offer computer models leaving little doubt that this year's El Nino phenomenon has disappeared.
  3.Facts prove the unjustifiability of claims that China will be unable to feed itself by the year 2020.
  4.Previous explanations of the rising divorce rate in China are simply untenable. The fact is that many marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands.
  5.Claim that entering the Chinese market offers foreign companies an immediate road to profits are grossly misstated and have been proven wrong time and again. The key to entering China rests with the phraseology vast potential market, and how long one is willing to wait for returns.
  6.Parents are not wrong in enforcing good study habits, but they must not do so at the expense of stifling normal child development.
  7.It is quite reasonable to assume that modern science and technology (S&T) will continue to advance. It is no less reasonable to believe that S&T will radically improve the way we live. However, the same reasoning cannot be applied to improving socialinteraction.
  8.Belief in the wonders of modern medical science is quite understandable. It is also quitepossible that our faith in the ability of scientists to find the key for prolonging life are well-founded. Yet, the wisdom of prolonging life remains
  in question when considering the already massive global population and projected future growth.
  9.It is one thing to support euthanasia, but quite another to offer any justification for genocide.
  10.Claiming the need for censorship is one thing, but rationally proving its redeeming values represents a quite different issue.

  1.The ridiculous amount of money some countries spend on military hardware is absurd when considering the number of people starving in many developing countries.
  2.The loss of perquisites enjoyed by government officials and business executives pales in comparison to the plight of refugees in many war-torn countries.
  3.While the long-term problem of global warming is indeed serious, its significance diminishes somewhat when considering immediate problems such as rapid environmental deterioration and the rampant misuse and abuse of nonrenewable resources.
  4.Owning a car might be preferable to owning a bicycle, but the problems associated with owning the former far outweigh those of the latter. For one thing, automobiles are exponentially more expensive and require greater maintenance. For another, bicycles don't pollute. exam8.com
  5.The advantages of family planning more than compensate for the disadvantages.
  6.Claims of gender equality are laced with contradictions. The principal fallacy centers on the workplace and concept of equal pay for equal work. Another, but no less important, aspect revolves around the entry of women into top management positions.
  7.Both limitations and problems will quite likely be encountered during the ongoing transition to the market economy. For one thing, urgent measures are required to resolve problems involving state-owned enterprises. Another thorny issue involves controlling inflation in the face of emerging market forces.
  8.Will the Three Gorges Project prove to be a monumental achievement or nothing more than a giant fiasco? Opposition voices point to drawbacks such as the massive cost of the project, the need to relocate millions of local residents and destruction of the unique natural environment. Supporters, on the other hand, contend that the advantages-i.e. improved flood control, increased power generation capacity and desirable impact on economic development in related areas -will far outweigh the disadvantages. Time will tell and history will judge the wisdom of the project.
  9.Nothing approaches the love of a mother for her child.
  10.Few scientific and technological achievements equal the success of landing men on the moon.


1.Claiming something is true misses the point, while presenting verifiable fact proves its correctness.
  2.Suggesting that one thing …… is better than another thing …… bears no more significance than insinuating that black is better than white.
  3.Ignoring cause and effect is exactly the same thing as failing to look both ways when crossing a busy intersection.
  4.One who advocates the rights of homosexuals should not be surprised by the belligerent stance of opposition forces.
  5.The greatest problem with political and religious zealots is their total inability to consider the views of others.
  6.The basic stumbling block to global peace rests with the self-serving ambitions of many nations.
  7.The overemphasis on one particular aspect of a problem often obscures the relevance of other issues.
  8.Any presumption that smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous.
  9.The fallacies of many arguments are quite obvious.
  10.Arbitrarily dismissing the direct link between increasing sexual promiscuity and the rapid spread of sexually transmitted diseases would be foolhardy. An even more foolish mistake would center on denying the need for extensive sex education programs worldwide.


1.Chances are that man will eventually land on Mars.
  2.The likelihood for peace in the Middle East remains questionable.
  3.The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear.
  4.It is perhaps more accurate to consider the family as a blanket of security, rather than a cloak of bondage.
  5.While generalizations are dangerous, it is quite safe to present solid evidence.
  6.It seems almost certain that China will achieve this year's economic growth targets.
  7.Reaching this year's growth targets is almost a certainty.
  8.The urgency of the situation makes it necessary to reiterate the monumental problemsof population growth.
  9.A recent study revealed the surprising fact that many students pass examinations by relying on nothing more than rote memorization. It is horrifying to think that students graduate without a thorough understanding of the subject matter.
  10.Needless to say, advertising sells products. Where would we be without it? Shelves would be empty, consumers would have few choices and products information would disappear.


1.There is undoubtedly an element of truth in assertions that capital punishment is necessary, but proponents seem to ignore the fact that the practice has failed to deter heinous crimes.
  2.Many people assume that the extinction of a plant or animal species is of little consequence. Careful examination, however, reveals that the extinction of any one species disrupts the food chain, and the loss of a plant species leads to the disappearance of a key ingredient which might yield a cure for cancer.
  3.At first glance, the characteristics of Bugs BUnny seem comical. However, a closer examination reveals the cartoon character never creates a problem, and instead simply hopes for quiet and peaceful life. This suggests that cartoons most often teach children the difference between good and evil.
  4.Logically, calls for a New World Order sound valid, and I whole-heartedly agree with some points, but the absurdity arises when considering that the world's 200-odd nations have diverse agendas when it comes to development and diplomacy.
  5.In spite of claims to the contrary, it is common knowledge that corporal punishment most often has the exact opposite affect intended.
  6.We were brought up to believe that the role of a man was to provide and the role of a woman was to care for the household and family. Today, however, role reversal is becoming increasingly commonplace.
  7.Some people tend to tenaciously cling to the misguided concept of racial superioritty. Their persistence in doing so, however, does readily reveal the inferior mentality andsocial incompatibility of certain human beings.
  8.Some people claim the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) far exceeds that of Western-style pharmaceuticals. More often than not, however, the exact opposite is true.
  9.Workers commonly complain that causes for labor disputes rest solely on the shoulders of management. Quite likely the opposite is true.
  10.There are those who claim that competition brings out the best in people. Others contend it simply forces one person to prove he/she is better than another. Advocates vociferously support one position or the other. I suggest the former proposition bears greater relevance than the latter.

