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【#英语口语# 导语】托福独立口语对考生的语言组织能力和随机应变的思维灵敏度有较高要求,因此考生在备考中需要重点训练和提升这方面的能力。比较好的训练方法之一就是通过录音对比来发现问题进行提升。以下是©文档大全网整理的新托福口语考场要注重的细节,欢迎阅读!








  我们说:Well begin is half done. 试想大家如果开头的话就乱了阵脚,肯定很泄气。关于准备托福口语模板的问题:托福口语的第一、二题考前练习时尽量覆盖全面的话题,尤其是第一题。之后的题目如果准备好了基本的答题模式,也会让我们在说的时候沉着许多。最关键的时间分配在第一二题上。这两道题本身难度比较小,所以非凡需要注重的就是时间的分配问题,在这45秒钟里,一般用5~6秒完成topic sentence,接下来每一个detail或者example不超过3~4句话的规律完成该话题,也就是说大致20秒完成一个detail或example的表述。建议在准备模板时就按照这样固定的时间进行掐表练习。然后加上平时积累的examples和details,这两道题目就比较容易对付了。











  听、 说、 读、 写、 语法、 词汇这几个部分有很多同学只顾其一不顾其二,想学好一门语言知识背背单词那是不行的,用运用到实际生活中,能听懂、会说会读会写。缺一不可。


  不能只学习我们要把语言用起来,这也是我反复强调的问题。可是如果没有条件找到和你每天说英语的人,我们可以找一些网站,你可以找到一些native speak和你说英语




  1. Parents

  My mother is the person whom I admire most due to her so many good personalities like talented, tolerant and most of all, her spirit of dedication. First of all, she is such a talented person who not only has great achievements in her work, but also can cook delicious food for my dad and me. Furthermore, since she is well-educated, she can tolerate different opinions from varied people. And the most beautiful thing about her is that she has a beautiful mind. Thrifty as she is in the daily life, she saves the money and donates all of them to the people who may need them. The ways she does and thinks make me want to be the person like she is. That is why I think my mother is the person I admire most.

  2. Teacher

  A good teacher should have the following personalities. First of all, a good teacher makes herself available to all students and she knows which students need extra assistance.

  Furthermore, a good teacher is an effective communicator, who knows when she needs to change her communicating techniques to be sure students can grasp instructional

  concepts. What is more, she would show her great ability when her students are making mistakes, she would let them know why they are wrong and how they are going to do to correct them, rather than simply punish them. For most students, a good teacher is also a helper who can lift them to new heights. Just like an old saying goes, " GIVE ME A FISH AND I EAT FOR A DAY, TEACH ME TO FISH AND I EAT FOR A LIFE TIME". This must be a philosophy of every good teacher.

  3. Friends

  A good friend should have the following personalities like trustworthy, helpful and

  positive. First of all, a trustworthy person is someone whom I can rely on especially when I am in difficulty; he/she will be just a phone-call away to get me out of trouble. Secondly, he/she must be someone who can give me some suggestions when I lose my heart. I clearly remember last time I had a bad experience on my job, I was so sad during those period of time and my friend Nana just sat besides me and was such a good listener to support me and inspired me by saying that I deserved a second chance and never pushing myself too hard would be a better choice. After the nice conversation, I happened to realize I overcame those dark days with the encouragement she had given to me. Last, a good friend is someone who is positive. Though we always say “prepare for the worst and hope for the best”, we seldom do it when we face up with the worse situation. At this time, a positive friend has this power to make us believe that it is absolutely right to obey the rule.

  In the end, I would like to quote a famous saying by Aristotle to end up my response. “What is a friend? A single soul in two bodies.”


  托福口语落实到复习战略上大家得具体情况具体分析,一般Task3- Task6的难度比较高,但是对于英语基础一般的或者是初次接触IBT口语试题的托友们来说,先集中进行属于personal reference题型的Task1 和Task2的针对性练习才是上策。


  Choose a place you go to often that is important to you and explain why it is important. Please include specific details in your explanation.


  The most important place to me is library. I like reading very much. In library I can read books I want, novels, science books, even history books. The knowledge I want is prepared to me.


  (1) Original: In library I can read books I want, novels, science books, even history books.

  Revised: In library I can read books I want, such as, novels, science books, even history books.

  这样会使句子过渡衔接地更加自然,此外,such as它非常口语化,在口语中使用正合适,但是在写作中则不要使用为妙。



  其实他还可以从study, rest, date这几个分支来阐述。具体可以这样表述:Sometimes I can study there. Because it is a very quiet place; it is also a good place for me to take a rest. I can relax in the library. As nobody bothers me there; moreover, the library provides a wonderful environment for lovers to have a date.很明显添加这些内容之后,整个陈述就显得很完整了。

