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【#英语口语# 导语】对于托福考生而言,流利的口语是我们必须具备的。但是在考试之初,并不是所有的同学都能够达到流利的效果,所以平时还是要多练。以下是®文档大全网整理的托福口语考试题型的模板,欢迎阅读!


  Task 1:

  Personally, I would have to say that, um, the person that I admire most / a valuable possession I want to talk about / the place I would most like to go is ______________.

  And there are a couple of reasons to name. The most important thing is that, you know, ____________________.What’s more, ____________________. So that’s why ____________________.

  Task 2:

  Well, in my opinion, I would definitely agree with the point that, um, ____________________.The first reason that I wanna say is that____________________. More importantly, ____________________. So, uh, that’s why I choose ____________________ for the two reasons listed above.

  Task 3:

  The school has implemented a new policy that________________due to ____________________.

  And the man/woman holds a positive / negative view towards the announcement. The first reason s/he gives is that____________________. And the second one is based on the fact that____________________. Therefore, s/he agrees/disagrees with that opinion.

  Task 4:

  In the lecture, the professor mainly talked about the theory that____________________.

  To reinforce the theory, the professor gave two examples / reasons in his speech. The first one is that____________________. The other one is that____________________.

  And that’s the two examples / reasons the speaker presented to explain his/her idea. (The conclusion is optional. )

  Task 5:

  In this conversation, the man/woman is having a hard time dealing with the problem that ____________________. And the woman/man offers him/her two possible solutions. One is ____________________. The other is ____________________. And if it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, because____________________.

  Task 6:

  In the lecture, the professor provides two examples to illustrate the phenomenon/theory that____________________. The first one is that____________________. Another example is that____________________. And that’s the two examples the speaker presented to explain the theory/phenomenon. (Still, the conclusion is optional. )













  2.答题时宁过勿缺,但如果最后差几秒又实在想不出,则可说:That’saboutit (连读) 3’ OR That’s everything I can say about this topic. 5’


  4.多用习语,口语词,gonna,wanna,thatal = that will,有的词读的短而快,有些则长而慢,注意语音语调的变换。

  5.一开始不要说出绝对数字,而说a few points,这样可以防止说不完。




  9.3,4题中如果多说阅读中的内容会被减分,不要有什么in the reading passage之类的话。



  12.阅读和听力要早答,因为如果慢了则会受到别人口语的干扰。而中间休息的时间则应尽可能的延长,因为如果快了则会在写作时受到别人口语部分的影响。故TOEFL iBT总体应该遵循先快后慢的原则。



  其中一种方法就是所谓的明连接,主要体现在形式上:就是利用because, as, while, if, however, therefore, although, similarly, consequently, nevertheless,first和 second等连词或者副词表达因果,并列和转折等关系。

  另一种方法则是暗连接,主要体现在语义上: 通过使用指示代词、人称代词等对前一句中出现过的内容进行指代,或者对前一句话中出现的关键词进行转述,解释,从而形成自然的承接关系。

  我们看下面一则故事的节选:Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention.


  Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat there. The play was very interesting,but I did not enjoy it. It is because a young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry with them for I could not hear the actors. I turned round and looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention to me.

  托福口语的回答可以看作是一个个的argument,对于连贯性的要求更高。除了句子之间要有联系以外,我们还要注意到段与段之间的联系。通常我们用总分(一个主题,两个分论点,每个分论点后面加例子)的结构来回答。主题句中表明观点后可以加上because,for two reasons 表明和后面两段话的因果关系。

  而两个分论点前面可以用first和second这样的序数词来表示两段的并列关系,也可以在两段之间加上表示递进关系的what‘s more,further more, moreover等词。此外每个分论点的例子要在语义上(暗连接)对于分论点进行支持。


  可信的 reliable trustworthy

  勇敢的 courageous bold dauntless

  果断的 decisive resolute

  谦虚的 modest, humble

  幽默的 humorous

  充满精力的 energetic

  热情的 enthusiastic passionate

  体贴的 thoughtful nice considerate

  勤奋的 diligent industrious studious

  知识渊博的 knowledgeable literate

  进取的 ambitious enterprising aggressive,

  适应能力强的 adaptable

  和蔼可亲的 gentle affable amiable kind easygoing

  节俭的 frugal thrifty, economical prudent

  慷慨的 generous bighearted

  受欢迎的 polular well-liked catchy

  魅力的 charming glamour

  美丽的 beautiful pretty goodlooking

  自私的 selfish self-centered asocial mean

