
时间:2023-10-23 07:41:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

词组解释高频:   Run out of/ would do/ not particularly/a couple of/ pick up/ get over/ on time/ take off/in spite of/ be around/family name, second name, surname, first name, given name, nickname /date of birth/call on sb./ ture for sb/ read through/ flat type/tired of/sick of/book up/a table for/ accompanied by/ out of print, out of work, out of breath, out of fashion, out of sight, out of stock, out of date/ office hours/ feel like doing sth./look forward to/ one-way street/ worn out/ confirm one’s appointment。   听力高频重点词:   Expect/retire-retirement/educate-education/arrange-arrangement/participatein-participant/experience/apply-application/invite-invitation/ resource-resourceful/ afford/be bound to/mean to do/indicate/maintain-maintenance/interrupt/interfere/ Out of…/crime-criminal/exhausted   Over-:overwork/oversleep/overcharge/overdraw/overtake/overcome/overhear/overlook   Make:   1.make sb do sth/ make sb sth。   2.make it。来源:上考试大网校,考试轻松过关   3.make an appointment/make money/ make one’s lives/ make the effort/ make inquiries/ make a successful manage/ make a mess/ make a mistake   Have:have sb do sth。   Get:Get on/ Get through/ Get over/ Get down to/ Get round/around/ Get back to/ Get by/ Get out of   Take:take some books / take drugs & medicines/ take a bus /take an exam/ /take five courses/ take a bath & shower/take a vacation/   take some time to do sth./take over /take up/take on / take (good) care of /take off   Break:Break down/ break in/ break up/ break off/ break out/ break through/   数量词组:   Hundreds of/ thousands of/ millions of/ a great variety of / dozens of/ all kinds of/all sorts of/ a large quantity of/ a great deal of   Stay/look/sound/feel/taste/seem/keep/smell   Suppose/guess/wonder

