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【#四六级考试# 导语】考试装备别忘带,证件和笔提前揣;防止堵车提早走,时间充裕不犯愁;注意休息多放松,按时睡觉书莫碰;决战考试你,金榜题名创辉煌!®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  英语六级听力常考范文:Football Team’s Only Game Was Drugs

  1.Where were the drug traffickers arrested? In ... of Cadiz.

  2.What did the 10 men wear when they were arrested? ... and ... kit .

  3.Where did the fake football members hide the drugs? ...

  They looked like a real football team — with snarling coach included. But the 10 men arrested at the weekend in Spain’s southern province of Cadiz were not going to play a match, despite their yellow and blue kit. They were drug traffickers who used their footballs, knapsacks and club strips, emblazoned with the team name of a local town, Guillen Moreno CF, as a ruse to fool border police as they passed from the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, in North Africa, to Algeciras, on the southern Spanish mainland, a police spokesman in Cadiz said. The fake team would usually cross the Straits of Gibraltar into the province of Cadiz on Saturday afternoons with the hash tucked beneath their jerseys and stage a drama to enhance their credibility before border agents. The supposed manager, 49, would carry a roster in his hand and continuously bark at the young men “Everybody pay attention, everybody stay right here!” and “Come on, follow me!”. The players would cross back to Ceuta on Sundays after the fictional match and actual drug sales in Spain. Police do not know how long the fake season lasted before a tip spurred an investigation. The game ended when officers stopped their cars in Cadiz and found a total of 16kg of hash hidden beneath the men’s strips in little pellets taped to their bodies.


  Face and Fortune

  1.Who persuaded the speaker to take some new photogrphs? Her ...

  2.What could be destroyed if the women erased the imprint of age? The imprint of ...

  3.How did the speaker deal with the photographs in the end? She ...

  Recently, at the instigation of my publisher, I had some photographs taken. I do not enjoy the process of being photographed. However, after I compared the new photograph with one taken twenty-five years ago, my feminine vanity suffered. My first instinct was to have the prints “touched up”. As I thoughtfully considered the photographs, I knew that a still more important principle was involved. A quarter century of living should put a great deal into a woman’s face besides a few wrinkles and some unwelcome folds around the chin. In that length of time she has become intimately acquainted with pain and pleasure, joy and sorrow, life and death. She has struggled and survived, failed and succeeded. She has lost and regained faith. And, as a result, she would be wiser, gentler, more patient and more tolerant than she was when she was young. Her sense of humor should have mellowed, her outlook should have widened, and her sympathies should have deepened. And all this should show. If she tries to erase the imprint of age, she runs the risk of destroying, at the same time, the imprint of experience and character. I know I am more experienced than I was a quarter century ago and I hope I have more character. I released the pictures as they were.


  Australia- the second Fattest Country

  1.Which country is the first fattest nation in the world? ...

  2.What is the widely-held image of Australians like? They are ...

  3.What is the reason for the increasing number of obese Australians in the past decade? A sedentary lifestyle and ...

  Forget fit, tanned and sporty ?the new generation of Australians is fast becoming fat, pale and lazy. A love of junk food, television and computer games has sent the country's waistline ballooning, with Australians weighing in as the world's second fattest nation after the United States. Rather than hitting the beaches, thousands of young Aussies are heading for the couch with a bag of popcorn, with one child in every four classified as overweight or obese. The trend is squashing the widely-held image of Australians being sun-bronzed and superfit. "The rate of obesity, particularly among children, seems to be going up faster in Australia than anywhere else in the world, but we don't know why," said Dr Peter Williams, president of the Dietitians Association of Australia. Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, estimate 60 percent of men, 50 percent of women and 25 percent of children are overweight or obese ?a huge jump from five percent in the 1960s. A sedentary lifestyle and a changing diet has doubled the number of obese Australians and trebled the army of fat children in the past decade, pushing direct health costs related to childhood obesity to about A million (294 million pounds) a year. Data shows childhood obesity in Australia is rising at the rate of one percent a year, a trend which suggests half of all young Australians will be overweight by 2025. Australia's rapid weight gain has health agencies and state governments racing to find ways to encourage people to get on their feet and shed some kilograms ?while sending the weight-loss industry skipping to the bank, pocketing A billion a year.

