

时间:2021-09-08 05:01:32 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】努力的苦读,就为这一刻啰!把你的实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福、祈祷,相信你会考出满意的成绩,榜上有名喔!下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  seeding employment in u.k.


  As can be seen clearly from the graph, the difference in the numbers of people working in thethree major employment sectors in the u.k. economy in the early 1980s was relatively small, with about 4 million workers in engineering, 5 million in agriculture and 5.5 million in theservice industries.

  However, the period 1980-1990 saw significant changes in the relative sizes of these threeemployment sectors. there was a rapid decline in employment in agriculture, with the numberof workers dropping by more than 80%. On the other, employment oppor tunities in the serviceindustries increased sharply, especially after 1986, whereas the engineering sectorexperienced a gradual but constant decline.

  Trends in the above graph clearly indicate that the service industries will continue to employthe largest number of people at least for the next few years, while the engineering sector willneed somewhat fewer workers in the next decade. On the whole, the total number ofemployment offered in these three sectors was much smaller than ten years before and theredoesn't seem to be any likelihood for improvement in the near future. So, students who aregoing to graduate soon may need to prepare to seek employment elsewhere.


  Choose a Particuler Brand for Children


  You have been asked to recommend a particular brand of bread for use in elementaryschools in a small city. Which of the four brands of bread described in the chart would yourecommend? Support your choice with information from the chart below.

  Which brand of bread is the most suitable for elementary school children? Before we makethe choice, there are three things we need to take into account: taste, nutrition and cost.

  Among the three, I believe nutrition is the most important. Children in elementary schoolsare at an age when their bodies are growing rapidly. Malnutrition will certainly hinder theirbodies from growing, and poor health will often result in poor learning. Taste is also importantbecause tasty bread can help stimulate children's appetite. Children will not like to eat poor-tasting bread regardless of its level of nutrition. A good appetite guarantees sufficientnutrition.

  Therefore, I will certainly recommend Brand A, because both its nutrition and taste are verygood.

  Neither Brand C nor Brand D is a good choice because the former has a very good nutritionalrating but not a good taste; while the latter has an excellent taste but only a fair nutritionalrating.

  Being less nutritional and tasteful, Brand B is not as good a choice as Brand A, despite theirsimilar costs. So, that leaves only Brand A. It is true that Brand A has the highest price, but Ibelieve that most of the schools would not really mind paying a little bit more money for schoolchildren's better health.


  living in a large modern city or in the country?

  喜欢居住在大城市, 或喜欢居住在乡村

  "avoid the rush-hours" must be the slogan of large cities the world over. whe rever you go, especially at week-ends or on holidays, you'll find that the tr ains a re packed, streets crowded, buses queued, restaurant tables shared. moreover, the smallest unforeseen event like a power-cut, an exceptionally heavy snowfall or rainfall can bring about conditions of utterinconvenience and chaos.

  city-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. theylose touch with nature and all the simple, good things of life like sunshine and f resh air atapremium . tall buildings block out the sun. traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere. the flow oftraffic goes on unceasingly and the noise never stops.

  the funny thing about it all in a large modern city is that you pay dearly for the "privilege" ofliving. the demand for accommodation is so great that it is of ten impossible for ordinarypeople to buy a house/flat of their own. furthermore, the cost of living is very high. just abouteve rything you buy is likely to be more expensive than it would be in the country.

  in addition, city-dwellers live under constant threat. the crime rate in most cities is very high. houses are often burgled. cities breed crime and violence and are full of places you would beafr aid to visit at night. if you think about it, they are not really fit to live in at all. can anyonereally doubt that the country is what man was born for and where he truly belongs?

