
时间:2023-02-05 22:47:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会于2022年2月4日至2月20日在中国北京和张家口举行。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  At the beginning of spring today, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games also officially opened. With the lively music on the field, national leaders of various countries slowly entered the field.

  With the characteristic 24 solar terms countdown, the opening ceremony was officially held. The representatives of 56 nationalities passed the national flag to the flag raising platform hand in hand. Then the moving March of the volunteers sounded on the field. I couldn't help but stand up and sing the national anthem. At this time, bright fireworks were put up over the bird's nest. In this warm atmosphere, athletes from all countries also entered from the Fifth Ring Road. Facing foreign guests, the people outside waved warmly, and the actors in the field also welcomed them with dance.

  Every athlete's face is full of hope and self-confidence. They have worked hard and shed countless sweat and tears. They will shed the blood of youth on the Winter Olympic Games. The Olympic fire in their heart "ignited" the Winter Olympic Games. I admire their spirit of winning glory for the country.

  Bing dwen dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon, I bought the surrounding ice net to celebrate the Winter Olympics.

  Looking at the pure white snowflakes, I lamented the art of the Winter Olympics and wished every athlete an unforgettable "ice and snow fate".


  At 8 p.m. on February 4, the Winter Olympic Games held in Beijing bird's nest began! After the countdown, people cheered everywhere.

  Just then, a small grass rose from the ground, swaying in the wind and full of vitality. Fireworks are "in full bloom" outside, and red flags are fluttering in the air.

  Bing dwen dwen, but the Olympic rings appeared. Now, do you know the piers of ice? He is the auspicious figure of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics!

  Each country holds its own national flag and walks into the venue with firm steps. Chinese athletes enter the venue and wear red clothes. If the miracle has color, it must be Chinese red, and the torch in their hands is burning.

  This is so exciting. After continuous training, Chinese athletes finally ushered in the opening of the Winter Olympic Games. These efforts are worth it. Let's cheer for the Chinese players!


  On February 4, 2022, the opening ceremony of the 24th Winter Olympic Games was held at the beginning of spring, the first of the 24 solar terms. It opened at 20:04 and the Chinese team entered at 21:24.

  There are 91 countries participating in the competition. They will appear according to the stroke order of the first character of Chinese characters in countries and regions. Most of the countries in front are small countries, and there are not many people leaving the factory. The team uniforms of each country are customized according to the national flag.

  After waiting for a while, hearing the word "China", I immediately got up in spirit. What I saw was China red. As soon as I appeared, it seemed that the bird's nest was all red. The whole audience cheered. Sure enough, the most burning was China red!

  A total of 387 people entered the Chinese delegation, including 176 athletes, with Gao Tingyu and Zhao Dan as flag bearers.

  I was shocked to see this figure, because there were not many people in the country before, and there were so many people in China. I guess the stronger the country, the more the number.

  Thinking of this, I can't help feeling: how lucky? He was born in China and grew up in a prosperous age. He has no worries about food and clothing without random war. He enjoys living and working in peace and contentment, and the country is peaceful and the people are safe. Thanksgiving to the motherland! Because of the protection of the motherland, we can be carefree, happy and healthy, and wish the motherland prosperity!


  Yesterday, my family and I watched the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and deeply felt the spectacular theme of this opening ceremony "towards the future together".

  In the first program, I was shocked by the grass created by the screen. At that moment, I seemed to be infinitely reduced, flew into the grass, and swam carefree in the green, which made me intoxicated and didn't know the way back.

  In the second program, countless children held high the white dove model and ran and swam on the stage, as if countless white doves were flying in mid air and swam in every corner of the stage. Finally, they gathered in one place to form a heart shape. With the lights out, the program representing peace ended.

  What impresses me most is the process of synthesizing large snowflakes. Countless small snowflakes, with the names of different countries on them, fall from the sky and finally gather together to become a large snowflake. Its purpose is that small forces gather together to become a great force.

  The final Olympic torch is not a huge torch and a raging fire, but a small torch instead, which shows the indomitable and unyielding spirit of the Chinese nation.

  Finally, the opening ceremony ended in a burst of fireworks. Come on, China!


  At 8:00 p.m. on February 4, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games officially kicked off. It takes 14 years from the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games to the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. In 2008, we realized China's Centennial dream of hosting the Olympic Games. Beijing has become a city that has hosted the summer and Winter Olympic Games. We finally waited for this moment, which excited thousands of Chinese children.

  After the Olympic Winter Festival, a bunch of fireworks burst out in the air, and the whole public dandelion city was lit up. Suddenly, a bunch of fireworks burst out in the air after the opening ceremony of the Olympic Winter Festival.

  Next is the entrance of athletes from all over the world. When the last Chinese athlete entered, the audience cheered. For the focus of the whole audience, the bright Chinese Hongli formed a large team of more than 300 athletes. A sense of pride gradually emerged in my heart

  I wish the Olympic athletes of our motherland a complete success in this winter Olympics. I will conclude with the theme slogan of this winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics: to the future together!

