

时间:2021-08-09 14:45:33 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】中秋节起源于上古时代,普及于汉代,定型于唐朝初年,盛行于宋朝以后。中秋节是秋季时令习俗的综合,其所包含的节俗因素,大都有古老的渊源。 中秋节以月之圆兆人之团圆,为寄托思念故乡,思念亲人之情,祈盼丰收、幸福,成为丰富多彩、弥足珍贵的文化遗产。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation. I like delicious moon cakes, but I prefer the round moon hanging in the sky.

  The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. After dinner, our family took moon cakes and came to the open space downstairs to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes.

  I picked up the fruit knife and cut the moon cake into 8 small pieces. My father first picked up one and started. I looked at the egg yolk in this moon cake, how like the bright moon in the sky. I looked up at the moon. Sometimes the moon hid behind the clouds and sometimes stood in front of us. How like a naughty child! After a while, the moon was no longer naughty. The moon seems to have become a magician again, and the sky has become a big stage. As soon as the moon waves, all the stars in the sky blink. As soon as the moon waves again, the stars in the sky don't blink... I look at the moon like crazy. I seem to see sister Chang'e on the moon playing games with her astronaut uncle, and the jade rabbit chatting with the satellites in the sky; There are countless lanterns on the moon and all kinds of items... At this time, I can't help thinking of the water tune song head written by the poet Su Shi: people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has cloudy, sunny and round. It's hard to tell.

  Although the Mid Autumn Festival has passed away, as soon as I get to the bright moon, I will think of this beautiful memory.


  September 30, 20XX is China's annual Mid Autumn Festival. My family and I had a special Mid Autumn Festival.

  That morning, my family got up very late and prepared for the evening activities. After a series of preparations, we came to my aunt's house with what we needed to prepare for the evening activities.

  Finally, it was evening. My parents and I worked together to move out the tea table, snacks, drinks and chairs. I think you should understand what we're going to do here? Yes, it's the moon! Soon, we put all the prepared supplies in order, and then pulled my brother and aunt out to enjoy the moon.

  The moon came out, and a round bright moon hung high in the sky, emitting charming brilliance. Different from the sun during the day, if the sun during the day is compared to a kind grandfather, the moon at night is a calm little girl, which is particularly beautiful against the unique mysterious atmosphere at night. At this time, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse. Now there was only one bright moon left in the starry night sky in the past, blooming alone between heaven and earth, with her unique style. There was silence around, as if all things gave their own sky to the bright moon. I can't help thinking of Su Shi's "water melody song head": "when is the bright moon? Ask the blue sky for wine. I don't know what year it is tonight. "

  Although the Mid Autumn Festival has passed, whenever I look at the bright moon, I always recall the scene at that time. This is really an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival!


  "I hope people will be long and beautiful together for thousands of miles." Since ancient times, the bright moon in the sky, covered with a mysterious veil, has been recited by poets and worshipped and danced by people. People have always been full of awe and fantasy about the moon and believe that the moon is a symbol of reunion.

  This year's Mid Autumn Festival, our family gathered at Grandma's house in Datong, Shanxi Province. On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, because my grandpa was on duty, my grandma, my mother, my uncle and my father sat around my grandpa's office and watched the gala. Suddenly, a light flashed out of the window, oh! It's fireworks. I'm so happy that I can't close my mouth. Red, blue, purple... Colorful“ WOW! " How nice! Tonight, fireworks have been blooming for nearly 30 minutes. For a moment, they are like flowers, for a moment, there are colorful "chrysanthemums" all over the night sky, for a moment, the glittering and translucent "stars" rush towards you, and for a moment, there are "colorful mushroom clouds" rising

  When the fireworks were over, the hospital where grandpa was located held a bonfire party. A raging flame was lit in the middle of the yard. Everyone sang and danced around the bonfire, so it was very lively! I also danced "Rabbit Dance" after grandpa... - I'm so happy tonight!

  Tonight's program really filled my eyes and lingered on. When we walked back to the hotel with a happy mood, the round moon also quietly followed us.

  Although the Mid Autumn Festival has been celebrated many times, this time I will never forget it.


  This year's Mid Autumn Festival is coming. My parents and I went back to grandma's house. At Grandma's house, we ate delicious and sweet moon cakes made by grandma herself.

  The custom of eating moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival came down from the late Yuan Dynasty. It is said that at that time, people in the central plains were unwilling to be ruled by the Mongols, and people with lofty ideals wanted to uprise against the Yuan Dynasty. Liu Bowen used three rumors of plague to ask people to buy moon cakes on the Mid Autumn Festival to avoid disaster. After they bought moon cakes and went home, they cut them open. There was a note in it that said "uprising on the 15th night of August," so the people responded one after another, thus overthrowing the Yuan Dynasty at one fell swoop. Moon cakes have become the food of the Mid Autumn Festival.

  In the Mid Autumn Festival, there is also a custom to enjoy the moon at night, so my sister and I enjoy the moon in front of the building on the evening of the 15th. This month is not what we often call a bright full moon. There are clear clouds in the sky, like smoke and fog, blurred in the moonlight. Some people say that the new moon is like a crescent moon, the half moon is like a ladle, and the full moon is like the bright eyes of Xizi. This full moon, like the famous plot, is actually inappropriate to be used on the moon of the Mid Autumn Festival. The proverb says that "clouds cover the moon on August 15". Clouds generate the moon, which is hidden and mysterious. Although the full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is not as good as Xizi's bright eyes, it has a unique flavor. In such a situation, I think of the poem "miss your relatives every festival". Yes, how can people outside not miss their relatives in their hometown?

  The Mid Autumn Festival is also called Mid Autumn Festival or mid autumn festival. The moon less than 15 is rounder than its full moon in a few months, so it is also called "lunar Eve" and "August Festival". On the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival, people are reunited with their families as much as possible, taking the meaning of the double circle of people and months. August 15 is also called the reunion day.

  Send a round cake, offer a round heart, send a round feeling and a round dream. I wish you a happy mid autumn festival.

