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  【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语文章,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统。适合各个阶层的人群学习参考。相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“大神”级别的人物!还在等什么?快来加入学习吧!®文档大全网小编与您一起学习进步!



  ● 时间及频度副词:before, frequently, always, usually 等

  ● 地点副词:here, northward, anywhere, above, below 等

  ● 方式副词:rapidly, quickly, clearly, hard, well 等

  ● 程度副词:quite, much, nearly, just, enough, perfectly, only 等

  ● 疑问副词:how, why, when, where 等例:He walked out of the room slowly.

  She looks very beautiful.

  We study English very carefully.

  Even a child can do it better.

  Perhaps she will telephone you tomorrow.


  1. enough:修饰形容词或副词,须置于被修饰词后;而修饰名词时放在修饰词的前面。

  He is old enough to go to school.

  2. too:位于形容词或副词前。

  She is too eager to see me.

  3. very:置于所修饰的形容词、副词前。

  He is very handsome and many girls like to speak with him.

  4. much:修饰动词,形容词及副词比较级。

  The subject has been talked too much.

  Her dress is much more beautiful than mine.

  5. still: “依旧,仍然”用于肯定句、否定句中。

  He still remembers the days they spent together.

  I still can not catch his words.

  6. yet: 位于疑问句末尾时意思是“已经”;用于否定句时意思是“还”。

  Have you emptied the dustbin yet?

  I haven't done that yet.

  7. only: 根据句意灵活运用。(请翻译下面三个句子!)

  Only he can tell you how to do it.

  He can only tell you how to do it.

  He can tell you how to do it only today.

  8. hardly, scarcely, seldom, never本身为否定意义副词,注意使用。

  Hardly had we left the station when it began to rain.


  1. easy: stand easy (= comfortably)

  easily: It can't be solved easily.

  2. clear: The bullet went clear through the window

  (= directly)

  clearly: Clearly, he doesn't know anything about it.

  (= obviously)

  3. high: He can jump very high.(高地)

  highly: We think highly of the good teacher.(高度地)

  4. just: We have just know the news.(刚刚)

  justly: He was justly punished.(公正地)

  5. hard: You must think hard.(努力地)

  hardly: He hardly knows about it.(几乎不)

  6. pretty: He is not pretty sure about it.(非常)

  prettily: The girl is prettily dressed.(漂亮地)

  7. near: He lives near the school.(附近)

  nearly: I nearly missed the bus.(几乎)

  8. late: Don't come late next time.(迟到)

  lately: I haven't read novels lately.(最近)

  9. formally: You should be dressed formally at the meeting.(正式地)

  formerly: Formerly, he was the manager of the company.(以前)

  10. free(免费地)

  freely(自由地)11. most(最)

  mostly(大部分)12. sharp(准时地)


