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Stress is a fact of life but there are a number of ways you can alter your lifestyle to cope better with stress. VideoJug have given you the best tips on how to change your life and reduce stress.   生活中处处充满了压力,但有很多方法能够改变你的生活方式,让你更好地应对压力。Videojug教你几条妙招,改变你的生活,缓解你的压力。   Step 1: Exercise   Pressure and anger releases adrenaline into the body. Physical exercise can reduce this and instead releases "good mood" or "happy" hormones into your brain. You don't have to be a gym fanatic to stay fit and healthy, even just 10 minutes walking 2 to 3 times a day is enough to build stamina. Getting enough exercise will also help you to sleep better.   1.生命在于运动考试大-全国教育类网站(www.Examda。com)   压力和怒火能促使体内肾上腺素含量上升。体育锻炼能够促使大脑内产生“好心情”、“快乐”的激素,将体内的肾上腺素取而代之。你不必成为一个体育迷,只需每天进行2到3次的10分钟散步,就足以保持活力和健康。进行适量的体育锻炼也能促进睡眠。   Step 2: Sleep and Rest   Sleep and rest are essential to survival as your brain won't function properly if it's sleep-deprived. If you start skipping sleep or waking frequently, this has a cumulative effect, and the worry of losing sleep can often cause its own stress. Try getting into a routine of going to bed and waking at the same time for one week and you'll notice the difference. Try meditating in bed for 5 minutes before you fall asleep to help clear your mind.   2.睡眠和休息要充足   如果缺乏睡眠,大脑就不会正常运作。因此,睡眠和休息对我们来说十分重要。如果你开始失眠或者睡不踏实,常常在睡觉时醒来,这是有积累效应的,而担心睡不着常常又会给你造成精神紧张。用一周时间尝试一下,养成一个固定的作息习惯,每天按时睡觉和起床,你就会发现自己的睡眠有所改善的。在睡前试着花5分钟在脑子里盘算些事情,理清自己的思维。   Step 3: Diet   Try not to skip meals. Missing out on food will leave you feeling tired and irritable. Eat smaller meals more frequently to ensure your energy levels remain high. Make sure you have enough vitamin B complex, C and E in your body. These help with mental activity, cell repair and fighting infection. And try to keep your body hydrated with 2.5 litres of water per day. Although this doesn't have to be in one dose!   3.规律饮食   尽量不要该吃饭了不吃饭。不吃饭会让你感到疲倦、易怒。每餐少吃点儿,多吃几顿,保证身体精力充沛。确保摄入足够量的复合维生素B、维生素C、维生素E。这些维生素有助于维持大脑活动、促进细胞修复以及加强免疫。每天喝2.5公升的水,当然,并不需要一次喝完。   Step 4: Alcohol   Don't drown your sorrows at the bottom of a bottle. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to health and behavioural problems. It can cause lack of sleep meaning you won't have adequate rest and your body will not be able to function efficiently. Moderate alcohol consumption however can help to reduce your stress levels whilst also decreasing your chances of developing coronary heart disease.   4.饮酒适量   不要借酒浇愁。饮酒过度可导致健康和行为方面的问题。过多饮酒能引起睡眠不足,这意味着你得不到充分的休息,你的身体机能会减弱。但,适量饮酒有助于减小压力,同时还能降低患冠心病的几率。   Step 5: Caffeine   Steer clear of using caffeine to stay awake. Excessive caffeine consumption, that's around 6 cups of coffee a day, can be harmful as it increases the heart rate, and this combined with the natural increase in heart rate due to stress has the potential to be very dangerous.   5.远离咖啡因   避免用咖啡因使自己保持清醒。过度摄入咖啡因(如每天喝6杯咖啡)是有害的。因为咖啡因能提高人的心率,外加上由压力造成的心率提高,会使人的健康受到潜在的威胁。   Step 6: Smoking   Far from acting as a relaxant and aid for mood control, nicotine dependency acts as an aid for stress. If you're a smoker try using healthy coping strategies instead. Stress can enhance the negative effects of smoking on your body more.   6. 吸烟有害健康   香烟可不能充当缓和剂,也无助于人控制情绪,相反,对尼古丁的依赖性却能增加人的压力。如果你是个烟民,那么去寻找其他缓解压力的方法吧。压力能够加强吸烟对身体造成的负面影响。   Step 7: Social Life   Giving yourself a break from the activity which is stressing you is as good a relaxation tool as any. Make sure you make time to meet up with your friends. Catching up on all the gossip and reminiscing about fun times gone by will take your mind off your anxiety and will calm you down to approach tasks in a cool manner.   7.社交不可少   从给你造成压力的活动中脱离出来,给自己点喘息之机,这是的放松形式。一定要抽出点时间来见见朋友。侃八卦,回忆过去的快乐时光都能让你的大脑摆脱焦虑,让你平静下来,心平气和地工作。   Remember maintaining a healthy lifestyle gives you a head-start on beating stress.   记住,保持健康的生活方式能给你战胜压力的先机。

2016英语六级阅读:缓解压力 解决失眠.doc
