
时间:2023-02-05 20:31:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】不同的雪花汇聚北京,成为一朵人类共同的雪花。北京冬奥会开幕式上这一具有象征意义的暖人画面,生动描绘出了世界各国人民的普遍心声。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Last night, we ushered in the long-awaited opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics. The Winter Olympics is an important opportunity to show the national image, promote national development and inspire the national spirit.

  The preparations for the Winter Olympics are full of clues, showing the style of a big country and doing everything possible. The overall style of the opening ceremony is simple and grand, and the artistic performance is combined with the admission of the delegation. The most impressive part is the "24 solar terms countdown" before the opening ceremony, which combines the countdown with China's traditional 24 solar terms to show "Chinese romance". The entrance of the delegation was also wonderful. Athletes from various countries wore different styles of clothes. As the host of the Winter Olympic Games, the Chinese team came out at the end of the event. There were bursts of cheers on the scene. Watching the long-awaited Chinese team enter with their heads held high, it was really tearful at that moment.


  At 20:00 on February 4, 2022, at the beginning of spring, the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games arrived as scheduled. The whole opening ceremony gave me the overall feeling of "simplicity, safety and brilliance" just as the requirements of our winter Olympic Games.

  From the countdown of the first program "the beginning of spring" to the last program of lighting the Olympic main torch, the overall performance rhythm is moderate and memorable. The content is rich in a lot of innovation. The original tracking technology makes the on-site effect beautiful. What left me the most profound impact was the theme song "snowflake" of the opening ceremony. In the song and live performance, the expression of many concepts such as unity, hope, freedom, purity, ice and snow made me love and agree. I deeply felt the self-confidence, low-key, romantic, pure and structured of the Chinese culture. Finally, I wish the Beijing Winter Olympics a smooth conclusion and good results in the Olympic athletes' competition!


  At the beginning of the Winter Olympics, we counted down to 24 solar terms, leaving the last second to the beginning of spring. At the beginning of spring, everything recovers and is full of vitality. Just as China is now in a new era of vigorous development. Compared with the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games is "simple and wonderful".

  The opening ceremony uses creativity and technology to achieve a full visual effect, turning the performance into a part of the ceremony and connecting it back and forth, so that the whole opening ceremony can be completed at one go, full of ethereal, romantic, modern and scientific feelings. The opening ceremony of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games is based on the concept that every country is a "small snowflake", which stresses the spirit and concept shared by all mankind and the community with a shared future for mankind. To the future together is "we" to the future together. Finally, I hope the Winter Olympics can be successfully completed!


  I watched the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics tonight and felt that it once again showed the unique romance of China to the world incisively and vividly. The last second of the countdown to the solar term falls at the beginning of spring today, followed by the passing of the national flag, which makes people excited.

  The pattern engraved by the laser on the ice cube is fixed in 2022, from which the five rings of ice and snow break through the ice, and the guide signs of various countries are gathered into snowflakes woven from olive branches - the concept of unity runs through the whole opening ceremony from beginning to end, and the arrangement is so exquisite. When the host Chinese delegation came out, a strong sense of pride really welled up in my heart.

  Let's go hand in hand and write a new chapter in building a human community in the future!

