开发实习生 Job Requirements: Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science or equivalent Can work at least 3 days per week, commit 6-12 month internship. Strong programming skills and knowledge in Java and Oracle/MySQL database application development. Experience in Scala or Python is preferred. Experience in NoSQL databases (Redis, Cassandra, HBase, etc..) is preferred. Experience in web UI design and skills of JQuery, Bootstraps, Reactive, etc. is preferred. Experience in open source frameworks and tools in Hadoop eco-system is preferred.
HR Intern—新媒体运营方向 岗位要求: 扎实的文字功底,较强的文字创意水平 摄影、摄像及后期处理能力: 如Photoshop/Dreamweaver等相关软件 相关新媒体运营经验:如H5,有独立运营微信经验优先考虑 良好的沟通技巧;聪明、靠谱、有创意;积极、主动、有耐心! 每周能保证至少3天的实习时间,能长期实习者优先 新闻、传媒等相关专业优先考虑,男女不限哦~
Cloud Intern Solid Java core knowledge Python skills are advantage At least 3 days per week for about 6 months working in the office. Above that is great.
QA Intern ·对Java编程有深刻理解 ·熟悉网页开发语言,如html,css,javascript ·扎实的MySQL数据库经验 ·对测试工具 (如Selenium、Webdriver、JMeter)有经验者优先 ·英语读写能力 ·每周工作至少3天,可以实习半年 ·有出国打算的学生优先
BD Intern 出色的英文读写 有一定的数据分析能力 非常熟悉POWERPOINT,EXCEL 善于沟通 本科在读或研究生在读
德语翻译实习生 Required Skill set: 1. Proficient in both German and English. 2. Smart and quick learning. 3. Interested in e-commerce and passionate in learning new things Additional Requirements: Be able to work at least 3-4 days per week.
Traffic Intern Requirements: Master the programming skills. Clear logic thinking to resolve the technical/coding problem. Familiar with the Java application development. Master the web front-end/Web2.0 technology , including J2EE, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax etc. is plus. Present at least 4 days/week in the internship. Strong interest and passion in the variant technology. Studying master degree is plus Consolidated technical knowledge and strong problem resolving skills. Good team player, quick learner and strong execution. Qualified English skills. Background in statistics, metrics and report is plus.
Nudata Intern Required Skill set: 1. Smart and quick learning. 2. Proficient in Java programming. Solid knowledge about data structure and algorithms. 3. Experienced with Rest, Pure SQL development is a plus. 4. MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra is a big plus. 4. Kafka, Storm or other BigData metric store background is a big plus. 6. Master degree and above is preferred. Additional Requirements: Be able to work at least 3/4 days per week. Long term(1 years) internship with eBay, at least 6 months.
Project Assistant Job Requirements - Maintain batch job scripts in Linux SHELL environment. - Work closely with Developers and Business Analysts to setup ETL process with Shell and SAS scripts. - Develop and maintain process flow and job scheduling on Automic (UC4) platform. - Look into data and figure out analytical vision by either pivot table or any other tools. - Basic documentation works, to summarize process flow and make document for team reference. . - Investigate and Troubleshoot data quality issues, ETL batch errors and other QA related issues.
行政管理实习生 职位要求: 行政管理相关专业优先; 每周至少工作4天,持续六个月以上。 2017或2018年本科毕业生或以上; 英语六级水平,熟练掌握Microsoft Office软件; 具有清晰的口头表达能力、良好的沟通能力及协调能力; 性格开朗、认真细致、工作勤奋、责任心强,擅长团队合作。 地点:东海商业中心(8号线大世界站,1、2、8号线人民广场站) 薪资:本科生:175/天(基本工资和餐补) 研究生:185/天(基本工资和餐补) 福利:每天会提供早餐或下午茶,另外还有节日的celebration event和每月一次的集体birthday party。