

时间:2021-08-30 21:07:37 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】作为一名新时代的小学生要会合理利用网络为我们的学习、生活服务,更要注意做个文明的小网民,不上不记健康的网,不读不健康的信息,更不能迷于网络游戏。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  Network is the representative of our high technology; Computer is the proof that human beings have entered a new era; The Internet is a convenient communication tool for everyone

  Nowadays, playing games on the Internet is a good way to relax, but I don't want many students to become addicted.

  Take me for example. A while ago, I found a very fun game. I can make friends and have a virtual home. It really makes me happy! As soon as I finished my homework on the weekend, I lay in bed, pulled the mouse, leisurely strolled around the virtual world, took gift bags and pets, and talked with my friends from time to time. Even my mother's voice calling me to eat blew away like a breeze in the ear. When my stomach "cooed" protested, I gradually remembered the word "eat". Turning around, my mother has been watching the cooled food and staring at me for a long time. I smiled as if nothing had happened, quickly picked up chopsticks, sandwiched them between the East and the west, ate the food indiscriminately for three or two, and sat back in front of the computer. I swear I've never had such a quick meal in my life.

  Sometimes my mother advised me, "baby daughter, stop playing and read some books." as soon as I heard that I wanted to put down such a fun game, even if the book was so tempting, I shouted angrily to my mother, "no!" my mother sighed and was disappointed that I couldn't hide in her eyes. I still caught it, but I still turned my head to the computer.

  One day, I strolled in my friend's QQ space and watched a video. There was a speaker standing on the stage in a square. Below, there were many high school students' parents sitting in chairs, while students sat next to their parents. This video is about repaying and thanking parents. The professor's words made the high school students present kneel beside their parents, leaving two lines of crystal tears, vaguely shouting: "Mom, I'm sorry!" Dad, you're tired! "Later, the speaker naturally talked about the problem of Internet addiction:" children, Internet is a tool, not a toy! "Suddenly, I suddenly realized: up to now, I have mistaken the Internet, which can learn a lot of knowledge, as a toy to harm myself! Now, for this unreal toy, my relationship with my mother has become stiff, and even the time to talk well has been occupied by the computer. What's the matter with me! I bit my lips and tried to suppress the cry, but I couldn't stop the burst of tears. Tears flowed down - I finally understood why the child who once had an Internet addiction repented so much. I think I'm lucky because I pulled out the root of the curse before I made a big mistake.

  From then on, I am no longer infatuated with the Internet. I just casually find some small games to play, and stop immediately. I finally branded that sentence deep in my heart: the Internet is a tool, not a toy!


  With the progress of computer technology and the popularization of network, the relationship between computer and everyone has become closer and closer.

  In recent years, the Ministry of education has been advocating the importance of Internet security. Although the Internet is convenient and can find the information we need more quickly, factors threatening information security such as hackers, Trojans, viruses, malicious codes, man-made destruction and all kinds of fraud are also emerging. We often store important information, such as personal data, photos and homework, in storage media such as computers or USB flash disks, and these data become very important assets. Many people will think: my computer has installed anti-virus software, it should be no problem! But the scope is actually quite wide. When the computer is hacked, the following things may happen. Once the website leaks personal or family data. 2. Computer data is lost. Three virus infections. Four credit cards were swiped.

  In order to protect personal assets, we must take the following measures in our daily life: first, we don't have to log out of the computer. Second, be careful in password setting. Three personal data should be prepared. Fourth, the anti-virus software needs to be updated, etc. I hope you should be careful when roaming the Internet.

  Computer is an important tool in modern times. Almost every family has one. It has become as popular as TV. Computer can help us complete many things, help us market goods, and let people at home eat what they want without going out. Computers can help with many trivial things in life. However, although computers have made progress, Security issues have also emerged. There is a network life every day. You should really be careful to avoid the red light on your right to use.

  Although the network is convenient, some people take advantage of the popularity of the network to commit scientific and technological crimes. Sometimes, if they are not careful, black 1 customers may take the opportunity to enter the computer, steal the account number and let the data leak out, and their lives and property may be unsafe. Although the network is convenient, they should be careful when using the computer. When surfing the Internet, don't randomly point and don't open unknown websites, Network security is always cautious. Black customers don't want to enter my computer.

  The convenience and popularization of computers is an important tool in modern life. How to pay attention to safety in using computers is in my hands, and network security is my principle of using computers.


  Network, this candy wrapped in colored paper full of mystery and temptation. This is nothing new for us now. It is our teacher, a communicator between people, a good helper for our study, and the key to our knowledge treasure house. From the network, we can not only quickly understand the information and events around the world, but also learn a lot of knowledge, broaden our "vision" and make us know more and broader knowledge.

  It's good to log in to the website to watch the news, but students, the current websites are not all "green" websites, including some yellow "garbage" websites that used to fish in troubled waters. Whenever you want to log in to a website, you must think carefully and calm down and ask yourself: "what knowledge can you learn from this website? What are the benefits? According to my proposal: you should open the firewall before surfing the Internet every time, because the firewall can resist the invasion of some yellow websites and viruses.

  When it comes to the Internet, we have to talk about online chat. Now many students have their own QQ number. It's unpleasant to use QQ number to chat, communicate and spit with netizens. However, some students use some dirty words to abuse others for fun. He didn't think of the feelings of netizens, which is wrong. At the same time, this is also one of the reasons why screen brushing is prohibited.

  At home and at school, we are good children who keep our word. In the process of talking with netizens, we must keep our word and finish what we promise to netizens as scheduled. It doesn't matter whether a person looks good or not, and it doesn't matter if his family conditions are bad. The most important thing is to learn the beauty of life - trust and trustworthiness. It's the same with netizens. Only by speaking and trustworthiness can we win the net Trust.

  Sometimes, when you are chatting, a letter sent by an unknown person pops up from the desktop. At this time, you must not open it. Because it may be a virus, and the publisher wants to steal your important files when the computer crashes. You must be careful.

  When chatting, if a netizen inadvertently invites you to a certain place, you must act after three, because after all, he is only a netizen, not your "Snow White" or "Prince Charming". He may be your real friend or a villain who does all kinds of evil. You must learn to say "no".

