
时间:2021-11-01 02:50:40 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】“党,是冉冉升起的旭日,驱散黑暗、带来光明,将可爱的中国照亮!党,是高高飘扬的旗帜,昭示信念、指明方向,为可爱的中国领航!”以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Please rest assured that the powerful country has me!

  In November 20XX, I joined the Communist Party of China with honor. I will never forget the solemn oath under the bright red party flag. Today, I am particularly excited and proud to sing an ode to the party here.

  Looking back on the vicissitudes and glory of 100 years, the Communist Party of China has moved from a child to maturity and perfection step by step. 100 years ago, in an obscure corner of Shanghai, the Communist Party of China began to weave a red party flag on a small boat in Nanhu, Jiaxing. Since then, a bright light has been lit on the dark road. Through the unremitting struggle of the Communist Party of China, it has led the people of the whole country from semi colonial and semi feudal old China to an independent new China with the people as the masters of the country, so as to make the Chinese nation stand tall in the east of the world.

  The dust and smoke of history can not cover up the wind and rain of the century. A single spark can start a prairie fire. Countless pioneers have scattered the seeds of hope on the earth, blooming a brilliant red. With a flick of the finger, it goes up and down for thousands of years, bleak and brilliant, disillusionment and regeneration, eternal sadness and immortal pride run through this clear context. This is the process of our party's tenacious pursuit. I often repeat these words in my heart. Every time, my blood is boiling and my love for the motherland is burning in my chest.

  On the surging Yellow Sea and the rolling Yangtze River Estuary, I made a young oath: Although I am not a full Party member, I will strictly demand myself according to the standard of a Communist Party member. Even if I am only a brick, I will build the building of prosperity of the motherland; Even if I'm just a screw, I'm going to lay the track for the nation to glory; Even if I'm just a grass, I'll dedicate my green life to the spring of the motherland!


  You must have heard such a song: "my mother taught me a song, there would be no new China without the Communist Party..." this song flew from my mother's heart and became a song in my mother's and my heart.

  My mother loves singing, and I especially like listening to her singing. I remember when I was a child, I always snuggled up to my mother, quietly listened to her sing "embroidered red flag", listened to her sing "sing a folk song to the party", listened to her sing "party, dear mother"... The beautiful melody echoed in my heart for a long time.

  Listening to my mother's words, I couldn't help but have inexplicable respect for the party. "Without the party, there would be no new China". Finally, I sang the song in my heart.

  Indeed, since the reform and opening up, China has changed too much, the people's living standards have been continuously improved, and the construction of the motherland has changed with each passing day. Take Guizhou, my hometown, for example. It used to be a poor and backward place. But two years ago, my parents and I went back and found that my hometown has really changed, become rich and beautiful. People and motor vehicles shuttle on the roads extending in all directions, small Eucalyptus roads stand, and high-rise buildings are springing up everywhere, exuding the flavor of the times. My uncle's small mud house has become a small foreign building, with TV, refrigerator, air conditioner and stereo. My uncle's two sons have also been admitted to college.

  Who is to blame for all this? Of course, we owe it to the Communist Party of China. Without the party, there would not be a rapidly prosperous and powerful China, a China that even the superpower - the United States is afraid of, and a China that shocked the whole world!

  Please rest assured that the powerful country has me!


  From the continuous great wall to the towering five mountains; From the magnificent Forbidden City to the solemn and vast Tiananmen Square in Beijing... These are owned by our great motherland. We should be proud of them.

  When the invaders trampled on our beautiful mountains and rivers, every Chinese with conscience shed tears on his face and blood in his heart. For the sacred and inviolable motherland, they groped in the dark and fought in humiliation.

  Turning over the long history of 5000 years, I found that the Great Wall, the quintessence of life of the motherland, recorded many vicissitudes and showed such tenacity. It is not only a sign, but also a force, a spirit and a yearning!

  The Oriental lion is no longer sleeping. It has gradually awakened and stepped firmly to the forefront of the world! China, come on!


  What is the motherland? The motherland is the land and people under our feet, every Chinese citizen and our whole Chinese nation. The motherland is our home.

  Where is the motherland? The motherland is right in front of us, in our classroom and on our campus, which is the students, teachers and family we face every day. The rise and fall of the motherland is the responsibility of each and every one of us, which is accumulated by our daily behavior.

  What is the national spirit? The poet Ai Qing wrote, "why do my eyes often contain tears, because I love this land deeply". I think this is an explanation of our national spirit, that is, loving our motherland - patriotism.

  A nation must have its own spirit and a school must have its own style of study. The traditional virtues of our school over the past few years, such as diligence, inquisitiveness, respect for elders and courtesy, reflect the spirit and style of study of the Chinese nation.


  Ah, motherland! A motherland with a history of 5000 years of civilization, an ancient and long-standing motherland, a disaster prone motherland, and a motherland of continuous rejuvenation!

  Chairman Mao commanded the people's soldiers to lay down the people's rivers and mountains. Since Chairman Mao carefully announced at Tiananmen Square that "the Chinese people have stood up from now on", the Communist Party of China has led the people of the whole country to "think of change when they are poor" and "draw the latest and most beautiful pictures" on the ruins of "poverty and white", and an increasingly beautiful picture has been displayed in front of the world and the Chinese people.

  In the spirit of "Yugong moving mountains" and "revolution plus hard work", the motherland holds high the great banner of Mao Zedong thought, relies on itself, works hard, learns from Daqing in industry, Dazhai in agriculture, the people's Liberation Army in the whole country, changes the sky and land, and changes the sun and moon for a new sky in exchange for the spring of the motherland. Food is self-sufficient, steel is up, satellites are up, new China's prestige in the world is higher and higher, and friends are all over the world!

  The motherland has entered the spring of reform and opening up. On the basis of economic recovery, it has entered the track of sound and rapid development. Tibet has opened railways, farmers are duty-free, compulsory education is free, the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games have been successful, and the "Shenqi" has soared. It once again tells the world that this hot land with a population of 1.3 billion is not only smooth, vivid and smiling, but also full of passion Dream and vitality. We have the ability to overcome all kinds of natural disasters, and we have the ability to make our motherland better!


  Please rest assured that the powerful country has me!

  Patriotism is an indelible flag flying over all countries in the world. This flag is even more colorful in China.

  Throughout the long corridor of history, many famous people have a patriotic heart. Yue Fei's loyalty to serve the country, Fan Zhongyan's worry about the world first, and then the joy of the world. Lu You's sorrow doesn't see Kyushu Tong. Huo Qubing's Huns are still alive. Why is home

  It's all the past. Counting the romantic figures still depends on the present. Yes, today our country is moving forward at a speed that attracts the attention of the world. What people see is a country that stands up. At present, we need more patriotic doers to create the brilliance of the motherland.


  There is a song like this: "home is the smallest country, and the country is thousands of families." when I heard this song, I thought: patriotism is loving home. This is my first understanding of "patriotism".

  I have loved reading since I was a child. In the book, I understand that patriotism is loyalty and love for the motherland. We know that in all dynasties, many people with lofty ideals have a strong thought of worrying about the country and the people. Taking state affairs as their own responsibility, they continue to be indomitable in the face of difficulties, defend the motherland and care for the people's livelihood. This valuable spirit has enabled the Chinese nation to survive disasters.

  Now, I study in the picturesque XX experimental primary school. There are teachers and students who love me. They make me feel warm. Not only that, the wonderful classes of teachers and various beneficial collective activities on campus let me study in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. I am very happy. All these are created for me by our motherland. I want to thank our motherland, love our country more, and strive to be a "five good little citizen" under the guidance of teachers, so as to live up to the expectations of teachers.

  When a young man is prosperous, the country is prosperous, and when a young man is strong, the country is strong. Here, I would also like to call on everyone to love our great motherland, study hard today to revitalize China, and contribute their own strength to create a brilliant future of the motherland tomorrow!


  Maybe you like the long history of your motherland; Maybe you like the beautiful mountains and rivers of your motherland; Maybe you like the ancient civilization of your motherland; Maybe you like the vast territory of your motherland. However, what I like most is my colorful motherland.

  Once upon a time, my motherland was black. "Dark clouds are pressing on the city and the city is about to be destroyed", "wind and rain are like rock and dark hometown". Foreign invasion, feudal oppression, my motherland was in dire straits.

  Once upon a time, my motherland was gray. Poverty and backwardness, war aggression, the land of the motherland was filled with war, and the people were homeless and displaced.

  Green mountains can't cover it. After all, it flows eastward. History has finally turned a new page. Today, my motherland is red, that is the color of the five star red flag, is the blood of countless revolutionary martyrs in exchange for our happy life today. When the five-star red flag rises in front of Tiananmen Square, Tiananmen Square becomes a red ocean; When the five-star red flag was raised countless times in the Olympic Games, the hearts of the children of the motherland were full of boiling blood.

  My motherland is also yellow. The yellow skin on the Yangtze River, the Great Wall, Huangshan Mountain, the Yellow River and the loess land has gained golden harvest after golden harvest with hard-working hands;

  My motherland is also green. From urban gardens to green fields, from green military barracks to thousands of mountains and valleys, the motherland is full of hope and vitality everywhere;

  My motherland is also blue, blue sea and blue sky. The sea is wide with fish jumping, and the sky is high with birds flying. With her broad mind, the motherland allows us to give full play to our intelligence and wisdom, and leads us to actively pursue and explore.

  I often can't describe the motherland in my heart. Is it quiet white? Is it noble purple? Or cute pink? However, any color is not enough to show my lovely motherland. My motherland should be colorful.

  Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, who practices dancing in the air? You see, uncle farmers are spreading life and hope everywhere in the green fields of the motherland; The worker's uncle beat the red life in the busy workshop; Scientists also let "Shenqi" travel in space, giving the blue sky more far-reaching exploration.

  Ah, I understand that it is countless Chinese children who have jointly described my colorful motherland with their hard work and sweat.


  "Fifty six constellations, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six groups of brothers and sisters are a family. Fifty six languages come together into one sentence, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love me, love my country..." yes, we can't live without our motherland, we love our motherland.

  We love our mother because she gives us great maternal love; We love our family because it gives us shelter; We love our motherland because it gives us more precious things - without our motherland, there will be no safe place for us; Without the motherland, there will be no human dignity; Without the motherland, there will be no liveliness of our children and peace of our family; Without the motherland, there would be nothing we have!

  The Chinese nation stands like a giant in the east of the world. Students! Looking back, we are full of ambition; In the prime of life, we have a hundred times more confidence; Looking forward to the future, we are full of pride. The vicissitudes of life have left traces, and the prosperous motherland is thriving.


  Here, I ask you, what is the greatest in your heart? I think the answer must be the two words of no choice - motherland!

  The motherland is our immortal mother. She provides us with food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and we can't return. However, as the flower of the motherland and the successor of the times, we should also make a modest contribution to the motherland. Zhan Tianyou once said, "each goes out of what he has learned and does his best to make the country rich and strong, free from foreign aggression, and enough to stand on the earth."

  From every minute to every second, we should work hard, study hard, and become a useful person when we grow up, instead of living on idle food, becoming the burden of the motherland and social progress, and holding back the motherland! In that way, China will become more and more backward, and there is only one final result, that is "destruction"!

  Fan Zhongyan said, "worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later". Only when we become capable people will we not delay the society. Now the world is not happy, we can't be happy. Only when the country is really rich, developed and prosperous, the motherland will be truly "happy".

  Students! Let us start! For the sake of the motherland, be a useful person! Let the humiliation of the past become permanent history!

