
时间:2023-02-20 00:55:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】2022年北京冬季奥运会共设7个大项,15个分项,109个小项。北京赛区承办所有的冰上项目,延庆赛区承办雪车、雪橇及高山滑雪项目,张家口赛区承办除雪车、雪橇及高山滑雪之外的所有雪上项目。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On February 4, 2022, we ushered in the 24th Winter Olympic Games. As an audience, I watched the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in the national stadium with great excitement, pride and pride.

  This winter Olympic Games was held on time during the epidemic period, which fully reflects the Chinese mission of our party and country, the responsibility of a big country, the unity of the people of the whole country and the importance of state affairs.

  As a medical worker, we should clearly recognize the mission and responsibility on our shoulders, constantly stimulate more high fighting spirit with the Olympic spirit, anti epidemic spirit and fighting spirit, better improve the level, do a good job, serve the people, the cause of safety and medicine, and the prosperity and strength of the country!


  On February 4, 2022, China once again amazed the world. The opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games was finally presented under the spotlight.

  It is obviously different from the style of the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games: there is no roaring gongs and drums, only the elegant and pure ice and jade; There are no hot stars, only ordinary ordinary laymen; There is no uniform group gymnastics for thousands of people, only hundreds of free and brilliant teenagers. The ancient Millennium culture is no longer sharp, but cleverly presented in a way that is easy to understand by the world, which not only reflects the principle of "simplicity, safety and excellence", but also demonstrates deeper cultural confidence.

  The Winter Olympic Games started with the 24 solar terms countdown of our traditional Chinese culture. With each beautiful picture, there are also classical ancient poems: "sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently", "Lotus wind sends fragrance, bamboo dew drops clear sound", "plant a millet in spring and harvest ten thousand seeds in autumn" The change of seasons and the poetry of four seasons are accompanied by the rhythm of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. When the last second is fixed in the "beginning of spring", it indicates a new beginning and new hope in the cycle of time sequence.

  When the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, the ice cube is gradually broken, and the five rings of ice and snow are crystal clear and break out of the ice. The green fluorescent stick is like the grass swaying in the wind, containing vitality. The white dandelion carries hope and flies to the ends of the earth, bringing the seeds of the Olympic Games to all parts of the country and spreading all over the world. After the entrance ceremony, the snowflake shaped guide signs were finally gathered and spliced into a larger snowflake, surrounded by olive branches, symbolizing that countries around the world gathered together like snowflakes, making the new Olympic slogan of "higher, faster, stronger and more united" more popular.

  In watching the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, I was moved several times and proud of our motherland. What excites me most is the flag raising ceremony. In the familiar melodious melody of "I and my motherland" played by the trumpet, a bright five-star red flag entered the field accompanied by 12 teenagers. It was handed down by 200 representatives from all walks of life and finally handed over to the soldiers of the national flag guard. This is a microcosm of the Chinese nation's endless growth and blood transmission over the past few thousand years.

  With the closing of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games, my heart is still surging and my thoughts are myriad. The Olympic Games is not a simple sports competition, but a belief that will never change. As a contemporary primary school student, although we can't win the gold medal for our country like the athletes, and we don't have the opportunity to visit the scene and participate in the service and reception of the Olympic Games, as long as we start now, we can contribute to the Olympic Games. We decorate every corner of the city with civilization, extend the hand of etiquette to welcome visitors from all over the world, carry forward the national spirit and highlight our national culture.

  The 2022 Winter Olympic Games are very Chinese and the world. China and the world, together to the future!


  At 8 p.m. on February 4, 2022, the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympic Games was held in the bird's nest of China's National Stadium. The Olympic flame lit up the Millennium ancient capital Beijing again. According to the arrangement of the school, the whole school watched the opening ceremony of Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games at home on time that night. Students of all grades and classes actively participated in the 2022 Winter Olympics to deepen their understanding and deeply study the Olympic sports spirit.

  With the stunning debut of the 24 solar terms, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games kicked off. From the water and sky of the Yellow River to the bird's nest of welcoming pines, every idea is amazing; From the national flag handed down by ordinary Chinese people to the five-star red flag and the five rings of ice and snow, every feeling is straight to the hearts of the people. "The spring breeze is like a distinguished guest, and it will be prosperous as soon as it arrives". When the Winter Olympic Games open and meet the beginning of spring, what is surging is full of vitality and contains ardent hope. Tonight's opening ceremony of the Winter Olympic Games handed over the "China answer sheet" of the Winter Olympic Games venue empowered by contemporary advanced scientific and technological forces, showing a new picture of the integration and mutual learning between the scientific and technological Olympics and the people's Olympics. It is ethereal and romantic, and every minute is full of Chinese thinking.

  Any large-scale sports event is a moment to showcase the great power of mankind as a community of shared future. Tonight, at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, we feel the majestic and warmth from mankind that we haven't seen for a long time. Everyone in the world has reason to be moved. As Chinese, we can be proud unconditionally. When the national flag was raised from the people to the soldiers, the rolling blood and blurred vision clearly told us that some things are deeply rooted in our blood and deep in our soul.

  The opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics gave students a deeper understanding of the calm, peace and responsibility of the rise of a great power and the Olympic sports spirit. We will exchange views and feelings in the way of talking about our experience and expressing our feelings, and carry forward the positive energy of the new era. The Beijing Winter Olympics not only demonstrated the excellence of ice and snow sports, but also demonstrated the determination and confidence of the whole world to fight the epidemic and work together for the future. The extreme cold often breeds new vitality. In the new year, come on!


  Winter goes and spring comes. In the beginning of everything and the beginning of spring, we usher in the 24th Winter Olympic Games. The relationship between ice and snow and China will open a new chapter!

  When ice and snow meet China, it reflects the Chinese romance of "suddenly like the spring breeze of one night, thousands of trees and pear flowers bloom". "24 solar terms countdown" shows our cultural foundation and outlines the myriad weather of China with infinite colors; "Welcoming pine" fireworks and bird's nest constitute a beautiful Chinese Bonsai. Athletes from all over the world are welcome; Grass roots personnel from all walks of life, representatives of 56 ethnic groups and the people's Liberation Army pass the red flag hand in hand. When the five-star red flag flies high over the bird's nest, which Chinese people will not burst into tears

  When ice and snow meet China, it reflects the intersection of science and technology and aesthetics. The water of the Yellow River gradually condenses into ice to form an ice cube. The history of the Winter Olympic Games is carved on the ice cube with the brush of science and technology. The five Olympic rings broke the ice and rose slowly. Then the athletes enter the field. Each country has a display board in the form of snowflakes, symbolizing that different snowflakes from all over the world gather in Beijing and become a common snowflake of mankind.

  After watching the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics, I deeply felt the prosperity and strength of the motherland and the greatness of the world as a whole. Let's join hands and move towards a better future!


  At the beginning of spring today, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games also officially opened. With the lively music on the field, national leaders of various countries slowly entered the field.

  With the characteristic 24 solar terms countdown, the opening ceremony was officially held. The representatives of 56 nationalities passed the national flag to the flag raising platform hand in hand. Then the moving March of the volunteers sounded on the field. I couldn't help but stand up and sing the national anthem. At this time, bright fireworks were put up over the bird's nest. In this warm atmosphere, athletes from all countries also entered from the Fifth Ring Road. Facing foreign guests, the people outside waved warmly, and the actors in the field also welcomed them with dance.

  Every athlete's face is full of hope and self-confidence. They have worked hard and shed countless sweat and tears. They will shed the blood of youth on the Winter Olympic Games. The Olympic fire in their heart "ignited" the Winter Olympic Games. I admire their spirit of winning glory for the country.

  Bing dwen dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon, I bought the surrounding ice net to celebrate the Winter Olympics.

  Looking at the pure white snowflakes, I lamented the art of the Winter Olympics and wished every athlete an unforgettable "ice and snow fate".

