
时间:2024-06-10 02:52:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  【#一年级# 导语】学习英语很艰苦,也充满乐趣,肯定会遇到挫折和失败,只要习惯于挑战失败,就没有什么可以把你击倒。试想一下,有一口流利的英语是什么感觉。好好努力吧,英语很简单的。以下是©文档大全网整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您,提升您孩子的英语水平。


  1. Think and write(想一想,写出下列小写字母的邻居)10%

  1) ___ c ___   2) ___r ___    3) e ___ ___

  4) i ___ ___   5) ___ ___ z

  2. Finish the words (完成下列单词) 15%

  s___a(海洋)  u___b___ell___(伞)  tr___ ___(树)  sw___n___(荡秋千) m___n___e___(猴子)   w___ ___k(走路)   gr___s___(草)

  3.Read and circle (读单词,圈出不同类的词) 10%

  1) A. shirt  B. socks  C. snow  2) A. ice-cream B. cake  C. car

  3) A. tree  B. in   C. under  4) A. bell    B. plane  C. taxi

  5) A. hat   B. wind  C. scarf  6) A. panda   B. pencil  C. bear

  7) A. mother B. father  C. tie   8) A. hand   B. nose  C. bus_小精灵 儿童网

  9) A. milk  B. juice  C. face  10) A. fish   B. bed   C. table

  4. Read and judge(读句子,用“”或“”判断句子内容是否与图片一致)5%

  1) (  ) I see a big elephant.

  2) (  ) May I have a hot dog?

  3) (  ) Don’t climb the tree.

  4) (  ) I go to Shanghai by van.

  5) (  ) I see a long pencil.

  5. Read and choose(选择填空)10%

  1) (  ) There ______ a dog in the room.

  A. am     B. is     C. are

  2) (  ) ______ can you do? I can swim.

  A. What    B. Who   C. Where

  3) (  ) I have two ______ in my pencil-box.

  A. rubber   B. rubbers   C. a rubber

  4) (  ) Don‘t walk ______ the grass.

  A. in     B. under    C. on

  5) (  ) Don’t ______ a bicycle here.

  A. run     B. walk    C. ride

  6) (  ) I see ______ orange on the table.

  A. am     B. an     C. a

  7) (  ) There ______ some books on the bag.

  A. am     B. is     C. are

  8) (  ) It‘s hot. ______ the window, please.

  A. Close    B. Open    C. Sleep

  9) (  ) ______ do you live? I live in Ningbo.

  A. What    B. Who   C. Where

  10) (  ) ______ is your friend? Tom.

  A. What    B. Who   C. Where

  6. Read and fill(选择并填入正确的单词。)5%

  1) I see a ________(pandapandas).

  2) There is some _______(milkmilks) in the bowl.

  3) There is a ________(shirtshirts) on the bed.

  4) There are some ________(boyoys) in the room.

  5) May I have three ________(appleapples)?

  7. Read and fill(选择’a‘或’an‘填入。)5%

  1) I see ______ ice-cream in the picture.

  2) There is ______ star in the tree.

  3) I have ______ umbrella in my hand.

  4) My brother has ______ orange car.

  5) There is ______ old man in the room.

