

时间:2021-08-30 21:08:35 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】《请党放心,强国有我》节目中,让我们知道祖国从历经磨难到繁荣昌盛的艰险历程,也让我们认识到祖国的繁荣昌盛是离不开党的正确指导和英明带领,所以身为祖国未来的接班人的我们,应该坚定的拥护中国共产党的领导,努力学习发展自身,丰富自己的精神世界,为祖国未来美好的发展做出一份贡献。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  This year is the 100th birthday of our beloved party. When we celebrate the 100th birthday of the party, the program "please rest assured that there is me in a powerful country" also brings us a lot of patriotic deeds and spirit worth learning and paying tribute to in the process of the development of the motherland.

  As the first class of primary and middle school students in the new semester, please rest assured that there is a strong country with me, which has always brought us many thought-provoking stories. Through watching and understanding, we can not only clearly know what difficulties and obstacles our motherland has experienced in the development process, but also broaden our horizons while tasting the program, Let our future growth and learning have more direction and goals. Only in this way can we have a practical and progressive heart of learning at a young age.

  The future of a country depends not only on the construction and development of various fields, but also on a steady stream of young people; Only by constantly cultivating more talents can our motherland be built more and more beautiful. We can have today's prosperous and powerful new China, which is inseparable from the contributions and contributions of generations of Excellent Communist Party members and advanced talents. Therefore, as the successors of the new generation of the motherland, we must learn from the predecessors of the program "please rest assured that there is me in a powerful country", learn from their patriotism, and learn from their spirit of sacrifice for the development of the motherland, regardless of themselves and asking for nothing in return.

  Now maybe we are still very young, our small arms can't lift even the stronger branches, and our small body looks so insignificant; But we will eventually grow up, keep getting higher and stronger, until our arms can support the sky, our bodies can protect people, use our only strength, and constantly make our due contributions to the development of the motherland.

  As the flowers of the future of new China, the historical responsibilities entrusted to us by the times require us to have extraordinary knowledge and abundant physical energy. Let's study hard together, make progress day by day, constantly absorb new knowledge, develop a good body, and constantly leap forward in a better and stronger direction in the eyes of the predecessors of "please rest assured that there is me in a powerful country".


  We also look forward to the party's reassurance that a powerful country has me, and I can learn a lot from it. Please rest assured that it is of great significance for the party to strengthen the country. This is a special class and a class that can draw our attention. The difference between this class and other classes is that it is different from the traditional teaching form. Learning by means of TV media can well grasp everyone's heart. At the same time, it can make us feel more deeply and have a new understanding of the future, Therefore, please rest assured that a powerful country has the meaning and value I want to present to us.

  Watch "please rest assured that a strong country has me". Each issue has a different theme. This year's theme shows that different people have different feelings after watching it. In the face of the rapid passage of time, unconsciously, this year is already a special year. Therefore, this year is also a special year. By watching this program, we can more deeply feel that the Communist Party of China is a great party. Looking back on the party's wind and rain course in the past 100 years, we can feel that without the Communist Party of China, there would be no new China. Therefore, we should all remember the party and support the party. The so-called party and people are united as one and treat the party like our relatives. For the Communist Party of China, we should all learn to be grateful and repay. After all, it is the party that has given us warmth and freedom. It is the party that has created such a peaceful and happy era for us.

  Please rest assured that there is me in a powerful country. For primary and secondary school students across the country, it is a program worthy of watching. Its own significance and value can give our thoughts a new understanding. It can be said that it has well improved our ideological literacy and made our inner feelings fruitful. By watching this issue of "please rest assured that a strong country has me", we can understand that we should cherish our hard won life and time, especially as teenagers, cherish our youth and study hard. In real life, establish correct life values and ideal goals, and move forward actively. In addition, the most important thing is to always maintain ideological awareness, love the party and the motherland, learn to be grateful to the Communist Party of China and take practical actions. Earnestly study scientific and cultural knowledge, improve their abilities in all aspects, make positive efforts to become talents in need of the motherland and the party, and realize their life value.


  Time is in a hurry, as if in the blink of an eye, "please rest assured that there is me in a powerful country".

  2021 is the 100th anniversary of our great Communist Party of China. Therefore, the theme of "please rest assured that there is me in a powerful country" in 2021 is also closely related to our party's Centennial birthday. It not only tells us about all kinds of obstacles and crises experienced by the party since its development, but also makes us understand that in the Centennial journey of the party, There are so many Communist Party members worthy of our respect. It is they who, with their meager body, have paved the immortal cornerstone of stepping on the road to success for our happy and beautiful new China.

  We can have this beautiful and harmonious new life today, which is inseparable from the selfless dedication of our ancestors and the patriotic spirit of millions of Communists who disregard themselves and sacrifice their lives for the country. It is precisely because we share the great dream of building a new China that our motherland can take off and rise in just a few decades and become a powerful China that no one in the world can despise.

  The spirit of the deeds of the revolutionary ancestors should be learned by all our primary and secondary school students. It is precisely because of their selfless dedication that we can turn the tide over the fallen and help the general of the building at the time of the crisis of the motherland; Let our motherland in the face of crisis, our ancestors with their own talent and life, to defend the dignity and honor of the motherland, this is now our peaceful and beautiful new China.

  We should learn from the patriotism of our ancestors, establish a heart of serving the motherland, and find our own future goals. In this way, our future learning can be more directional and more motivated to invest in learning. If we don't have our own goals, we will not only feel confused in our life, but also make our learning process slack, irritability and other weariness, which makes our learning process more effective and difficult to achieve an effective learning effect.

  In 2021, please rest assured that the powerful country has me brought us so many wonderful and interesting programs, which not only let us understand the development history of the motherland, but also to inspire us, give us more direction and motivation for future learning, eliminate our procrastination and luck, and forge a firm love of learning. Everyone should have their own goals and dreams. Let's set the construction of a beautiful new China as our goal and regard the development and construction of the motherland as our learning direction. Only in this way can our learning be more meaningful and our motivation be more sufficient. The road to victory of the motherland is still very far away, We must shoulder the mission of a new generation of young people in the future of new China, come on, study and forge ahead.

