
时间:2021-08-19 13:14:38 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】时间无形无影,无色无声,在恍惚之间无声溜走,转眼间快乐的暑假面临结束,秋季新学期又开始了,同学们也已经陆续地回校继续上课学习。每年开学季,央视节目《开学第一课》总会如期而至,©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  Today, the teacher asked us to watch the first lesson of school, which is a variety show only once a semester! So I turned on the TV with great expectation and began to watch the first lesson of school in 2021. We turned on the TV and saw the beginning of school! In one column, there is "the first lesson of school", because "the first lesson of school" can only be seen at 8 p.m., so you can start watching it at 8 p.m. after dinner. That's the real live broadcast at that time!

  Finally, it's the beginning of this year's 2021 school year. The theme of the first lesson is ideal to illuminate the future. I still like Kang Hui and SA Beining. After their introduction, I met many heroes, including the winner of the "July 1 Medal", the model of poverty alleviation, the advanced figures in the fight against epidemic diseases, the model of the times, the heroic astronauts, and many other heroes.

  My favorite hero is uncle Liu Boming in Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft. I call him "spaceman", because he is an example in my heart. He has been committed to the cause of the motherland and made great contributions to the motherland. At the same time, uncle Liu Boming said, "our journey has always been a sea of stars." Then my star sea is to learn from uncle Liu Boming and get close to him. One day I can stand in front of uncle Liu Boming and say, I used to be your little fan, so I try to come to you.

  Therefore, I have a clearer direction in my heart, that is to understand what is an example? What should I learn? What should the successor of the motherland do in the future is a qualified successor. When I was a child, I thought that the so-called patriotism was to wash the bright red scarf every week and tie it around my neck meticulously; When the flag raising ceremony was held, the team saluted upright and followed the slowly rising national flag closely; Is singing loudly "Volunteer March", telling yourself and others: "look, I'm patriotic." In fact, patriotism in the real sense is not like this. Patriotism depends on action, good study, hard work and environmental protection. In this way, patriotism has been achieved.

  After reading the first lesson of this semester, I have a new understanding of what is ideal to illuminate the future? As a successor of the new era, we should be more strict with ourselves, do our homework every time, listen to the teacher carefully, do a good job in class, finish our homework after class and study hard. Maybe only in this way can I become a person who can defend my motherland. At the same time, I also thank the first lesson of school, which has always guided me in the direction of progress. I hope I can become a better person.


  At the end of the summer vacation, the school season of September 1, which students have been looking forward to for a long time, comes again. On the day of school opening every year, CCTV channel will broadcast the public welfare program of the first class with the students' school opening. The first class is one of the programs that primary and secondary school students must watch every year. The annual speech theme is broadcast according to the current hot news, This year's hot topic is "ideals illuminate the future". At the same time, we also invited guests such as Zhang Guimei, Li Hongta, Yang Liwei, Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, Tang Hongbo, Gong Lijiao, Yang Qian, Li Yazhong, Peng Jie, Xie Xingchang, he Xiaoli, the graduate education support group of Xiamen University, durhan razini and radir Razi to give us wonderful speeches.

  Tonight, the first chapter of the first lesson of school starts with the theme of "ideal is fire and ignites the revolutionary blood". The story of the guest speech makes me deeply remember. We know from childhood that patriotism is our mission and responsibility, especially as a new generation of youth, we can better prepare for the development of the motherland by establishing our own ideals from childhood. Today, we all live in a peaceful era in which our ancestors sacrificed their lives for the country and worked hard for self-improvement. It is precisely because of the spirit of daring to work hard and hard struggle of our ancestors that we have today's happy life. As students, we should inherit and carry forward their spirit, learn from their good qualities and be like them, Find your own life ideal, fight and pay for your ideal. Nowadays, the performance of patriotism is no longer to die for the country. There are many ways to be patriotic, such as scientists who promote scientific development, teachers who impart knowledge, sanitation workers who protect the environment, and athletes who win glory for the country at the sports meeting, Their fighting spirit is a goal worth learning from.

  After reading the first lesson, I understand that at present, as a student, the most important thing for me is to complete my studies, establish lofty ideal goals, study carefully, constantly strive for the ideal, light up my future for the ideal, and continuously improve my personal knowledge reserve for future scientific development.


  The long summer vacation is over, and it comes to the school season in September. The light wind in September is like a magical danqingmiao hand, splashing a colorful picture. During the school season from January to September every year, the "first class" expected by students also follows. The large-scale public welfare program "first class" is specially designed by CCTV channel for primary and secondary school students. Every year, there are different themes to carry out popular science education for children all over the country. This year's theme is "ideals illuminate the future".

  This year's "the first lesson of school" is different from previous years. This year is the 100th birthday of the party. The program has a class with primary and secondary school students all over the country through the "cloud classroom", which vividly tells the story of the Communist Party of China seeking happiness for the people, rejuvenation for the nation and harmony for the world《 With the theme of "ideal is fire and ignites the revolutionary blood", the first chapter of the first lesson of school tells us the story of a group of young people who pursue their dreams and strive hard to achieve their ideals and win honor for the motherland this summer. Because of the continuous rise and dedication of heroes of Chinese children, they interpret patriotism with their lives, Today, we can live in a happy and peaceful era. Due to the continuous strength of the motherland, the country has closer ties with all countries in the world. As a member of the Chinese nation and a new generation of teenagers, we should grasp the theme of the times. We are the builders of the future of the motherland. We should constantly adapt to the development requirements of the times and establish lofty ideals for the motherland since childhood, While realizing their own ideals, they should care about and defend the fate of the motherland, inherit and carry forward the spirit of bravery and patriotism, and enhance their sense of patriotic responsibility.

  After reading the first lesson of school, I clearly know that we are still in the student stage. At this stage, we should find our ideal goal, constantly strive for this ideal, strive to learn cultural knowledge well in school, improve our moral quality, and prove with practical actions that as students, we can also shoulder our responsibilities for our motherland, Return to the society and the motherland. Let's light up the future together for our ideals.

